

The Structure, Characteristics and Formation of Ethnic Minorities’ Psychological Stress and Coping in Southwest China

【作者】 植凤英

【导师】 张进辅;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 构建社会主义和谐社会是当今中国社会的时代主题,人的心理健康则是社会和谐发展的内在需求。少数民族心理压力与应对问题既关系少数民族个体的心理健康和自我和谐,同时也会影响到民族团结和社会和谐。西南地区是我国的多民族聚居区,在社会急剧变迁、多元文化相互交融的当代西南民族地区,少数民族心理压力与应对问题已日益凸现。同时,国内有关少数民族心理压力与应对的研究较为匮缺,且研究对象和研究方法单一,缺乏多学科的交叉与整合,研究与实际存在一定程度的脱离,研究内容零散,未能形成系统观点等。因此,对现时期西南少数民族心理压力与应对问题进行系统而深入的研究显得尤为重要而迫切。针对已有研究存在的不足,本研究以西南少数民族群众为研究对象,从西南少数民族群众的生活实际出发,遵循多角度、多层面、多学科的研究思路,对西南少数民族心理压力与应对方式的结构、特点及形成机制进行了系统研究,力图实现研究与现实需要的有效对接。整个研究包括四个部分。第一部分立足于少数民族的生活层面,结合西南少数民族社会变迁的突出特征-农民外出务工,对少数民族心理压力的结构进行探讨,并据此编制了一般压力情境下的少数民族心理压力问卷和特殊压力情境问卷(少数民族农民工城市适应压力问卷),以此为基础对西南少数民族心理压力的现状特征进行全面调查。第二部分对少数民族压力应对方式的结构进行了探讨,并编制了相关问卷,对西南少数民族压力应对方式的特点进行调查。第三部分探讨了乐观、社会比较方式对西南少数民族心理压力与应对方式形成的影响机制。第四部分进行的实地调查是对问卷调查的进一步印证、补充和深化,着重对西南少数民族心理压力与压力应对方式的形成原因进行了深入考察。本研究的主要结论有:(1)少数民族心理压力包括文化适应、日常生活、工作就业、健康与变故、负担管教、婚恋问题等6个维度;少数民族农民工的城市适应压力主要来自于社会环境、民族文化、工作就业、人际及生活等5个方面;少数民族压力应对方式是一个由消极应对和积极应对构成的二维结构,其中消极应对包括否认逃避、克制压抑、情绪发泄,积极应对包括问题解决、积极解释、寻求支持。(2)编制的少数民族心理压力问卷、少数民族农民工城市适应压力问卷、少数民族压力应对方式问卷具有可接受的心理测量学指标。(3)西南少数民族群众心理压力总体上属轻度压力,但日常生活压力感较重,并以经济和社会环境问题造成的日常生活压力为首要压力源。少数民族心理压力状况在人口统计学上存在群体差异。(4)西南少数民族农民工的城市适应压力属中度压力,其中来自工作就业、社会环境和生活方面的压力感较重;少数民族农民工的城市适应压力在年龄、文化程度、打工月收入和城市居住时间上存在一定差异,并可对少数民族农民工的城市适应做出一定预测。(5)西南少数民族群众对压力的应对方式有4种类型:无作为型、消极应对型、双重应对型和积极应对型,遇到压力时主要以问题解决、积极解释和寻求支持等积极应对方式为主,相对较少采用否认逃避、克制压抑、情绪发泄等消极应对方式。(6)西南少数民族群众总的表现出一种比较乐观和积极比较的社会心态。不同乐观类型和社会比较类型的少数民族群众的压力感及压力应对方式呈现出不同特点。压力水平对于悲观倾向、向下对比、消极比较、向上认同等与消极应对之间的关系具有一定的调节作用。乐观、社会比较对心理压力、应对方式的作用机制获得模型的支持。(7)在社会激烈变迁的西南少数民族农村地区,留守儿童和留守老人问题日趋突出,民族发展中出现的一些负面问题值得引起关注。这些问题已成为西南少数民族社会变迁中的新型压力来源。(8)环境因素、教育因素、文化因素、历史因素和个体主观因素交互影响着西南少数民族心理压力的形成,其中地区经济和教育的影响作用最为突出。(9)西南少数民族压力应对方式受压力、社会组织、文化、自身等多种内外部因素的交互影响,其中各种社会组织的积极引导、榜样、支持和教育以及一些优良的习俗活动有助于西南少数民族积极应对方式的培育。综合看来,本研究在以下几方面有所拓展和创新:(1)在研究对象上,以西南地区18岁-60岁的少数民族群众为主体,拓展了已有压力与应对研究的对象范围。(2)在研究的取向上,从西南少数民族群众的生活实际出发,立足于西南民族地区社会变迁的突出特征,本着解决民族问题的现实需要对西南少数民族心理压力与应对问题展开系统研究,加强了研究对实践的指导意义。(3)在研究的视角上,从多元文化视角出发,基于心理学、社会学、民族学等不同学科视阈的交叉和整合对研究问题展开了深入的探讨。(4)在研究方法上,尝试采用质的研究与量的研究相整合的研究思路,运用了问卷调查法、文献法、访谈法、实地观察、民俗和艺术分析等多种研究方法,对研究问题进行多角度、多层面的探讨,推动了少数民族心理压力与应对研究的多元化与综合化。(5)在研究内容上,围绕着心理压力与应对方式的结构、特点和成因逐层推进,其间通过一般与特殊、点与面相结合的方式对西南少数民族心理压力与应对问题进行了比较全面和系统的考察。

