

【作者】 王勇

【导师】 熊志勇;

【作者基本信息】 外交学院 , 国际关系, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 美国特殊的历史经历、地理条件和政治制度,使地方因素成为影响本国外交的重要因素。具体说来,地方政府是美国外交中的重要行为体,地方性的政治派别、利益集团和政治倾向影响着美国外交政策的制定。地方政府是美国外交的重要参与者。美国特殊的历史经历使地方政府具有参与外交事务的传统,宪法中的相关条款和美国的政治制度保障了地方政府对外交事务的参与。地方政府参与到了美国外交中的各个领域,对美国外交产生了不可忽视的影响。具体到中美关系,美国地方政府不但在经济和文化领域与中国交往密切,也介入到了台湾问题、人权问题等敏感的政治领域之中。一般说来,经济和文化领域的参与有助于稳定中美关系的大局,会对中美关系产生积极的影响;而政治领域的参与会对中美关系产生消极的影响,使本已复杂的中美关系更加复杂化。对于地方性的政治派别、利益集团和政治倾向,本文统称为地方势力。地方势力的产生是经济、政治和社会等因素共同作用的结果。在美国外交中,地方势力通过各种渠道,影响国家的外交政策,使之更好地服务于自己代表的地方利益。地方势力间的同盟是美国外交政策演进的基本动力。具体到中美关系,地方势力同样影响着美国对华政策的制定。当地方势力代表的地方利益与中国的国家利益有一致性时,地方势力对中美关系的影响是积极的;相反,当地方势力代表的地方利益与中国的国家利益相冲突时,地方势力往往会对中美关系产生消极的影响。在第二种情况下,如果某个地方势力足够强大,美国的决策者们往往会以牺牲中国的利益和整个中美关系为代价,来满足地方势力的要求。在某种程度上,美国对华政策的出台是国内各地方势力之间斗争与妥协的结果。鉴于美国地方因素对中美关系的重要影响,中国应充分重视美国政治中的地方因素。在此基础上,还应采取更加有效的措施,利用美国的地方因素,来稳定中美关系的大局,维护中国的国家利益。

【Abstract】 Based on the unique historical experiences, geographic conditions and political system of the United States, localities are playing an important role in U.S. foreign affairs. To be more specific, state and local governments are important actors in foreign affairs; local political factions, interest groups and ideologies are influencing American foreign policy.State and local governments are participating in U.S. foreign affairs, which is not only a historical heritage, but guaranteed by the political institution and to some degree, allowed by the constitution. State and local governments’participation covers many fields and influences the whole foreign affairs of the United States. In U.S.-China relations, U.S. state and local governments not only have close economic and cultural connections with China, but intervene in some sensitive political issues, such as Taiwan issue and human rights issue. Generally speaking, Economic and cultural participation can have a positive effect on the bilateral relations, which helps to stabilize the overall relationship; while the intervention in political issues will have a negative effect, which complicates the already complicated bilateral relations.Local factions, interest groups and ideologies are collectively called local forces in this dissertation. Local forces are the combined effect of economic, political and social factors. In foreign affairs, driven by the local interest, local forces try to affect U.S. foreign policy by every possible means. This is true in U.S.-China relations. By affecting America’s China policy, local forces have a doubled-edged effect on the bilateral relations: on a certain issue, when a local force and China have the same demands, the local force’s influence is positive; however, when local force’s demands conflict with that of China, its influence is negative. In the latter situation, if a local force is powerful enough, policy makers of the federal government will usually sacrifice China’s interest and the overall relationship to satisfy the local force. To some degree, America’s China policy is the outcome of the conflict and compromise of different local forces.In view of the localities’important effect on U.S.-China relations, full attention should be paid to the localities in American politics. Further, more effective measures should be taken to make use of the localities’role in stabilizing the bilateral relationship, and to safeguard China’s national interest.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 外交学院
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期
  • 【分类号】D871.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】572