

The Study on the Generation of Practical Knowledge for Student Teacher Teaching Practice as Substitute Teacher

【作者】 赵彦俊

【导师】 杨昌勇;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 教育学原理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 教育实习是教师教育的关键环节,是促进教师实践性知识增长与发展的重要阶段。“顶岗实习”是教育实习的重要形式之一,是集“支教”、“更新”和“实习”于一体的教师教育的一种创新模式,是一种教师教育体制的改革。促进师范生实践性知识的发展是“顶岗实习”最根本的出发点。许多高等师范院校为了提高师范教育的质量,以“顶岗实习”的方式与农村薄弱中小学结成了合作伙伴关系。为了寻求改革与实践之间的平衡,以及能够对师范生的教育实习有所指导,这需要选择一个恰当的研究视角。本研究以参加“顶岗实习”的师范生为研究对象,以西南大学“顶岗实习”的成功范例——冯坪中学为主要考察基地,以“实习支教生”的实践性知识生成为切入点,来探讨师范实习生实践性知识的生成机制。根据研究课题的需要,在研究方法方面,本研究首先重新厘定了教师实践性知识的内涵与特征,然后把“实习支教生”实践性知识的生成置于实际的教育教学场景中来考察,采用以质的研究为主,以实证研究为辅,思辨与实证相结合的综合研究的路径;在理论方面,以实践认识论、建构主义和社会学等有关理论为研究基础,对“实习支教生”实践性知识生成过程中的影响因素、发展特点和存在的问题进行了探讨,并为教师教育理论和实践提供了一定的解释框架和切实可行的策略。首先,本研究从理论上对教师的实践性知识做了界定,认为教师的实践性知识是理论知识与个体体验的“合金”,是建筑于理论知识之上的实践性知识。并且是分层次的。依据实践性知识的复杂程度,分为“理论型实践性知识”、“技能型实践性知识”和“智慧型实践性知识”。不同类型的实践性知识的特点和性质不同。教师在不同的专业发展阶段,需要掌握的实践性知识就有所差异,因而,就需要不同的培养方式。其次,本研究从两个视角对“实习支教生”实践性知识的应然状态与实然状况进行了探讨。本研究认为,从“支教”的角度来看,“实习支教生”是一个特殊的群体,除应具备合格教师的实践性知识结构外,还应具备一些特殊的实践性知识。这些已具备的实践性知识既是“实习支教生”“支教”所必需的,也是“实习支教生”在实习过程中发展更高级的实践性知识的重要基础;在“实习”方面,“顶岗实习”不仅比其他教育实习模式优越,而且应该能够更好地促进“实习支教生”实践性知识的增长,达到“顶岗实习”的预期目标。研究结果表明,“实习支教生”具备了一定的实践性知识,基本能够胜任“支教”的重任;“实习支教生”在“顶岗实习”的过程中把已有的理论知识和教育教学技能付诸于实践。使自己的能力得到了全方位的锻炼。但同时,从“实习支教生”实践性知识发展的实然状况看,与其应然状态还存在着一定的差距。探究其原因,结果发现,“实习支教生”这个特殊群体实践性知识生成的外部条件存在如下问题:(1)师范院校的教育理论课程偏少,实践课程薄弱;(2)在师范院校的“通识”课程中,农村文化、少数民族文化被“边缘化”;(3)对“实习支教生”的实习指导和评价有流于形式之嫌;等等。再次,针对“实习支教生”实践性知识生成的外部条件的不足,本文对高等师范院校课程设置的调整,“实习支教生”培养模式的改革,“顶岗实习”过程的指导与评价的加强等方面进行了大胆地探索。具体说来,在高等师范院校课程设置方面,建议加大教育类课程的权重,提高实践课程的比例,并主张应把教育类课程确定为专业课;在师范生培养模式方面,建议改革现有的师范生培养模式,并在研究分析的基础上提出了“5111”的教师培养模式;在实习方面,建议高等师范院校与中小学联合组建一只高素质的指导教师队伍,对师范实习生跟踪指导,并拓展教育实习评价的内涵与外延,具有一定的创新性。最后,本研究认为,“项岗实习”虽然存在一些问题,但是经过改进与完善,能够发挥出预期的效果,而且随着时间的推移,随着农村基础教育的发展,“支教”和“更新”将逐步淡出,“顶岗实习”将逐渐演变成教师教育一体化模式,成为我国教师教育的主导模式之一。

