

A Study on the Teaching Strategies of Chemistry Based on the Three-dimensional Objective

【作者】 黄梅

【导师】 宋乃庆; 孔凡哲;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 课程与教学论, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 教育在本质上是实现人生命价值的活动。我国基础教育新课程改革的基本理念是“为了中华民族的复兴,为了每位学生的发展”,新课程改革的要求具体落实在了三维目标的课程要求上,其主题最根本、最集中地表现为对完满人格的培养和追求,重视智力因素与非智力因素全面和谐的发展,强调受教育者在身体、精神、情感、智力等方面的有机统一和个体潜能的开发。化学教育是科学教育,理想的科学教育应该是科学理性与人文精神协调的教育,应该在追求科学之真、善、美的同时,追求人性之完善和对社会之责任。目前,我国新课程改革已经全面展开。从课程改革的实践来看,一线教师缺乏如何整体地实现三维目标的理论与实践的指导,已经成为影响教育教学效果和学生发展的主要因素。从教学研究来看,现有的教学理论尚没有提供如何为整合的三维目标选择教学策略的理论武器,对基于三维目标的化学教学策略研究不足,缺乏对实际教学的导向作用。所以本选题的研究是适应了课程改革和教学实践的需要,具有较重要的理论意义和实践价值。本研究属于基于理论的实证研究,采用从实践到理论再回到实践的研究思路。首先深入教学实践进行调查研究,通过对化学教师进行实地调查、访谈,从教学实践中得到了研究问题;其次通过理论研究,探索三维目标的本质内涵、分类来源以及基于三维目标化学教学策略的理论基础,在理论研究的基础上设计了基于三维目标的化学教学策略,为后面的教学实验提供了理论方法的指导;最后以两个平行教学班的学生为被试进行教学实验,将基于三维目标的化学教学策略应用于教学实践进行验证。本论文由七章组成:第一章:问题提出。本章的主要内容是关于研究缘由、研究意义和研究问题。本章通过对当前化学教师教学策略现状的调查,了解当前新课程改革中教师面临的具体问题与困惑,为本选题寻找到实践的来源;并通过当前政治、经济、文化对教育要求的分析,明晰了新课程改革提出三维目标的要求是具有时代意义的。第二章:文献综述。本章对三维目标以及教学策略的基本概念进行了界定,对化学教学策略的国内外研究现状进行了综述,并对已有研究存在的问题进行了反思和展望。第三章:研究设计。本章主要确定本研究的思路与内容、研究方法,研究对象的选取,研究的信度、效度,资料收集的方法过程,资料的整理与分析过程等内容,并对预研究过程进行了概述。第四章:理论研究。本章深入研究了三维目标的本质和三维目标分类的来源,提出了基于三维目标的化学教学策略的理论基础,并用维尔伯意识谱理论整合了各种理论。第五章:策略研究。本章是理论研究基础上的方法操作指南,首先提出了基于三维目标的化学教学策略,其次对化学课程三维目标如何整体实现进行了研究。第六章:实验研究。通过深入教学实践,进行了基于三维目标的化学教学策略的实验研究和效果验证。第七章:结论与建议。本章我们得出了基于三维目标的化学教学策略的研究总结论,为新课程改革、建设高效课堂和教师的专业发展提出了有益的建议。通过以上研究获得了如下结论:1.从哲学、心理学、教育学的视角论证了三维目标本质上是一种整体的、广义的知识观,它整合了知识的三大属性:客观性、过程性和动力性。2.从理论研究中发现,好的教学策略在于消解人与知识、知识之间、知识与情境之间的边界。在维尔伯意识谱理论的统整下,多种学习理论可以共同构建基于三维目标化学教学策略的理论基础:(1)知识与技能目标——广义知识加工理论;(2)过程与方法目标——情境认知理论;(3)情感态度与价值观目标——人本主义学习理论;(4)综合的教育研究——基于脑的教育研究。3.在理论研究的基础之上,提出了基于三维目标的化学教学策略:(1)“知识与技能”策略:化学知识类型分析、化学知识网络建构、化学知识显现方式和逻辑;(2)“过程与方法”策略:化学教学情境设计、多感官表征学习、化学知识的深加工、实验教学的科学思维引导、首因—近因效应安排;(3)“情感态度与价值观”策略:情感态度策略、价值观教育策略等。4.通过教学实验,证实了三维目标之间的相关性,构建了化学课程三维目标关系图。5.通过教学实验,构建了三维目标与化学教学策略的阵矩匹配关系。6.通过教学实验,验证了基于三维目标的化学教学策略能够显著地促进学生知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观方面的全面发展。本研究的创新点:1.从哲学、心理学、教育学的角度论证了三维目标本质上是一种整体的、广义的知识观。它整合了知识的三大属性:客观性、过程性和动力性。2.用维尔伯意识谱理论整合了广义知识加工理论、情境认知理论、人本主义学习理论、脑的教育研究等多种学习理论,并在这些理论基础之上,提出了基于三维目标的化学教学策略。3.在教学实验中证实了三维目标之间的相关性;构建了化学课程三维目标关系图及三维目标与化学教学策略的阵矩匹配关系;检验了基于三维目标的化学教学策略对促进学生在知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观方面的显著效果。本研究可为新课程化学教学策略提供一些基本的操作方法,也可为基础教育课程改革的新理念在化学课堂教学中的实施提供相应的指导。

【Abstract】 Education, in essence, is a realization of the activities of the value of human life. The basic idea Of China’s new curriculum reform is "for the Chinese nation’s revival, for each student’s development". The new curriculum reform requires implementing the three-dimensional objective in practice. The subject focuses on the cultivating and pursuing of the perfect personality, attaches importance to the harmonious development of intellectual factors and non-intellectual factors, emphasizes on the organic unity of dedicatee’s body spirit, emotion and intellect, as well as individual potential development. Chemical education is the science education, and the ideal science education should be harmonious between science logos and humanist spirit and should be the pursuit of truth, benevolence and beauty, meanwhile, the pursuit of the perfect human nature and social responsibility.At present, the new curriculum reform is in full swing. From the practice of curriculum reform, teachers’ lack of theory and guide on implementing the three-dimensional objective has already become the main factor that impacts the effect of education teaching and student development. From the view of teaching research, current instructional theory can’t offer