

【作者】 陈庆朋

【导师】 廖伯琴;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 课程与教学论, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 我国普通高中课程改革从2004年开始试点已经进行了4年多,高中物理课程标准把课程目标分为知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观,强调了科学探究在物理教学中的地位,新课程教材在设计方面也突出了实验探究的地位,设计了一些新颖的探究实验,这对高中物理实验仪器的配置、教师的实验技能和教学方式提出了新的要求。因此,了解我国高中物理实验教学条件的现状,找出物理实验教学与物理课程标准的要求存在的差距,弄清影响物理实验教学开展的因素也就成为亟需解决问题。作者通过对5个省份的22所学校的实验员和教师的问卷调查、对8所学校学生的问卷调查、和对3所学校的教师和学生访谈,对这些问题进行了较全面的研究,进行了充分细致的分析,研究不局限于整体情况的描述,还对不同类型的学校实验教学情况进行了对比分析。本研究的主要内容和结论如下:1.分析并调查了物理课程标准和三套新课程教材中的实验个数和实验特点,以及这些实验对实验教学仪器的需求,发现学生分组实验变化不大,原有仪器能够满足绝大部分新课程教材中实验的需要,但使用新课程教材也需要一些新的仪器。2.调查结果显示:所有学校都有专用的实验室和仪器室,从教育部制定的实验室配置标准看,有超过1/3的学校没有达到实验室配备标准的要求。但由于各省有不同的标准,既没达到教育部标准也没达到本省标准的学校占22.7%。从实验室需求反馈情况看,认为“很不够用”的学校只占9.1%。3.实验仪器配置情况:(1)从所调查的学校整体情况看,实验仪器平均配备率达75.4%,但分组实验仪器配置情况明显好于演示实验仪器配置情况,如果考虑到分组实验仪器中至少有5种选配仪器,可知城市高中分组实验仪器种类达到教育部仪器配置目录的标准;(2)比较可知,东部、中部、西部三个区域城市中学平均看来仪器配置基本相似,差别不明显。但是同一省份不同类型学校间物理实验教学仪器配置情况差别却很大,这种差别主要体现在城市中学和农村中学之间;(3)从调查结果比较可知,实验区和非实验区同类学校仪器配备差别不大。但对于新课程教材需要增补的仪器,课改实验区的配备情况明显好于非课改实验区;(4)不同配置方案中的仪器配置情况不同,教育部仪器配备目录中的必配仪器配置情况最好,省级增补目录中的仪器配置情况最差。4.从实验开设情况看:(1)实验平均开设率较高,在所调查的49个实验中,平均开设率是78.2%,20个分组实验平均开设率是83.5%;(2)农村中学和城市中学间实验开设情况差别较大,主要表现在分组实验方面,城市中学平均开设率达91.5%,实验个数超过省级考试大纲的要求,与全国考试大纲的要求接近,但农村中学平均开设率只有39%;(3)课改实验区和非课改实验区开设分组实验的情况存在差别,非课改实验区的城市中学平均每个学校开设19.3个分组实验,超过全国考试大纲的要求,课改实验区的12所城市中学平均开设17.8个分组实验,非实验区实验开设个数反而比实验区的开设个数多。分析可知,这主要是实验区有2个模块可以不修,每个选修模块至少有一个分组实验,没选修的模块其实验也就不做了;(4)在调查的49个实验中,课改实验区的12所城市中学平均开设率是80%,非课改实验区平均开设率是78.8%,课改实验区稍高于非课改实验区;(5)东部城市中学、中部城市中学和西部城市中学三者间实验开设情况没有明显差别;(6)实验没开设的2个主要原因是缺少仪器和教材没要求。5.从实验教学过程和实验资源开发利用情况看:(1)实验室的开放是比较薄弱的环节,绝大多数学校只有上实验课时才开放实验室,因此这些学校的学生进行课外实验和小制作的机会很少;(2)绝大多数学校实验教学仪器的利用情况较好,闲置仪器较少,其闲置的原因主要是实验内容与教材无关或仪器陈旧损坏;(3)实验过程基本上是按教材提供的步骤进行,教师对实验过程和教学仪器的研究和改进较少;(4)很多教师不重视对实验结果的评价,学生很少写实验报告;(5)教师对探究性实验的意义已有认识,但还没形成自觉行动。通过比较发现,教师对探究实验性教学的认识以及探究性实验开展情况,课改实验区整体情况好于非课改实验区,这说明课改实验区的的学校教师更好地认识到了探究性实验的意义。6.从学生对实验教学的反馈看:(1)使学生对物理学产生兴趣的主要原因还是物理学内容本身,教学方法和教学手段影响学生学习物理的兴趣,但不是最重要因素。学生最不喜欢的实验是实验现象难以观察的实验;(2)在学生实验过程中从问题的提出、实验方案的设计、实验操作的注意事项、实验数据的处理方法都是在教师的指导下进行,学生自主设计探究的空间较小;(3)在规定的时间内绝大多数学生能完成实验,多数学生能与同学交流实验结果;(4)探究性实验的开设数量较少,即使是探究性实验,学生自主探究的内容也较少;(5)课改实验区与非课改实验区比较,在做过的实验数量、学生交流讨论实验结果、探究性实验开设比例、学生的实验态度四个方面课改实验区稍好于非课改实验区,其他方面没有规律性的差别。