【Abstract】 Teaching practice is a pivotal step in teacher education, and it can promote the growth of teacher’s practical knowledge. "Teaching practice as substitute teacher" is a new mode which unites "education supporting", "update" and "teaching practice" as one. It is a reform of teacher education system and promoting development of student teacher’s practical knowledge is one important part of it. In order to improve the quality of teacher education, many normal universities and weak primary and secondary schools in rural areas form partnership by "teaching practice as substitute teacher".It needs to choose a proper perspective to keep the balance between reform and practice and guide the education for student teacher. This paper discusses the generating mechanism of student teacher’s practical knowledge by choosing normal university students who participate "teachingpractice as substitute teacher", choosing the successful example--Feng-ping Middle School asthe study base and choosing student teacher’s practical knowledge as entry point from two timedimension--the beginning and the end of "teaching practice as substitute teacher". In researchmethods, this study firstly gives out the definition of the practical knowledge and it’s features, then studies the generation of teacher student’s practical knowledge at the actual scene of teaching by combining qualitative research and empirical research, speculative exploration and empirical study; in theory, this paper discusses the effect factors, characteristics of development and the existing problems based on practical epistemology, constructivism theory and sociological theory, etc., providing a certain hermeneutic framework and practical strategies for teacher education.Firstly, this study theoretically defines the teacher’s practical knowledge, considering the teacher’s practical knowledge is the "alloy" of the theoretical knowledge and individual experience, which is building on theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge and it can be divided into different types. According to the complexity of practical knowledge, it can be divided into "theory-based practical knowledge", "skill-based practical knowledge" and "smart practical knowledge". The characteristics and nature of different types of practical knowledge are different. Teachers need to master different practical knowledge in different stages of professional development, which would require different ways of cultivation.Secondly, this study dose research on the actual state and the expected state of student teacher’s practical knowledge from two perspectives. We consider that student teacher is a special group with the exception of qualified teachers who should have general practical knowledge structure and should also have some special practical knowledge from the view of "teaching practice as substitute teacher". The knowledge is not only essential for student teacher, but also the foundation for student teacher to develop more complicated practical knowledge in the process of teaching practice. In "teaching practice", "teaching practice as substitute teacher" is not only a better mode than any others, but also can achieve expected "targets". Empirical studies have shown that "student teacher" has a certain amount of practical knowledge and "student teacher" also consider "teaching practice as substitute teacher" make their ability be a full range of training. But at the same time, we find that there is a certain gap between the actual state and the expected state of student teacher’s practical knowledge. Look into the reasons, the results showed that the external conditions for the generation of practical knowledge of student teacher has the following problems: (1) pedagogical courses are lack and practical courses is weak in normal universities; (2) the rural culture, ethnic culture in normal university "General Education" courses have been "marginalized"; (3) there is no actual effect in instruction and evaluations for teaching practice; and so on.Thirdly, for lack of external conditions for the generation of student teacher’s practical knowledge, this paper makes some research on normal university curriculum adjustments, the reform of education mode for normal university students and strengthening the instruction and evaluation in the process of "teaching practice as substitute teacher", etc. To be specific, we suggest increasing the proportion of educational curriculum and the proportion of practical curriculum, and advocate that educational curriculum should be set down as the professional course; we suggest reforming the existing the mode of cultivation for students majoring in education in teacher colleges and at the same time, proposing a mode of cultivation:"5111";we also give suggestions mat normal universities and primary and secondary schools set up a high-caliber teaching adviser troops together to instruct student teacher continuously, and developing the connotation and the extension of evaluation for teaching practice. They are innovative.Lastly, although there are some problems in "teaching practice as substitute teacher", but it can exert a desired effect by improving it, and as time goes on, "education supporting", "update" will gradually fade out, "teaching practice as substitute teacher" will be gradually evolved into the integration of teacher education model, and will become one of the dominant modes of teacher education in our country.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 01期
  • 【分类号】G652.4
  • 【被引频次】51
  • 【下载频次】2903