the theory foundation of teaching strategies for integrated three-dimensional objective, and lack the study on teaching strategies of chemistry based on three-dimensional objective, as well as the effects of guiding and adjusting for practical teaching. Therefore, the selection of this study is to adapt the needs of curriculum reform and teaching in practice, with important theoretical significance and practical value.In this study, the research attributes the study of empirical based on theory, it’s idea is from theory practice to practice and then back to theory. At first, we obtain the research question in practice by carrying out a field investigate, interviewing and taking a questionnaire investigation on teachers. Secondly, through theoretical research, we have explored the essence and connotation of three-dimensional objective as well as the sources of classification, and the theoretical foundation of the teaching strategies of chemistry based on three-dimensional objective. On the basis of theoretical research, the teaching strategies of chemistry based on three-dimensional objective has been formed, which provides a theoretical guidance for the following experimental method. At last, taking students in two parallel classes as subjects, we conduct an instructional experimentation which applies and validates the teaching strategies of chemistry based on three-dimensional objective.The dissertation consists of seven chapters.Chapter one is presentation of questions. The main content in this chapter is about research reason, meaning and problem. Through the investigation of the teaching strategical status of current chemistry teacher, the study finds out the concrete problems and puzzles faced by teachers, searches the practical source for the subject. and analyzes the desire of present police, economy, culture to education, clears era meaning of putting forward of three-dimensional objective in new curriculum reform.Chapter two is literature review. The chapter defines the concepts of three-dimensional objective and teaching strategies, reviews the research status of domestic and international research about teaching strategies of chemistry, and rethinks and looks forward to the existent questions.Chapter three is research design. The main content in this chapter is about research route and content, research method, research object, research reliability and validity, methods and process of collecting data, the process of tidying and analyzing data, and summarizes the prepare research process.Chapter four is theory research. The chapter studies the essence and the sources of the three-dimensional objective profoundly, the theory foundation of teaching strategies of chemistry based on three-dimensional objective, and integrate diversified theories with Wilber consciousness spectrum theotry.Chapter five is strategies research. The chapter is the method guide based on theory foundation. At first, the chapter offers the teaching strategies of chemistry based on three-dimensional objective. Secondly, the chapter studies about how to implement in a whole the three-dimensional objective of chemistry curriculum.Chapter six is experiment research. The study takes an experiment and validates the effect about the teaching strategies of chemistry based on three-dimensional objective in practice.Chapter seven is conclusion and suggestion. This chapter puts forward the summarize conclusion about the teaching strategies of chemistry based on three-dimensional objective, and some useful suggestions about new curriculum reform, the constructing of efficient classroom and