

【作者】 沈鹏

【导师】 熊志勇;

【作者基本信息】 外交学院 , 国际关系, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 自第二次世界大战结束以来,科学技术的进步已使人类的足迹几乎遍布全球,并向地球之外开拓。各国为了保证其社会的稳定发展和繁荣,对各类资源的需求也日益旺盛。于是在本国资源已被大量开发的前提下,各国的目光自然而然地投射到国境之外的一些不久前尚不被重视的区域,即本文所谓的国家主权管辖范围之外的地方。这些区域所蕴藏的资源,是各国关注和争夺这些区域主权或权利的重点之一。例如大陆架的石油资源、南极的矿产和淡水资源、北极部分区域的冰层下的石油和矿产资源、国际海底区域的结核矿资源、外层空间中众多天体的矿产资源以及稀有的空间位置等等。本文综合了上述区域的资源情况,并将研究的焦点放在美国政府的相关决策上。美国作为二战后的世界头号强国,积极参与了国家主权管辖范围外区域事务的国际政治过程,其中当然包括如何分配和管理这些区域的主权和资源问题。美国的政策强烈的影响了这一问题领域的国际政治图景。虽然在这些问题上,美国并没有一套统一的政策和政策规划,但通过历史的分析我们发现,美国在各个独立问题上的决策过程经常受到国际压力和国内压力的双重影响,国内利益集团的诉求通常成为美国最终决策的依据。由于本论文研究范围的广泛性和复杂性,以及类似研究的缺乏性,本论文采用了案例研究的方法。逐一分析了美国在大陆架资源、南极主权和资源、国际海底区域资源以及外层空间资源问题上的四个重要决策案例。在案例研究的基础上,最终试图说明美国政府在本问题领域决策的本质和依据。这有助于包括中国在内的其它国家以及相关国际机构应时而动,寻找政策发展和规范这些国际问题的最好方式和策略。

【Abstract】 Since the end of World War II, the progress of science and technology has made it possible for human being to reach almost every corner of the world and even to explore outer space. To ensure the stability and development of their society, nations ask for more and more supplies of natural resources. As natural resources within their borders have been well developed, nations naturally began to focus on the areas beyond their borders, which are neglected not long ago. These areas are called areas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction by this dissertation.The natural resources contained in these areas are the main cause of the competition for the sovereignty and rights of these areas among nations, such as the oil resources of continental shelf areas, mineral and fresh water resources of Antarctica, oil and mineral resources beneath the ice cap of part of the Arctic areas, manganese nodule resources of international seabed area, mineral resources on celestial bodies and rare positions in outer space, etc..This dissertation generally analyzes the resources issue in these areas and concentrates on the foreign policy decision making of the United States in relation to these resources. As the most powerful country of the world since the end of the Second World War, the US actively participated in the international politics process of the affairs concerning areas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction. Discussions on the management and distribution of the sovereignty and resources of these areas were certainly one of the major concerns. The US policies strongly influenced the international political scenario of this issue area. Although, for the US, there were no unitary policy or policy planning on all these issues, we found, through historical analysis, that the US decision making were often under the two-level pressure from both international and domestic factors with respect to each of the independent issue. But the appeals of various domestic interest groups used to become the root causes of the final US policies.Due to the universality and complexity of this research, as well as the lack of relative researches, this dissertation uses case study method. Four important cases of US decision making, i.e. US decision making on the resources or sovereignty of continental shelf, Antarctica, international seabed area and outer space, are analyzed one by one. On the basis of case study, this dissertation aims at explaining the essence and cause of US decision making in this issue area. It is possible for this research to be helpful for China and other countries and international organizations to find out best ways and measures to manage these international issues and to develop their own policies.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 外交学院
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期
  • 【分类号】D871.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】508