

Aerodynamic Interference Investigation for Dispensing and Separation of Cluster Munition

【作者】 陶如意

【导师】 王浩;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 兵器发射理论与技术, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 子母弹抛撒、分离与干扰的气动特性是子母弹武器系统研制过程中的关键问题之一。本文利用风洞试验与数值模拟相结合的方法对超音速子母弹抛撒、分离与干扰的气动特性进行了较为系统的研究。设计了母弹弹体上有子弹抛出后留下的弹巢的子母弹干扰模型,根据试验内容并结合风洞条件设计了试验方案,分别进行了母弹开舱后气动特性、子弹同时抛撒干扰气动特性和子弹时序抛撒干扰气动特性风洞试验研究。试验过程中测量了气动参数、拍摄了流场纹影图,为数值模拟和工程设计提供了宝贵的数据。根据试验结果,分析、探讨了子母弹分离流场结构和干扰气动特性。研究了超音速子母弹分离干扰流场的数值模拟方法。针对子母弹复杂组合体外形,利用分区技术对计算区域进行分区,并采用结构网格和非结构网格相结合的混合网格生成方法对不同的分区进行网格划分;针对超音速子母弹分离的复杂激波干扰流场,以采用湍流模型的雷诺平均N-S方程作为控制方程,利用高效的有限体积AUSM+离散格式,对抛撒、分离干扰流场进行数值模拟,其中开舱后流场计算湍流模型选用S-A一方程模型,子弹同时抛撒和子弹时序抛撒干扰流场计算湍流模型采用κ-ωSST两方程模型。数值模拟结果与试验结果符合较好,证明所用数值模拟方法适合计算子母弹抛撒、分离干扰流场。根据试验和数值模拟结果,研究了母弹开舱后、子弹抛撒前母弹流场结构,探讨了母弹带攻角时流场特性。给出了流场参数分布图,获得了横截面子弹装配空隙处形成的涡流,分析了母弹攻角对流场结构、气动参数及子弹分离的影响。研究了子弹同时抛撒子母弹分离干扰气动特性。探讨了母弹攻角α_c=0°和α_c≠0°时的流场特性、干扰气动规律,给出了波系清晰的激波干扰流场结构图,获得弹巢空腔处形成的涡流,所得阻力、升力和俯仰力矩系数为工程设计提供了有价值的数据。研究了子弹时序抛撒子母弹分离干扰气动特性。模拟了第一时序子弹抛出后、第二时序子弹抛撒前的干扰流场,从中获取了较合适的抛撒时序,在此基础上研究了子弹时序抛撒时的干扰气动特性。获得了不同攻角、不同抛撒时序下干扰流场结构图,且波系结构清晰,探讨分析了阻力、升力和俯仰力矩系数。可为子母弹时序抛撒在工程应用中抛撒时序的设计提供指导。

【Abstract】 Both wind tunnel experiment and numerical simulation were applied to study aerodynamic interference characteristics during dispensing and separation, which is one of the most important key problems in studying and developing cluster munition.A cluster munition model with shell body cavity and experiment scheme were designed. In the wind tunnel test, three scenarios were considered. One of them was that cluster munition’s cabin was opened, the other was dispensing all submunitions simultaneously, and the last was that submunitions were dispensed sequentially. Interference flow field and aerodynamic parameters were collected during the test. The data was important for numerical simulation and engineering design.Numerical simulation methods and theory were analyzed to simulate disturbing flow field on separation of supersonic cluster munition. Since the cluster munition’s shape is irregular during dispensing, hybrid grids technology was adopted to carve up grids. In order to improve calculation precision, Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations and finite volume AUSM+ discretization format were employed, and S-A one formulation turbulent model for the cluster munition without cabin, and k-ωSST two formulation turbulent model for the separation of cluster munition. Computed results were compared with experiment data and were found to be in good agreement with the data.According to the results abtained from wind tunnel experiment and numerical simulation on cluster munition without cabin, interference flow field of munition without attack angle and with attack angle was studied. Parameter distribution of flow field was described by some figure, the pressure distribution on the surface of shell body and vortex located in the joint of adjacent submunitions were analyzed. The result showed that aerodynamic parameters and submunition separation were affected by the difference of munitions attack angle.Flow characteristics of submunition dispensing simultaneously were investigated. Some attention was paid to the flow characteristics and aerodynamic disturbing property of the carrier with different attack angle. The vortex located in shell body cavity was obtained. The valuable aerodynamic parameters for engineering application were proposed.Flow characteristics of submunition dispensing sequentially were investigated systemically. Based on the computation results after the first sequential submunition dispensed, the appropriate dispensing interval was obtained. Then the aerodynamic interference property of submunition with different attack angle and different dispensing interval was introduced. The direction to design dispensing sequence of cluster munition sequential dispending was presented.
