

Language Education and National Strategies

【作者】 孙渝红

【导师】 陈时见;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 比较教育学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 语言是人类社会发展的重要资源,它已经成为和谐社会发展的基础。随着经济全球化、国际化和多元化的不断深入,语言教育的作用越来越被美国社会各界所认识。保护语言资源,就是保护文化的传承,维护各民族的语言权利,这尤其受到多民族国家的重视,它对于科学制定语言教育政策具有重大意义。美国是一个多民族的移民国家,其语言政策是维护英语的绝对权威、排斥和打击其它民族的语言的政策。在这样一个以盎格鲁新教文化为主要精髓的国度,寻求语言的一致与多元似乎是一种不可调和的矛盾冲突,也就是“统一性”与“多元性”难以保持平衡的关系。如何面对和解决语言教育的问题一直是美国社会感到棘手和期待解决的问题。从美国的历史和现状来看,美国的语言教育总是受到传统观念和意识形态的影响,美国语言教育政策的制定和实施与语言霸权、民族意识和国家利益之间的矛盾和冲突有关。长期以来,由于历史、政治、文化等方面的原因,英语语言霸权地位的形成对美国语言的多样性、文化的多元化,以及非主流语言的民族权利的体现已经形成了严重的威胁,这使得美国的语言教育面临着困难和挑战。美国社会把语言教育同美国的国家认同和国家发展战略紧密联系在一起,美国的语言教育已经远远超出了它本身的范畴,关系到国家和民族利益的维护,尤其在国家利益受到威胁的时候更是如此,而往往此时的语言教育呈现良好而有效的发展势头。在多元文化不断深入的社会大背景下,为了维护国家的稳定和社会的和谐,语言教育政策的合理性和科学性日渐突出,语言教育规划是国家的政治策略,要科学规划语言教育,尤其是少数民族语言教育,保障少数民族的语言权利,做到语言教育的目标与国家发展的战略目标相一致,并使之切实服务于国家战略。美国的语言教育,尤其是针对移民的语言教育发展所诠释的是“同一面旗帜,同一种语言,同一个国家”的理念,其中含概着深厚的语言上的民族主义的倾向。一般情况下,语言的民族主义所面对的是一个国家中处于劣势地位的语言,美国则不同,由于它建立在移民基础上的独特的民族主义概念,决定了美国独特的语言民族主义的内涵,它维系着美国的国家战略的核心,折射的是盎格鲁新教文化的价值观。意识形态决定着语言政策和语言教育的价值取向,语言教育必须服从并服务于国家政治利益、经济利益和文化利益,语言教育的目的就是为了实现国家的发展战略,而国家战略的根本价值追求就是实现国家利益的最大化。随着科技的突飞猛进,各国之间相互依赖及某些地区一体化的趋势不断加强,面对日益激烈的国际竞争,各国、各民族之间的交往日趋频繁,语言政策的制定和本国语言教育的发展的作用日益凸显。美国政府正着力制定适合本国、本民族实际和特点的语言教育政策,维护语言权利,顺应国家发展,在制定国家战略时要把少数民族的具体利益放在首位。论文从横向和纵向两个方面展开研究。横向研究是以美国语言学家鲁兹的三种语言观来分析语言教育的各个部分的关系,这三种语言观分别是语言权利、语言资源和语言问题,涉及的内容是原住民或土著语言教育、移民语言教育、外语教育,将英语及其教育的问题包含其中,如“惟英语”教育的理念始终蕴涵在这三个部分之中。各部分内容围绕这三种语言观展开。纵向研究是对美国语言教育的价值取向进行历史的梳理和现状分析,并对存在的问题和发展走向进行了展望。论文以语言教育为明线、语言政策为暗线,从语言权利、民族主义的观照和国家意识的角度来研究和分析美国语言教育发展的价值取向。语言教育和语言政策各自都不是孤立存在的,它们与特定的政治、历史和文化背景紧密相关,它们之间的关系是相互影响、彼此支撑的。美国语言教育的发展及其政策的制定一直是在语言权利与美国国家利益的矛盾的交织中进行的,一方面不同的语言民族努力维护自己的语言权利,另一方面从国家发展来看,美国政府为了保持和维护其“美国式的信条”,维护其盎格鲁新教文化精髓,维护美国的国家特性,以同化为手段,不断提升英语至高无上的中心地位,不重视除英语以外的语言的教育,排斥少数族群的语言及其教育。论文旨在探究美国语言教育的动因和问题,在梳理其发展历程中,以语言权利、民族主义思想和国家利益为视角,从整体上对美国语言教育的发展情况进行总结和归纳,透视美国现行的语言教育及其政策的价值取向和特点,分析美国语言教育政策制定过程中的社会、历史、政治、经济和文化等因素的影响,对美国教育的发展前景和趋势进行展望,并联系我国国情,借鉴美国语言教育发展中的成功经验,吸取失败的教训。

