

Research on the Legal System of Textbook Censor

【作者】 王郢

【导师】 孙霄兵; 宋乃庆;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 课程与教学论, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 人的发展依靠教育,社会发展也依靠教育,教育乃国家必须完成之事业。从教育学的视角看来,教科书是国家课程内容的重要载体,是课程标准规定的文本体现,它不仅是教师设计和实施教学活动的重要依据和参考,更是学生学习的重要凭借和参考;从社会学的视角看来,教科书则是国家机器巩固统治,传递主流价值观念的重要途径。可见,教科书在中小学教育教学中有着不可替代的重要地位,具有重大的教育价值。在教科书多样化政策的背景下,教科书的出版发行已经不再是国定制教材“一统天下”的局面,尤其是在我国第八次基础教育课程改革实施以来,各个版本的中小学教科书如雨后春笋般迅速发展。在这样的背景下,教科书审查作为教科书质量把关和准入的关键环节,对于提高教育质量、促进国民素质发展有重要意义。若审查制度合理合法、科学有效的运作将会大大提升教科书质量,进而提高教育的整体质量;反之,则会造成严重的不良后果。加强教科书审查制度的科学研究,进而促进教科书审查法律制度的建设完善,成为当前教育科学研究中亟待解决的一个问题。在教科书审查的研究中,存在着三种取向,即质量取向、社会学取向和政治取向。目前诸多研究者大多侧重于从超越了社会性的“工艺学”角度对教科书质量的评定和衡量的标准、方法、模式等进行演绎性的描述;从性别差异、女性主义等角度对教科书内容做量化的分析;或是从日常工作体验中提炼一些有关我国教科书审查的体会。从某种意义来说,这些研究忽视了教科书审查自身所具有的“把关”和“准入”的属性以及其结果所特有的官方色彩,将教科书审查片面化了。这些研究缺乏对“教科书审查”的学理性思考,教科书审查的制度建设成为了研究的一种空白地带。在本课题的理论与实践研究中,笔者试图从教育学和社会学的角度出发,涉及教科书审查的多个领域,建立在教育社会学、课程评价学、教科书理论等多种理论基础之上,取向于教科书审查这一教育现象的本身属性和规律,基于我国当前中小学教科书开发和建设的现实背景,探讨教科书审查的理论基础、原则、具体操作方式、程序等内容。本课题具体研究内容分三大部分,共计六章。第一编主要探讨本论文研究的基本概念、已有研究成果及教科书审查的基本理论。首先对本论文的选题意义进行阐述,提出了本研究致力解决的基本问题,选定研究方法。本文主要采用文献研究、田野观察、质化访谈等方法。随后对已有的有关教科书、教科书审查的研究进行了掠影式的简单梳理和述评。再次递进地探讨了教科书、教科书审查、教科书审查法律制度三个基本概念。最后对教科书审查的理论基础进行探讨,教科书审查通过对送审教材的质量把关和政治解读能够完成教育学、社会学所要求的双重使命。教科书审查制度的发展得力于教科书发展中的两对基本矛盾,即教育自由与国家控制的矛盾;学习自由与教科书社会学属性的矛盾。这也是教科书审查发展的内在动力和推手。第二编探讨教科书审查制度的各项具体内容,包括审查原则、审查模式、审查主体、审查方法、审查内容、审查程序等方面。教科书审查可分为完全不审、地方审查和过渡模式,我国实行国家与地方相结合的两级审定模式;教科书审查的主体可以是国家、地方也可以是主体缺失的不审定形态,我国教科书审查的主体分别是全国和地方两级中小学教材审定委员会。教科书审查可以通过审读讨论、通讯审查、展示听证、中介审查等多种方式进行,我国采用分散审查和集中讨论相结合的审查方式;教科书审查主要从质量评价、意识形态应道和特殊群体平衡三个方面进行,具体表现为各国(地区)所制定的教科书审查标准,我国的审查标准充分体现了马克思人的全面发展理论的基本思想;教科书的审查程序一般包括申报送审、资质评定和受理、审查(定)、结果批准和认定等几个环节,我国目前教科书审查实行二审制,注重送审材料的实际使用效果。最后,通过对世界范围内教科书审查制度的梳理和探讨发现,世界教科书审查呈现出钟摆交流、严格审查、形式多样的特点,我国的教科书审查制度具有公平公正、严格把关与积极扶持相结合、注重三性平衡(思想性、可行性和科学性)和更倾向于关注教科书评价等特点。第三编建议部分,主要通过前述研究,充分思考当前世界教科书审查尤其是我国教科书审查制度建设的实际情况,提出一些针对性建议,力图抛砖引玉,对实践有一定的帮助作用。这些建议主要集中在尽快将教科书的管理和审查纳入法制轨道、制定相关法律法规;加强审查队伍建设;扩大审查群体范围,建立各种意见充分表达的渠道;建立审查中介机构;健全问责机制和监督机制;完善教材质量跟踪和提高机制等部分。通过一系列的文献和实证研究,本文对教科书审查及其制度建设的原则、审查模式、审查主体、审查方式、审查内容、审查程序等内容进行了梳理,同时对教科书审查的未来发展趋势加以了展望。立足当前教科书审查制度的分析和探讨基础上又提出了一系列相关建议,为我国的教科书审查及其制度的建设和完善提出了一系列建议。

