

On Quality Assurance for Australian Vocational Education Curriculum

【作者】 吕红

【导师】 朱德全;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 职业技术教育学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文从“大课程观”出发,以课程质量为主线,将80年代以来澳大利亚职业教育的改革成果为主要研究对象。并以此为基础,提出构建我国职业教育课程质量保障体系的初步框架。本文由导论和十一章构成。导论。主要交待了本论文选题的缘由、概念界定、研究方法、研究思路和本论文的结构。第一章是文献述评。主要对国外相关研究、国内相关研究和对我国职业教育课程现实问题的研究进行了梳理。主要通过在期刊网上进行文献检索和查阅现有相关典型专著,将文献资料进行归纳整理和提炼的方法对文献进行了综合述评。本部分是本研究的基础。第二章是中国、澳大利亚职业教育发展历程与“土壤”环境比较分析。主要对中国、澳大利亚职业教育发展与变革历程、中国和澳大利亚职业教育变革的背景比较、中国和澳大利亚职业教育体制的比较等进行了研究。分析了中国、澳大利亚职业教育发展的历史和现状,总结了两国的先进经验和有益做法与不足,旨在对两国的职业教育发展提供一些事实性的依据,在此基础上大力改革和创新两国职业教育体制,进一步完善职业教育的宏观体系和微观基础,走出一条具有本国特色的发展职业教育的路子。第三章是澳大利亚职业教育改革的经典框架与经验之路。主要对澳大利亚职业教育改革核心的固化成果进行了研究,这些成果是:质量培训框架、资格认证框架和培训包框架。通过对质量培训框架的产生背景和特点与注册培训的方式和意义的介绍来阐述质量培训框架的运作过程。总结归纳了资格认证框架的特点:包括各层级资格框架相互衔接极其灵活性。通过对培训包的产生背景的介绍,分别对国家认证部分(培训包的主体)和非国家认证部分进行了详细论述。第四章是澳大利亚职业教育“需求导向型”课程模式。主要论述澳大利亚专业引领与市场导向下的课程理念、课程理念指向下的“立体多元化”课程开发和“立体多元化”课程开发下的弹性课程实施。澳大利亚职业教育课程开发有明确的规范性依据,是严格按照培训包所规定的资格框架、能力标准及能力评估指南来规范设计的。职业教育课程的开发过程严谨科学,是由政府、行业、企业、教育机构通力合作进行的。澳大利亚职业教育课程的实施过程灵活多样。规范创新的课程管理机制为课程的灵活组织提供了有力的制度保障。第五章是澳大利亚职业教育课程质量保障体系的价值取向。主要对西方关于职业教育质量保障价值取向的主要观点和澳大利亚职业教育课程质量理念进行了研究。详细介绍了西方在发展职业教育过程中以“能力为本位”的发展理念和以五个主要环节:规范教师准入、培训制度;基于工作世界的专业设置;接近真实岗位的产学合作:面向日趋多元的入学条件:全面、全程、全员的监控维系构成职业教育质量保障并以职业教育质量保障为职业教育灵魂和生命线的价值取向。澳大利亚职业教育课程践行了基于全面质量管理的过程管理、基于ISO9000的课程管理标准、基于目标理论的课程结果管理和基于风险意识的课程决策管理。第六章是澳大利亚职业教育课程质量标准体系。主要对课程内容标准体系—培训包、课程认证标准体系和课程条件标准体系进行了研究。对能力标准主要是介绍了能力单元,国家资格主要是从证书和文凭的角度进行介绍。对澳大利亚课程注册/认证标准体系的研究主要是从州(领地)注册/课程认证机构的标准、注册工作的标准、课程设计标准和课程认证工作的标准的研究四个方面进行探讨和研究。对课程实施的条件标准—RTO的标准、2007版的RTO标准和培训机构的优秀评价标准,以及澳大利亚职教教师准入制度、“培训与鉴定”培训包的能力框架体系以及在重庆的出台与试点的我国首个职教教师标准等进行了研究。第七章是澳大利亚职业教育课程质量保障条件投入体系。从行业企业的全过程参与、政府提供足够经费支持和师资队伍的专业化建设三个方面入手,分析澳大利亚职业教育课程质量的条件投入体系。澳大利亚行业企业通过决定职业教育决策方向、参与职业教育产品开发、主导职业教育办学过程和控制职业教育办学质量等参与职业教育的全过程。澳大利亚政府为职业教育提供足够的资金支持,包括落实竞争性和多元化的经费投入机制,增强职业教育自身的“造血机能”,并通过规范教师的从业标准和高投入进行师资队伍的专业化建设为高质量的课程与教学提供了队伍保障。第八章是澳大利亚职业教育课程质量分权管理体系。主要论述了联邦政府层面的课程质量管理、州(领地)层面的课程质量管理和学校层面的课程质量管理。联邦政府以培训包作为课程质量管理的基础,为课程管理提供统一的标准,为能力本位的职业教育体系做出重大贡献;以资格框架和质量培训框架作为课程质量管理的手段。各州(领地)的注册/课程认证机构是国家质量委员会和职业院校之间的纽带,审核职业教育办学机构即所有的RTO办学标准。职业院校遵循严格的注册准入制度,并采取内部审核措施,前者为高质量的课程实施提供了前提条件,后者通过执行管理框架,对自身的办学提供指导,不断地改进和提高质量。第九章是澳大利亚职业教育课程质量多元评价体系。主要从课程质量评价观、课程评价、教学评价和办学水平评估进行了论述研究。澳大利亚还建立了一套科学化、规范化的职业教育培训质量评估体系。国家按标准严格审批全国的教育培训院校和机构,并且每年定期与不定期检查已注册的教育与培训机构。各州均设有专门的教学评估机构,根据培训规范监督和检查教育培训质量。除了经常性地深入到教育培训院校和机构实地考察外,每年还要求教育与培训部门向评估委员会写出教育与培训工作年报。严格进行教育培训质量的评估。对促进院校教学,确保职业教育培训的质量起到了十分重要的作用。第十章是对我国职业教育课程质量保障体系建构的启示。分析了当前建立我国职业教育课程质量保障体系的必要性,从基本原则、主体、构成和运行机制四个方面厘清了建立我国职业教育课程质量保障体系的基本思路提出了建构我国职业教育课程质量保障体系的框架。我国职业教育课程的发展,不仅需要各级政府部门对职业教育课程的长效投入机制,也需要建立职业教育课程的分权式管理体制和多元化评价体系,只有通过国家、地方和学校三级有效协调管理,才能获得我国职业教育课程质量保障的实践经验。第十一章是结论。在国家职业教育与培训的三个经典框架和“需求导向型”课程模式之下,澳大利亚职业教育课程质量保障由质量理念体系、质量标准体系、质量条件投入体系、质量分权管理体系和质量多元评价体系等五个体系构成。这五个体系同源共生、相互依存。借鉴澳大利亚职业教育课程质量保障的经验举措和实际效果,我国职业教育课程质量保障体系框架的建构需要依据四个原则、建立五个系统,实行多元主体的评价,并完善四个机制。

【Abstract】 The dissertation is to study on reform outcomes of Australian VET (Vocational Education and Training) since 1980s, started from "Macro-curriculum conception" and taken curriculum quality as main thread. Based on this, the author put forward a rough framework of Chinese VET Curriculum Quality Assurance System.The whole dissertation is divided into following introduction and eleven chapters.Introduction. This part is to explain the purpose of the study, the key concepts in the study, the methods using in the study, and the framework of the whole research.Chapter One, Summary of Literature. This chapter is to study the collection, analysis and summarizon of the previous studies on Australian and Chinese VET system as well as the existing issues of Chinese VET curriculum, through searching periodical websites and consulting current relevant monograph. It’s basic work for the whole research.Chapter Two, Comparative analysis of Sino-Australian VET development and "soil" environment This