

A Study on the Construction and Development of China’s AOJ Discipline

【作者】 韦群林

【导师】 谭世贵;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 司法功能的正常发挥和对司法的理论研究在我国一直没有得到应有的重视,在我国也一直没有司法管理学这样一门专门的学科用以研究系统研究司法管理问题。肇始于20世纪80年代之初的中国司法改革,吸引了一大批学者对之进行系统而深入的研究,产生了汗牛充栋的研究成果,研究的重心也逐渐从司法改革的激情转向司法管理的理性。因此,有必要构建以中国司法管理活动及规律为研究对象的学科中国司法管理学,对这些研究成果、知识资源进行总结、利用、传播并创新。为此,本文抓住这一契机,选择“中国司法管理学学科构建及发展”的课题,对能否构建(可能性)、应否构建(必要性)、如何构建(学科体系)、怎样发展(学科战略)展开全面研究与论述。本文从“改革即司法管理创新”的命题切入,在研究了司法的特点与功能以后,通过对中国司法管理(司法改革)研究成果的学科构成要素(包括学科主体、环境及学科本体三个方面)的提炼与分析,首先得出司法改革与司法管理可以互相包容、中国司法管理学是一门在司法改革过程中发展起来的、以中国司法管理(包容中国司法改革)为研究对象的新兴学科的结论;其次,从其学科主体(即研究、传播、利用学科知识的人群)明确,学科环境发展(包括国际、国内社会政治背景、经济发展方式、政府治理模式、权利意识及包括诉权在内的人权保护力度等等)十分有利,不仅市场经济、民主政治与法治社会需要这样一门学科,而且,有效利用已有研究成果、对其进行有效知识管理的内在逻辑也促使该学科的降生两大方面对该学科构建的必要性展开论述;再次,对该学科体系(或学科本体)当中应该明确的主要问题,如研究对象、学科定位、理论基础、研究方法、基本范畴、主要问题逐一详细论述,较为完整地完成了中国司法管理学学科体系的论证。在此基础上,围绕该学科发展的宏观战略、知识管理战略、研究战略、传播战略、人才战略等几个方面,对该学科的发展战略进行研究,以促进该学科的进一步发展与完善,使之渐次走向成熟。本文研究取得了司法改革、司法管理研究学科化构想的提出与学科创立必要性的论证;中国司法管理学的学科体系基本构想及全面论证;司法不作为问题、司法人力资源体制性浪费问题等进行了深入、较有开创性的研究;从管理创新功能、或管理创新论的角度,提出“司法改革即司法管理创新”的命题,理顺中国司法改革与中国司法管理之间的关系;中国司法管理学学科发展战略的论述等一系列具有一定创新价值的理论成果,为有效沟通法学的价值理性与管理科学的技术理性、拓宽管理科学的应用领域、填补中国司法管理学学科空白奠定了初步基础。

【Abstract】 Necessary attention has never been paid both to the functioning of justice itself and systematic reseach thereoupon,and nor exisits in China a discipline such as“Discipline of Chinese Administration of Justice”(hereafter referred as“TCAOJ”)to specifically study administation of justice.Luckily,judicial reform in China,which was initiated at the beginning of early 80’s of last century and has experienced periods of reform of trial methods, of judgment system,of litigation system and at last of judicial system,not only leads Chinese judicial system on the way towards a modern one,but also attracts so many scholars to make deep exploration into it and results in an extremely large amount of research papers as well as works,and the research emphasis also gradually shifts from the inspiration of reform to reason of management.So an independent discipline such as DCAOJ,can and should be constructed and developed to summarize,use,communicate and innovate all knowledge resources of research results.Therefore,this dissertation just grasps the aforesaid chance to chooses the reseasch topic and provides a whole and systematic study on the problems of possibility,necessariness,discipline system and development strategy of DCAOJ.Cutting-in with the proposition that judicial reform is an innovation of administration of justice,the dissertation studies the main characteristics and function of judicial power.Then, by analyzing and refining the above-mentioned research results from disciplinary framework (including disciplinary subjects,environment and the main body of the discipline),it draws the conclusion at first that judicial reform and administation of justice may embraces each other well and DCAOJ is just a newly developed discipline arising in China’ judicial reform and can well be constructed.Secondly,it completes the necessariness of the construction of the discipline from two large aspects,i.e.,from the elements of the discipline subjects(mainly including people studying,spreading and using the discipline knowledge)and the discipline environments(including international and domestic political background,way of economy development,governance model of the government,protection degree of human rights and/or litigation rights,etc);and from the inner logic of effective knowledge of the aforesaid research results as well.Thirdly;With regard to the problems of main body(or discipline system)of DCAOJ,such as its object,positioning,research methods,category system, essential theories,main research problems,and so on),which are realistic and ought to be clarified,the dissertation gives a comparatively detailed,complete and systematic proof expressed in six chapters.Based thereon,it studies the development strategy of the discipline from strategies of macroview,knowledge management,research,communication,human resources and etc.in the end,so as to promote the further development and consummation of the discipline and make it a matured one.Through the research of this dissertation,a series of theoretic results of innovative values have been acquired,mainly:the essential conception and whole proof of the disciplinary system of DCAOJ;deep and groundbreking research of non-taking of judicial power; sraightening-out of the relationship between judicial reform and administration of justice by the proposition that judicial reform is an innovation of administration of justice from the management innovation theory;statement and proof of development strategy of DCAOJ;and by such research results,foundations have primarily laid in the blank-filling of relevant discipline concerning administration of justice in China,in the communication between the value rationality of legal sciences and the instrumental rationality of manegement science,and in the enlargment of the application area of manegement science.