【Abstract】 Construction of the Harmonious Socialism Society is an epoch topic in China today, while mental health is intrinsic requirement of the development of Harmonious Society. The problem of ethnic minorities’psychological stress and coping is related with individuals’ mental health and self-harmony, and it influences national unity and social harmony as well. The area of Southwest China is the area with a diversity of ethnic minorities. Now, with the rapid change of society and exchange between multiple cultures, the problem of ethnic minorities’psychological stress and coping is emerging increasingly. At the same time, the studies of ethnic minorities’ psychological stress and coping are seldom conducted. Moreover, the subjects and methods of the researches are relatively simple, lack an integration of multi-disciplines, the researches disengage from practices to a certain extent, and the contents of the researches were scattered, which haven’t formed systemic viewpoints. Therefore, it is especially important and necessary to conduct a systemic and deep research on ethnic minorities’ psychological stress and coping in Southwest China.In view of the defects in existed researches, this research takes ethnic minority people in Southwest China as subjects, according to the reality of ethnic minorities’ living in Southwest China, follows on a multi-angles, multi-levels and multi-subjects idea, conducts a systematic study on the structure, characteristics, and forming mechanism of ethnic minorities’ psychological stress and coping in Southwest China, hopes to achieve an effective combination between the research and the reality of ethnic minority people’ living.This whole study includes four parts. Part One is based on the factual living of ethnic minority people, combines the outstanding character of ethnic minorities’ social change in Southwest China that is peasants’working out of the rural area, explores the structure of psychological stress of ethnic minorities, develops ethnic minorities’psychological stress measurements both under common circumstance and special instance (minority migrant workers’urban adaption), takes a comprehensive investigation on characteristics of ethnic minorities’psychological stress in Southwest China. Part Two explores the structure of ways of coping stress of ethnic minorities, develops the related measurement, analyzes characteristics of coping ways of psychological stress of ethnic minorities in Southwest China. Part Three studies how optimism and ways of social comparison influence the formation of ethnic minorities’psychological stress and coping ways. Part Four, a field work, which is farther confirm, supplement and deepening to the questionnaire investigation, emphasizes on the reasons of formation of ethnic minorities’ psychological stress and coping ways.Conclusions are made as follows:(1) The structure of ethnic minorities’ psychological stress consists of six dimensions, which includes acculturation, daily life, job/employment, health and accident,burden and education, the problem in love and marriage. The sources of urban adaptive stress of ethnic minority migrant workers are society environment, nation and culture, job /employment, interpersonal stress and life stress. The ethnic minorities’ ways of coping stress is a two dimensional structure consisted with negative coping which includes denial and withdrawal, restraint and oppression, venting of emotion and positive coping which includes problem-solving, seeking support, and positive explanation.(2) The questionnaire of ethnic minorities’ psychological stress, the questionnaire of ethnic minority migrant workers’urban adaptive stress and the questionnaire of ethnic minorities’ ways of coping stress developed in this research fit psychometric requirements.(3) The ethnic minorities’ psychological stress is not serious on the whole, but daily life stress is heavy comparatively, also the major source of stress in ethnic minorities’ life is daily life stress caused by economy and the problems of social environment. There are demographic differences in ethnic minorities’ psychological stress.