chapter is to comparatively study on Chinese and Australian VET development and reform, the background of Chinese and Australian VET reform and Chinese and Australian VET system. It is to analyze history and current status of Chinese and Australian VET development, conclude advanced experience and advantages and disadvantages of two countries. Based on those, reforms and innovations of Chinese VET systems is needed to perfect VET macro system and micro foundation, and develop a VET strategy with Chinese characteristics.Chapter Three, The Classic frameworks and experiential pathway of Australian VET reform. This chapter to study on the following Australian VET reform core outcomes: AQTF (Australian Qualification Training Framework), AQF (Australian Qualification Framework) and TPF (Training Package Framework). It expatiates the operation process of AQTF through introducing the background and features of AQTF, and methods and meaningfulness of registered training. It induces the linkages of different levels and flexibility of AQF. And the endorsed and non-endorsed parts of Training Package are respectively introduced, with the background of TP followed.Chapter Four, Australian ’demand-driven’ model VET curriculum. It is to research on curriculum conception guided by Australian course dream leaded and market directed philosohpy, "multi-dimensional" curriculum development and flexible curriculum implementation. Australian VET curricular has clear standardized evidence, and are designed according to AQF, competency standard and assessment guidance specified in the Training Packages. VET curricular are precisely, scientifically and jointly designed by government, industries, companies and training organizations. The delivery of Australian VET curricular is flexible and diverse. Standardized and innovated curriculum management system strongly assures flexible delivery.Chapter Five, Value Tropism of Australian VET Curriculum Quality Assurance System. It’ s to study on VET quality assurance values in western countries and Australian VET curriculum quality conceptions. It introduces "competency-based" conception of western countries in the process of VET, and five main aspects: specified VET teachers’ market entry qualifications and professional development strategies, course settings based on work world; cooperation between industry and training oragazations based on workplace; multi-dimensional enrollment requirement, comprehensive, whole-process and all staff involved system. Australian VET curriculum proves process management based on TQM, curriculum management standards based on ISO9000, curriculum outcomes management based on goal theory and curriculum decision management based on risk awareness.Chapter Six, Australian VET Curriculum Quality Standards System. This chapter is to study curriculum content standard system-Training Package, curriculum endorsement standard system and curriculum condition standard system. It introduces units of competencies, certificates and diplomas. Studies on Australian course registration/ accreditation standard system focus on the following four aspects: standards for state and territory registering/course accrediting bodies, standards for undertaking registration functions, standards for undertaking audit and evaluation functions and standards for undertaking course accreditation functions. In terms of the conditions’ standards for curriculum implementation, standards for RTOs, including AQTF 2007, teaching and assessment standards are introduced. There is also a rough picture of Chinese piloting for VET teachers ’. standard in Chongqing.Chapter Seven, Australian VET Curriculum Quality Assurance Input System. This chapter is to analyze condition input system of Australian VET curriculum quality from three perspectives: industry’s entire journey participation, government providing sufficient fund and