【Abstract】 Language is the key resource to the advancement of a nation. It has become the very foundation of the harmonious society. With the further development of globalization and integration, the role and status of language education is becoming increasingly prominent, which has been recognized by people from all circles of the society in the United States. Protecting language resources means protecting the historical and cultural heritage. And the government of a democratic nation should focus on asserting minority language rights, which plays an important role in language education policy making.Long before European immigrants arrived in America, there existed many native languages there. Immigrants brought with the land a wide variety of languages. In order to maintain the authoritative status of English, the Federal Government adopted extreme measures to exclude and restrict the use of minority languages, aiming at maintaining the core value under the predominant Anglo-Protestant culture. It seems that the conflict between language unity and language diversity is irreconcilable. In the large, multi-ethnic society, unity within diversity has become a challenge for the Federal Government. Can diversity of languages and national unity co-exist? The government feels a delicacy about solving such problems.In fact the historical and present situation of language education in the United States reflects the traditional ideology of the whole society. Because of the influences of history, politics and culture, the belief of English Hegemonism is deeply embedded in the society. Since colonial time, European descendants have ingrained superiority complex, which hinders with obstacles or difficulties to the development of language minority education. Language education in the United States has been closely related to the national identity, which influences its national strategies. Especially when the nation is considered to be at risk, language education will show its national interests orientation. While just at that time, language education is stimulated to develop rapidly.With the deepening diversity throughout the world, it is becoming more and more important for the government to implement rational as well as scientific language education policies. Language education planning should be in accord with the objectives of national political strategy. Only in this way can language education serve national interests.In the United States the slogan ’one nation, one flag, one language’ can well explain the essence of language minority education, which involves the essence of linguistic nationalism. As far as linguistic nationalism is concerned, it has some special meanings in this immigrant country, which is concerned with the core value of Anglo-Protestant culture.Language policy and language education orientation rest with ideology. And language education should serve the national interests in political, economic and cultural fields. The objective of language education is to realize national development strategies, aiming at maximize national interests. In order to achieve this goal and comply with the development of society, Federal Government will focus on making policies adapting to the new situation to balance language education and national interests. The principle should be based on a dedication to serving the interest of the language minorities.This doctoral dissertation focuses on the study of language education on the horizontal as well as vertical route. The horizontal study is based on the three language orientations presented by Ruiz, that is, language-as-right, language-as-resource, and language-as-problem. It is concerned with three kinds of language education - native languages, immigrant languages and foreign languages, among which the concept of English-only education will be involved. While the vertical study deals with the history, current status and development trend of language education in the United States.Language rights, the concept of nationalism and national interests constitute the main perspectives of this study, with language education as the direct clue and language policy as the indirect one. Nothing exists in isolation, and both language education and language policies are of no exceptions. Language education policies are not formed in isolation, but rather emerge in response to special social forces: political conflicts, changes in migration and globalization. These factors interact with one another. The history of language education in the United States makes up a conflict of language rights and national interests. On the one hand, government must always endeavor to improve and assert the language rights of the English-speaking people to maintain the ’American Identity’ under the official creed of the United States. While on the other hand, it takes measures to exclude the inferior minority language education and advocate English-only movement through means of assimilation.This dissertation aims to probe deeply into the causes and problems in language education in the United States. Seeing the history of language education in the United States as a whole, it examines the orientation and characteristics of policy making. And finally, this dissertation gives some beneficial references for similar attempts in China.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 01期
  • 【分类号】H09
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1818