(4) Migrant workers’urban adaptive stress is moderate, and their stress fromed job/ employment, society environment, and life stress is comparatively heavy; there are differences of urban adaptive stress in variables as age, education, income, and living time in city, also the urban adaptive stress can ,to a certain extent, predicts migrant workers’ urban adaption.(5) The four types of ethnic minorities’ way of coping stress are un-coping, negative coping, dual-coping and positive coping. Face stress, ethnic minority people more use positive ways such as problems-solving, seeking support, and positive explanation, less use negative coping ways such as denial and withdrawal, restraint and oppression, venting of emotion.(6) On the whole, ethnic minority people are optimistic and inclined to compare positively with others. People with different optimism types and social comparison types have different feeling of psychological stress and coping ways. And stress level moderates the relation between pessimism, downward contrast, negative comparison, upward identification with negative coping. The important effect of optimism, social comparison on psychological stress and coping ways is further supported in this study.(7) In the rural ethnic areas of Southwest China which change rapidly, the problem of left-behind children and left-behind elder is becoming serious increasingly, and some negative things happened in the process of the development of ethnic minorities deserve attention. All these have become new stress sources of ethnic minority people with the society change in Southwest China.(8) Environment, education, culture, history and personal subjective factors interact on the formation of ethnic minorities’ psychological stress in Southwest China, and regional economy and education play most important role among all factors.(9) The ethnic minorities’ ways of coping stress are interacted by stress, social organization, culture and self factors in Southwest China, and the lead, example and education of diversified social organization as well as some good consuetude activities can be helpful to the cultivation of ethnic minorities’positive coping ways.On the whole, this study has the some development and innovation as follows:(1) On the aspect of subjects, we choose the ethnic minority public aged from 18 to 60 in Southwest China, which expands the scope of the subjects of the researches on stress and coping existed.(2) In the orientation of the research, according to the reality of ethnic minorities’ living in Southwest China, on the basis of the outstanding character of ethnic minorities’ social change in Southwest China, the study aims to the practical need for solving national problems, takes a systemic investigation on ethnic minorities’ psychological stress and coping in Southwest China, therefore, enhances the research ’instruction on the practices.(3) As to the view, on the basis of inter-discipline and approach integration, the study explores the research deeply from the view of multi-culture.(4) As to the method, the study attempts to adopt the research idea of the integration of qualitative and quantitative research, uses various methods such as questionnaire survey, literature study, interview survey, filed observation and method of folk custom and artistry, explores the research from multi-angles and multi-levels, promotes the pluralism and integration of the methods of research on ethnic minorities’ psychological stress and coping.(5) As to the content of the research, through the combination of generic and special, point and face, the study surrounds the structure, characteristics and formation of psychological stress and coping ways, takes a comprehensive and systemic research on the problem of ethnic minorities’ psychological stress and coping.

【关键词】 心理压力应对结构特征少数民族
【Key words】 psychological stresscopingstructurecharacteristicsethnic minorities
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 01期
  • 【分类号】C955
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】2063