

Research on Lean Maintenance Technology of Sucker-rod Pumping System

【作者】 李正勤

【导师】 黎洪生;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 有杆泵抽油是油田生产中应用最广泛的采油方式,保证有杆抽油系统的安全和高效运行,从而降低采油设备维护成本,提高石油开采效益,是油田生产努力追求的目标。当前国内外开展了众多针对有杆抽油系统进行运行状态监测分析和诊断的研究,然而仅在技术层面上,单纯依赖各种故障监测诊断技术仍不足以实现有杆抽油系统的高效运行。按照系统论的观点,有杆抽油系统的高效可靠运行,实际上是抽油机和抽油泵、油井、工作环境以及操作人员之间连续不断作用的结果。因此,在故障机理分析和故障识别诊断技术的基础上,借鉴国外先进的设备维护和管理理论,从系统高度对有杆抽油系统的维护管理进行研究,进而实施优化的故障控制决策,从事后维修走向预知维修,是降低有杆抽油系统维护成本、提高其可靠性和产出效益的最佳途径。论文以有杆抽油系统的维护管理为中心,引进近年来欧美等国提出的精益维修的思想,研究了精益维修技术体系架构及其在有杆抽油系统中的应用,研究了有杆抽油系统故障识别、故障诊断和故障控制的若干理论和技术,并开发了有杆抽油系统精益维修管理信息系统。论文主要的研究工作及成果体现在以下几个方面:(1)提出了一种精益维修技术体系架构。该体系架构以价值流分析技术为基础,将精益维修技术分为设备维护决策、现场管理和计算机信息技术三个层面,是对现有理论框架的裁剪和扩充,其成果适用于大多数设备的维护管理。(2)构建了有杆抽油系统的精益维修技术体系。该体系以有杆抽油系统的精益维修管理为核心,以有杆抽油系统常见的故障监测技术、故障诊断技术和故障控制策略及信息技术为基础,是较为全面的有杆抽油系统维护管理方案。(3)研究了有杆抽油系统的故障识别技术。针对有杆抽油设备示功图的特点,分别研究了基于傅里叶描述子、基于面积趋势特征分析和基于波动方程求解的示功图故障特征提取技术,并将这些技术应用于有杆抽油设备示功图的识别,积累了大量的实验数据。(4)研究了有杆抽油系统的故障诊断模型。根据有杆抽油系统故障发展的不同趋势和特征,把基于神经网络技术的示功图定量诊断模型和基于趋势分析技术的定性故障诊断模型结合起来,并和抽油机生产动态控制图相互验证,提高了有杆抽油系统故障诊断的准确性。(5)研究了有杆抽油系统的故障控制技术。运用精益维修理论中的价值流分析技术、故障源分析技术,对有杆抽油系统常见故障的控制策略进行了深入研究,提出了针对空抽、结蜡、油管断裂等故障的具体的控制策略,避免了一些常见故障的重复发生,有效地降低了抽油设备的维护成本。在上述研究的基础上,还开发了有杆抽油系统精益维修信息管理系统,为有杆抽油系统精益维修理论及技术的应用提供了信息平台。论文的研究成果,不仅丰富了油田设备维护管理理论,而且为实现有杆抽油系统的高效可靠运行提供了相应的理论支持和技术工具。

【Abstract】 Rod pumping system is most widely used in oil production, and its safely, reliably and efficiently running is a long-term task to oil industry for the purpose of high benifit-cost ratio. Many researches on condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of rod pumping system have been carried out, yet it is not enough to reach the target. From system perspective, the working of rod pumping system depends on complex interactions between rod pumping unit, oil pump, oil well, working environment and operation workers. In this sense, it is necessary to introduce some newly developed maintenance theories, which will be systematic and practical to the maintenance of rod pumping system, with the aid of fault analysis and fault diagnosis technology. This may lead to optimal fault control strategy, changing from breakdown maintenance to preventive maintenance, and reach the target of low maintenance cost and high production efficiency.The research focouses on the maintenance and management of the sucker-rod oil pumping system. For this purpose, a new concept "Lean Maintenance" proposed in recent years is introduced; a Lean Maintenance frame is put forward and applied to rod pumping system; some theories and technologies such as fault analysis, fault diaonosis and fault control strategy and their applications are studied; the Lean Maintenance Management Information System for rod pumping system is developed. The main works of the research are as follows.Firstly, a new Lean Maintenance technology frame is put forward. In this frame, all the maintenane technologies are classified into three layers, which is the equipment maintenance decision-making technology, site management theory and computer information technology, and it is an extended subset of the existing frame, and can be appied to the maintenance of most equipment.Secondly, the sucker-rod oil pumping system’s Lean Maintenance technology frame is constructed, which is a all-around solution for maintenance of sucker-rod oil pumping system, with condition monitoring technology, fault diagnostic technology and fault control strategy technology as its base.Thirdly, three types of fault feature extraction technology as Fourier Descriptor method, area change trend analysis method and wave equation method are studied and applied to indicator diagram analysis, and there are large amount of experimental data acquired.Fourthly, an integrated fault diagnostic model is designed, which combines quantitative diagnosis of indicator diagram based on artificial NN and qualitative diagnosis based on Trend Analysis. The diagnostic results can also be validated mutually with production dynamic control map. The model helps to improve the diagnostic veracity.Fifthly, some fault control strategies are proposed on the study of value stream analysis technology and fault root cause analysis technology, and this will reduce fault’s happening repeatly and lower the maintenance cost.Besides the above works, a Lean Maintenance information system for rod pumping is developed. All the research works will not only enrich oil well’s production maintenance management theory, but also provide technological tools for oil well’s safe production and economic, efficient running.
