

【作者】 王磊

【导师】 熊志勇;

【作者基本信息】 外交学院 , 国际关系, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文将美国总统论证对外干涉必要性和正义性的话语称为美国外交话语。本文试图以布什论述反恐战争的外交话语(简称布什反恐话语)为例分析美国外交话语中存在的主要话语规范,探寻建构话语规范的社会文化价值观念及现实因素,讨论特定话语规范对美国民众外交偏好的建构。本文所使用的语料主要包括布什在“9.11”之后的公开演讲和2002到2008年的《国情咨文》,尤其是其中布什论述“9.11”与反恐战争联系、恐怖主义根源以及发动伊拉克战争原因的话语。本文使用话语分析的方法来分析美国外交政策。本文首先介绍了话语分析方法基于语言学、哲学,以及国际关系理论之语言学转向的理论基础。接下来建立了分析美国外交话语的理论框架:分析美国外交话语规范;探寻建构该规范的美国社会文化价值观念;讨论话语行为和规范对民众外交偏好的建构。按照这一理论框架,经过对布什反恐话语的语料分析,本文总结出布什反恐话语的三个规范:宗教规范、民主规范和保守规范。宗教规范和民主规范是美国外交话语的主要规范,保守规范是保守派所使用的次级规范。这三种规范都可以在美国社会文化价值观念中找到思想渊源。布什本人的思想倾向赋予了这三种话语规范以个人特色:他使用体现基督教右翼信仰的话语;他把“民主输出”提高到美国国家安全战略目标的高度,并与反恐战争联系在一起;作为保守派,他的话语也体现了新保守派的影响。布什反恐话语的特色也是由当时的社会形势决定的:美国基督教右翼势力兴起;保守思想及新保守派思想影响扩大;基督教右翼与保守派势力相结合。而且,反恐战争,尤其是伊拉克战争,发动的理由并不充分。布什需要借助以上话语规范把反恐战争塑造为:传播“福音”的宗教战争,“输出民主”的战争,消除恐怖主义、维护美国国家安全的战争。布什的反恐话语使用多种语用策略,并且不惜歪曲事实。布什政府还以多种手段操纵媒体;美国媒体出于对布什反恐话语的价值认同以及对利益的追求,也主动配合布什反恐话语的社会运作,不惜发表不实报道。美国媒体的这种报道,印证了反恐话语的规范及主要论述。媒体的独立地位和客观面貌使美国民众易于接受经过媒体报道确认的反恐话语,加深了反恐话语的影响。反恐话语因为基于美国社会文化价值观念,迎合了当时的社会形势,又经过媒体的广泛宣传,有效地影响了美国民众的外交偏好,使反恐战争的发动获得了支持。随着形势的发展,很多美国民众反对反恐战争。但是,反恐话语仍然深刻影响了美国民众对恐怖主义根源和恐怖分子身份的认知。这种认知会对他们的外交偏好产生一定影响。

【Abstract】 This dissertation explores and investigates how George W. Bush illustrates the issues related to terrorism and the War on Terror, in an attempt to build a model which can help to explain the interaction between foreign policy discourse, foreign policy, and American social conceptions.The dissertation defines George W. Bush’s remarks after the "9.11" terrorist attacks as "anti-terrorism discourses", especially those remarks concerning the justification of the War on Terror. The author uses them as an example of foreign policy discourse.Bush’s "anti-terrorism discourses" are deeply rooted in American religious fundamentalism, conservative morality, and the neoconservative world-view. For these reasons they can easily cater to, and manipulate, people’s perceptions of the War on Terror.The American media also plays a major role in promoting Bush’s "anti-terrorism discourses," and convinces people to support Bush’s war. Much of the media have been twisting or otherwise misrepresenting the facts in their reports, especially in the run-up to, and during the early stages of, the war against Iraq.Bush’s "anti-terrorism discourses", and the related propaganda by the media, not only motivated the American people to support the war on terror, but also have had dramatic influence on the American people’s view of the "terrorists" and the roots of terrorism. Thus, it’s reasonable to conclude that even when Bush ends his time in office, the American policy on terrorism will not undergo any significant change.The author considers it legitimate to build a model which shows that those foreign policy discourses, originating from prevailing American perceptions based on culture and religion, have reinforced these perceptions in the process of promoting specific foreign policy.From this model we become aware that American foreign policy discourses don’t always reflect the truth of its foreign policy. Consequently, the perceptions they reflect and reinforce, need to be paid attention to.The methodology used in the dissertation is discourse analysis based on social constructivism and cognition theory. Corpus are built to provide data for the analysis.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 外交学院
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期
  • 【分类号】D871.2
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】944