

Research on Management of Utilities Virtual Enterprise Based on Supply Chain Management

【作者】 应可福

【导师】 薛恒新;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 当人类社会进入知识经济社会的时候,企业却面临着一场前所未有的挑战和机遇。产品寿命周期越来越短,产品品种数量飞速膨胀,用户对交货期的要求越来越短,对产品服务的期望越来越个性化。作为一种以合作求竞争的现代组织形式和生产经营管理方式,虚拟企业就应运而生,而且逐渐成为企业组织运行的主要模式。通过组建虚拟企业,可以使现有企业实现动态优化组合,改变我国企业大而全、小而全模式,促使我国企业向集约化、规模化经营转变,从而提高整体的竞争活力。针对虚拟企业构建等问题,本文基于供应链管理思想,从虚拟企业的计划控制、组织体系设计、合作伙伴选择和绩效管理四个范畴展开研究,从而形成了一套比较完整的虚拟企业框架体系,全文共七章,主要包括:第一章绪论,主要阐述现代企业的发展趋势,对国内外相关文献进行回顾和总结,并给出了本文的分析框架;第二章产品型虚拟企业分析,阐述了虚拟企业的概念、特征、分类,重点描述了产品型虚拟企业的内涵、协同效应、集成管理信息系统等;第三章基于供应链管理思想的产品型虚拟企业框架构建,阐述了供应链管理思想及效用,并将供应链管理与虚拟企业进行了比较,重点分析了产品型虚拟企业构建中存在的主要问题和主要要素,进而构建了基于供应链管理思想的产品型虚拟企业的分析框架;第四章产品型虚拟企业的计划管理,分析了产品型虚拟企业计划制定的过程,并给出了控制的方向,勾勒了比较完整的计划控制流程图;第五章产品型虚拟企业的组织设计,首先将产品型虚拟企业向供应链进行转换,通过分析其组织模式的构成要素,提出了组织之间的契约模型,并采用遗传算法进行求解:第六章产品型虚拟企业的绩效评价,剖析了产品型虚拟企业竞争力的主要因素,构建了虚拟企业合作伙伴评价指标体系,在对虚拟企业进行信用评价的基础上,基于粗糙集理论进行合作伙伴选择,设计了产品型虚拟企业的绩效评价指标体系,并采用组合权重等方法设计权重;第七章全文的结论和展望,主要对全文进行了总结,提出了今后研究方向。本文的主要创新之处体现在:(1)从供应链管理思想出发,构建了包括计划、组织、合作伙伴选择和绩效管理四大范畴在内的产品型虚拟企业框架;(2)分析了产品型虚拟企业计划制定的主要因素,提出了产品型虚拟企业计划控制模型;(3)分析了产品型虚拟企业组织设计的主要要素,提出了基于利润分配的产品型虚拟企业契约模型,并运用遗传算法来求解;(4)剖析了产品型虚拟企业竞争力的形成要素,构建了相应的评价指标体系,基于PCA和GRA对虚拟企业的信用进行了评价;基于粗糙集理论,设计了合作伙伴评价算法;设计了产品型虚拟企业的绩效评价指标体系,采用组合权重等方法设计权重。

【Abstract】 When human society enters into an era of knowledge economy society, industry is facing unprecedented challenges and opportunities. Product life cycle is shorter and shorter, and the variety of products is increasing greatly. Consumers’ demand for due time is becoming shorter and shorter, more and more characterization of product after-sale service is formed. As a kind of modern administration form and production management aiming at competition by means of co-operation, virtual businesses emerge as time requires, which have become main models for the organization and operation of modern businesses. Through setting up virtual businesses, the present enterprises will realize dynamic optimized combination, change the present Chinese business model of "large enterprises with complete logistics; small businesses also with complete logistics", to urge Chinese enterprises transform themselves to the highly intensification and large-scale management, so as to enhance the holistic competition.Aiming at solving some problems such as VE construction, etc., this essay carries out research based on the concept of supply chain, from four categories, such as VE planning control, design of organizational system, partners and performance management, and so on., which results in a suite of more complete VE frame work. The essay is divided into seven chapters, mainly including:The fist chapter, introduction, is about the main enterprise developing tendency, as well as the review of the relevant literatures, and proposes the analysis framework of this article; the second chapter, analysis of utilities VE enterprises, elaborates VE enterprises’ definition, features and classification, which emphasizes the description of utilities VE enterprises’ connotation, co-operation, integrated management information system, and so on. The third chapter, Utilities VE enterprises’ frame work construction based on supply chain management, explicates supply chain management and its efficiency, makes comparisons between supply chain management and VE enterprises, stresses on the analysis of the major problems and factors existing in utilities VE enterprise construction; the fourth chapter, planning management of utilities VE enterprises, analyzes the process of making plans for utilities VE enterprises, shows the directions of control and draft a comparatively complete planning control flow chart; the fifth chapter, organization design of utilities VE enterprises, firstly, makes shifts from utilities VE enterprises to supply chain, design the contract model among organizations by means of analysis of building factors of its organization model, and use genetic algorithms to solve problems; the sixth chapter, utilities VE enterprises’ performance design, analyzes utilities VE enterprises’ main factors, constructs the evaluation index system of utilities VE enterprises’ partners, make evaluations based on Rough Set Theory, and determines indexes weight by means of Method of Combination Weighting; the seventh chapter, conclusion and outlook, mainly draws a conclusion on the whole article and proposes future direction in the research.Innovation of this paper may be despicted as follows:Based on supply chain, construct a frame work for utilities VE enterprises, including four categories, such as plans, organization, partners and performance management, etc.;Analyze some main factors of making plans for utilities VE enterprises, and design a control model for improving plans for utilities VE enterprises;Analyze some major factors of utilities VE enterprises’ organization design, and design a contract model profit distribution among organizations by means of genetic algorithms;Analyze the main factors of forming utilities VE enterprises’ competition, construct relevant index evaluation system based on Rough Set Theory, and design evaluation algorithms for partners.