【Abstract】 The senior high school curriculum reform of our country, beginning in 2004, has been carrying out for 4 years. In the physics curriculum standards of senior high school, curriculum objectives consist of knowledge and skills, processes and methods, emotional attitudes and values, which stress the importance of scientific inquiry in physics teaching status. The teaching materials of new curriculum standard are also highlighted the importance of experiment inquiry and design a number of novel instrument, for which some new demands are put forward in the aspect of experiment instrument in the senior high school physics laboratories, experiment skills of teachers and teaching methods. So, some problems are urgently needed to solve, these are to get knowledge of status of physics experiment teaching; to find out the difference of experiment teaching and the requirements of physics curriculum standard; and to know about the factor of affecting physics experiment teaching. Comparing the inadequate of the former study, with the measure of questionnaire investigation and interview to teachers, carried out more comprehensive study and full analysis on these issues. The research is not only to the description of the overall situation, but also compares and analyses the complexion of experiment teaching in different types of school. The follow are the he main contents and conclusions:1. Having Analysied and investgated the numbers of experiment in Physics Curriculum Standard, drawed the following conclusions :Most of the experiments, which are related "Common Senior High Schools Physics Curriculum Standard", could be completed, merely using original experiment instruments, new experiment instruments are needed for new matterials of Physics Curriculum Standard.2. The Status of physics laboratory and preparation room in senior high school: All of schools have laboratory and instrument rooms, but compared with the standards of laboratories promulgated by the Ministry of Education, lots of schools did not meet the standard, that is more than a third schools did not meet the general requirements. However, because these provinces have different standards, there are five schools which neither meet the standards of the Ministry of Education, nor meet the standards of each province. The feedback about needs for laboratory reveals that only two schools are "not enough". 3. Configurations of Instrument:(1) the experimental apparatus for group experiments is obviously better than the demonstration instrument, taking into account the five kinds of choose instrument group experiments, it is considered that the configurations of experimental instrument for group experiments reach the standard of instrument configuration directory of the Ministry of Education; (2) Three city senior high schools of eastern, central and western regions have an average same situation. In the same province between different types of schools, teaching physics experiments are very different, especially, between the city senior high schools and rural snior high schools; (3) There was not much disparity about experiment instrument in experimental and non-experimental area. However, there are better situation of several additional instruments in experimental area than in the non-experimental area; (4) All kinds of configuration directories of experiment instruments is different, there are the best instruments in configuration directories of experiment instruments of the Ministry of Education, and these are the worst in the instrument configuration directory of provinces.4.The situation of carring out experiment: (1) the percent of setting up experiments is high on average. The investigation indicates that 78.2% of the experiments were carried out on average, in the 49 experiments; 83.5% of the experiments were carried out on average,in 20 group experiments; (2) There is much distinction between in rural senior high school and in city senior high school, especially in the aspect of group experiments. In the city senior high school an average of 18.3 group experiments is carried out that is more than the quantity of national physics syllabus in 2000, and more than the quantity of the requirements of examination outline in Shandong Province, also approximates the requirement of the national examination outline, but the average quantity of group experiments in rural carried out is 7.8; (3) There is any distinction about the situation of group experiments between experimental and non-experimental areas. In the non-experiment areas, city senior high schools carry out 19.3 group Experiments on average, more than the quantity of requirement of national examination outline. In the curriculum experiment area, 12 city senior high schools carry out an average of 17.8 group experiments, that proportion is lower than non-experiment areas. It is because that there is at least one experiment each module, these experiments will not, if there is on elective module.; (4) In the curriculum experiment area, 12 city senior high schools carry out an average of 39.2 experiments. In the non-curriculum experiment areas, there are 38.6experiments carry out on average, that is lower than non-experiment areas; (5) In the eastern provinces, city senior high schools carry out 38.9 experiments on average, in central provinces that is38.5, and it is 39.1 in the western provinces, so, there is little distinction between them.; (6) The two main reasons why some experiment did not carry out is lacked of instruments and materials.5.Situation of the utilization of experiment resources: (1) The opening up of the laboratory are relatively weak aspect, so, in these schools, students have few chances to do extra-curricular experiments; (2)Almost all of schools teaching experiment instruments are used, less instrument is not used, the main reason for not used is that these experiment instruments are irrelevant with materials or they are obsolete and damaged; (3) Teachers always experimentalize according to the teaching materials step-by-step, there is no improvement; (4) Most teachers don’t pay attention to the evaluation of experiment result, students merely write expriment report; (5) The teachers have realized some significance of inquiry experiments, but have not begun action consciously. It is found by comparing that it is better in experiment areas than non-experiment areas that teachers recognize significance of inquiry experiment teaching and the situation of carrying out inquiry experiment. It shows that the teachers in experiment areas have recognized the significance of experiment inquiry.6.Situation of questionnaires of Students: (1) The main reasons that students interested in physics are that what the content of physics itself are, not teaching methods and teaching instrument. Most students do not like the experiments that are difficult to observe; (2) In the course of the experiment, problems, experiment design, notice of experiment operation and methods of dealing with experiment data are carried out under the guidance of teacher; students have little chance to design experiment themselves; (3) Majority of students can complete the experiments in the time provided; most students finish the experiment reports independently, the majority of students communicate result of experiment with classmates; (4)Few inquiry experiments are carry out, which students explore every once in a while; (5)It is better in Curricular experiment areas than in Curricular non-experimental areas that how many experiments students have studied, the students take exchange of the results of the experiments, how much proportion of inquiry experiments is carry out, attitude of students on experiment. there is not otherwise orderly difference.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 01期