teacher’s professional development.The conclusions of the research are as follows:1. From the view of philosophy, psychology and pedagogic, the study demonstrates the nature of three-dimensional objective that is a whole and generalized knowledge concept, integrates the three major attributes of knowledge: objectivity, process, and dynamic.2. From the theory research, the study discovers the good teaching strategies lie to eliminate the boundary between the person and knowledge, knowledge’s and knowledge and situation. That Wilber consciousness spectrum theory can integrate diversified theories, all of which construct the theoretical foundation of strategies based on three-dimensional objective. (1) knowledge and skill- the theory of generalized knowledge processing. (2) process and method- situated cognize theory. (3) emotion attitudes and values- the learning theory of humanism. (4) integrated education- brain-based education study.3. Based on the research of theory, the study put forwards some teaching strategies of chemistry based on three-dimensional objective. (1) knowledge and skill: the analyzing of chemistry knowledge type, the constructing of chemistry knowledge network, the representation and logic of chemical knowledge. (2) process and method: Situated design of chemical teaching, multiple-sense representation learning, the deep processing of chemical knowledge, science thinking guide in experimental teaching, the arrange of primacy-recent effect. (3) emotion attitude and values: the strategies of emotion attitude and value education etc..4. The study verifies the relativity among the three-dimensional objective, and establishes the relation structure of three-dimension objective of chemistry curriculum through the instructional experimentation.5. The study constructs the square matching relation between three-dimensional objective and teaching strategies of chemistry through the instructional experimentation.6. Instructional experimentation shows that the teaching strategies of chemistry based on three-dimensional objective can promote students overall development remarkably in knowledge and skill, process and method, emotion attitude and values.The innovations of this research are as follows:1. From the view of philosophy, psychology and pedagogic respectively, The study demonstrates the nature of three-dimensional objective is a whole and generalized knowledge concept, and it integrates the three major attributes of knowledge: objectivity, process, and dynamic.2. Wilber consciousness spectrum theory integrates these theories’ distillation which includes the theory of generalized knowledge processing, situated cognitive, humanistic learning and brain-based education study, and offers the teaching strategies of chemistry based on three-dimensional objective on the basic of these theories.3. The instructional experiment verifies the relativity of three-dimensional objective, constructs the relation structure of three-dimension objective of chemistry curriculum, and the square matching relation between three-dimension and teaching strategies of chemistry, validates that teaching strategies of chemistry based on three-dimensional objective can promote student’s overall development in knowledge and skill, process and method, emotion attitude and values remarkably.The study can offers some basic operational methods for new curriculum teaching strategies of chemistry, and provides relevant direction for the implementation of foundation education curriculum reform idea in practice of chemistry class.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 01期