professional development of teaching staff. Australian industries and companies are involved in the whole process of VET by determining VET strategies, participating in VET products development, dominating VET running process and controlling VET quality. Australian government supports VET with enough asset, including competitive and multi-dimensional fund input system, strengthening "blood producing function" of VET itself, and assures high-quality curriculum and teaching by standardizing teachers’ market entry qualifications and high-input to professional development.Chapter Eight Australian VET Curriculum Quality Decentralized Management System. This chapter is to study on curriculum management from federal government level, state (or territory) government level and RTO level. Federal government takes Training Package as foundation of curriculum quality management, provides consistent standard for curriculum management and makes important contribution to competency-based VET system; takes AQTF and AQF as method of curriculum quality management. R/CABs of each state (or territory) is the linkage between National Training Quality Council and RTOs, auditing the quality of all the RTOs, while RTOs follow stict registration regulations, and carries out internal audit measurements. R/CABs provides Prerequisite for high-quality curriculum implementation, and the RTOs provides guidance for self running through carrying out management procedures, continuously improving quality.Chapter Nine. Australian VET Curriculum Quality Multi-dimensional evaluation system. This chapter is to study on curriculum quality evaluation conception, curriculum evaluation, teaching and learning evaluation and school running evaluation. Australia also builds a set of standarded and specified VET quality evaluation system. The Federal government audits VET institutions strictly according to Standards, and inspects RTOs regularly and irregularly. Each state or territory has particular teaching and learning evaluation organization, which supervises and inspects quality of education and training based on training regulations. Besides regular visit to training organizations, education and training departments are required to write a report to evaluation committee annually. Undergoing strict quality evaluation plays a crucial role to promote teaching and learning of RTOs and assure the quality of VET.Chapter Ten, Enlightment to Construct Chinese VET Curriculum Quality Assurance System. This chapter is to analyze the necessity to construct Chinese VET Curriculum Quality Assurance System in terms of four perspectives: basic principle, main body, structure and operating mechanism. The development of Chinese VET Curriculum demands not only long-term input mechanism from both central and provincial government, but also decentralized management system and multi-dimensional evaluation system. And only through the vertical management involving national, provincial and training organization levels, the practical experience of Chinese VET Curriculum Quality Assurance can be accumulated.Chapter Eleven, Conclusion. Under three classic frameworks of VET and "demand-driven" curriculum model, Australian VET Curriculum Quality Assurance System consists of five sub-systems, namely quality conception system, quality standard system, quality condition input system, quality decentralized management and quality multi-dimensional evaluation system. They originated from the same environment and rely on each other. Borrowing advanced experience and practical outcomes of Australian VET Curriculum Quality Assurance System, Chinese VET Curriculum Quality Assurance System requires to be constructed in terms of five systems, multi-dimensional evaluation and four systems, based on four principles.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 01期
  • 【分类号】G719.611
  • 【被引频次】52
  • 【下载频次】5743