【Abstract】 Human’s development depends on education, while social’s development also depends on education; Education is the compulsory of an enterprise.When it judges from pedagogy view, textbook is one of the most important carrierof national curriculum content, it’s not on ly help teachers design and implement teaching activities,but also helps students learningn; When it comes to sociological view, textbook is important way confirmating domination. Obviously, textbook has the unreplaceable position in the secondary and elementary school education with significant educational value. Under the background of textbook diversification policy, the publication of textbooks was no longer "monopolizes". Particularly in the New Cur riculum Reformin since the beginning of new century, textbooks of each edition expand rapidly as mushroom, it is also provided the essential condition to the balancing development of our nation. Textbook censor takes important part in the textbook quality check and the admittance. In practice, if the review mechanism runs reasonable and legitimate, the science effective operation will promote the textbook quality greatly; Otherwise, it will then cause serious adverse consequences. Strengthen textbook review mechanism’s scientific research, then the promotion textbook examination legal regime’s construction consummation, becomes a question which in the current science of education research urgently awaits to be solved.In the research of textbook censor, there are three tropisms; they are quality tropism; Sociological tropism and political tropism. Presently, researchers mostly stress on regarding textbook compilation quality and social studies, that’s the evaluation of textbook quality beyond "technology" view or the experiential summing-up on our own textbook censor. These researches neglected the prper attribute of textbook censor, such as "admittance" and "checkout". Textbook censor is simply equated into textbook appraisal. This also becomes the blank region of researches.In the academic and practice research of this dissertation, I attempt to expatiate from both pedagogy and sociological angle, establishes on educational sociology thoey, curriculum-evaluation thoey, textbook theory and so on,and by the background of our current textbook development and construction. These dissertations concrete research content minute three major parts, total six chapters.First arranges mainly discusses basic concept, foregone results and the elementary theory. This article mainly uses methods as literature search, field observation, materialization interview, etc. Then progressively discusses the concepts of textbook, textbook-censoring and textbook-censoring legal regime. Finally carries on the discussion to the textbook examination’s rationale. Econd arranges discusses on actual content of textbook censor mechanism, including principle, pattern, method, content, audit program, etc. Finally, through to the worldwide scale in textbook review mechanism’s combing with the discussion discovery, the world textbook examination presents the clock pendulum exchange, the strict examination, various characteristic, our country’s textbook review mechanism has fair fair, the strict check and supports positively unifies, pays great attention the three characteristics balanced (ideological nature, feasibility and scientific nature) and favors characteristics and so on attention textbook appraisal.Third arranges the suggestion part, mainly through the fore-mentioned research, the full ponder current world textbook examination particularly our country textbook review mechanism construction’s actual situation, proposed that some pointed suggestions, try hard to offer a few ordinary introductory remarks so that others may offer their valuable ideas, has certain help function to the practice. These suggestions mainly concentrate in as soon as possible integrate the textbook management and the examination the legal system track, the formulation related laws and regulations; Strengthens the examination troop construction; The expanded examination community scope, establishes each opinion full expression the channel; Establishment examination Facilitating agency; Perfect accountability mechanism and supervising mechanism; The perfect teaching material quality follow-up and enhances parts and so on mechanism. And through examines and approves committee member’s interview to our country textbook and obtains some consummation textbook examination to the elementary school textbook compilation work field observation the concrete operations suggestion.Through a series of literature and the empirical study, this article to textbook contents and so on examination and system construction’s principle, examination pattern, examination main body, examination way, examination content, audit program carried on has combed, simultaneously has performed the forecast to the textbook examination’s future trend of development. In the foothold current textbook review mechanism’s analysis and the discussion foundation also proposed a series of related suggestions, put forward a series of proposals for our country’s textbook examination and system’s construction and the consummation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期