

Researches on Optimal Allocation and Performance Appraisal of the Assets of Administrative Institutions in China

【作者】 王彪

【导师】 陈磊;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 我国的国有资产一般被划分为企业经营性资产、行政事业性资产(或行政事业性资产)和自然资源性资产三大类,其中行政事业性资产是经济社会发展、政府履行职能、国家政权建设不可缺少的物质基础。随着社会主义市场经济体制和公共财政制度的建立与完善,行政事业性资产总量规模不断扩大且增速明显,加强对这部分国有资产管理的研究是贯彻落实科学发展观、构建和谐社会、建设低成本高质量服务型政府的迫切需要。本研究以提高行政事业性资产使用效率最大化为研究目的,以行政事业性资产优化配置与运行绩效评价为研究重点,以构建行政事业性资产优化配置与运行管理体系为研究目标,综合运用运筹学、公共管理学、计量经济学、制度经济学等相关学科理论,以定性与定量研究相结合、理论与实践相结合等研究方法,通过规范分析、理论模型建立和实证研究,积极探索建立与我国社会主义市场经济体制相适应的行政事业性资产管理体制和运行机制。首先,本论文分析了我国行政事业性资产的历史形成、理论基础和现实状况,对国外行政事业性资产的管理模式进行了比较分析,对行政事业性资产的优化配置和绩效评价问题进行了深入分析。其次,从行政事业性资产优化配置的角度出发,运用模糊线性规划方法,构建了行政事业性资产的规模优化模型;运用数据包络分析方法,构建了行政事业性资产的结构优化模型,提出了规模优化和结构优化是行政事业性资产优化配置的核心问题和重要途径。再次,从行政事业性资产运行管理的角度出发,运用模糊多层次综合评价方法,构建了行政事业性资产的绩效评价指标体系,提出了对行政事业性资产的绩效评价是资产运行管理的重要内容和关键环节。最后,结合山东省的实证研究,提出了地方政府行政事业性资产优化配置的思路和原则,构建了行政事业性资产的优化配置与运行管理体系,对行政事业性资产的市场化运营问题进行了探讨,这对当前地方政府进一步加强行政事业性资产管理有着促进和指导作用。

【Abstract】 The state-owned assets in China are usually divided into the following three parts: profitable assets of enterprises, administrative assets, that is, non-profitable state-owned assets and natural resources assets, of which administrative assets are the indispensable material base for the development of economic society, the implementation of government function and the state making. With the foundation and improvement of socialist market economic system and public financial system, the scale of administrative assets is expanding with a remarkable speed. To strengthen the management of state-owned assets becomes an inevitable choice for implementing the Scientific Concept of Development, building a harmonious society, and building a low-cost, high-quality, and service-oriented government.Maximizing the use efficiency of administrative assets is the aim of this study. The optimal allocation and performance appraisal of administrative assets are the important issues of this research. Constructing the supervision and performance system of administrative assets is the research objective of this study. By employing the disciplinary theories of Operational Research, Public Administration, Econometrics, and Institutional Economics, etc., this dissertation has actively explored to establish the management system and functional mechanism of administrative assets compatible with the socialist market economic system. In this study the following methods such as the combination of qualitative and quantitative research, of theory and practice, normative analysis, building of theoretical model and empirical research have been adopted.Firstly, this study has made an analysis on the history, theoretical basis and status quo of administrative assets, made a comparison on management modes of administrative assets between at home and abroad, and also made a deep analysis on the problems of optimal allocation and performance appraisal of administrative assets.Secondly, from the special perspective of optimal allocation of administrative assets, this study has constructed the scale optimal allocation of administrative assets by the method of fuzzy linear programming; and this study has designed the structure optimal allocation of administrative assets by the method of data envelopment analysis. On the basis, this dissertation has brought forward the point that scale optimization and structure optimization are the core problems and approaches of optimal allocation of administrative assets.Thirdly, from the special perspective of operation and management of administrative assets, by the method of fuzzy multi-level comprehensive assessment, this dissertation has formed the index system of performance comprehensive appraisal of administrative assets, and indicated that the implementation of performance appraisal for administrative assets is the important content and key link of operation and management of assets.Finally, this dissertation has put forward the thinking way and principle of optimal allocation of administrative assets in local governments by the empirical study on Shandong Province, has constructed the optimal allocation and operation and management system of administrative assets, and also made an exploration on market operation of administrative assets. This can be a promotion and guidance for the local governments to strengthen the management of administrative assets at present.
