

A Study on Zheng Xuan’s Poetry and Music Thought

【作者】 杨允

【导师】 许志刚;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 文艺学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文集中研究郑玄的诗乐思想,从其生成条件到理论内涵,进行全方位地、深入地考察,给以历史的、实事求是的阐述与评价。论文共分六个部分。绪论部分系统地梳理了20世纪以来的郑玄研究状况,分析研究的进展及所留下的课题,明确本研究的突破点与学术宗旨。本文认为以往的研究对两个重要问题缺乏探究,其一,东汉思想建构、郑玄经学、郑玄的文学思想三者的关系;其二,经典注释与郑玄思想诉求的关系。本文将郑玄置于东汉中后期的思想建构中,论述当时经学格局的变化与郑玄思想形成的内在联系,论述郑玄超越群贤的经学建树同他的诗乐思想的关系;论述郑玄诗乐思想的内在结构与丰富内涵。同时,阐述本文在研究视域与学科理念、研究思路与方法、文本资料等方面创新的尝试与甘苦。第一章概述郑玄的人生与思想形成,剖析时代、自身的境遇、师承对郑玄诗乐思想形成的影响。第二、三、四章为本文的主体部分,集中论述郑玄诗乐思想的构成与内在理路。郑玄的诗乐思想表现在诗乐生成与诗乐功效两个部分的论述中。第二、三章阐述郑玄有关诗乐生成的思想观点,集中论述郑玄对诗乐生成中重要规律的认识,他的这方面认识体现为诗乐的“正变”、“美刺”、“比兴”、“情志”、“通政”、“阴阳”六论。“正变论”表现出郑玄对诗歌基本类型的分析与理论阐述;“美刺论”重在分析诗歌宗旨的规定性;“比兴论”解读诗人的话语方式,阐述其对诗歌中兴象取义规律的认识;“情志论”多论诗人情感的决定因素与情感特征;“通政论”揭示诗人情感的指向与终极关怀:“阴阳论”则分析诗歌生成的深层要素。第四章阐述郑玄对诗乐功效的思想观点,这是郑玄对诗乐生成后,在流传中社会作用的认识。郑玄的诗乐功效论思想主要包括“诗乐移情论”、“用乐尊卑论”、“资政兴衰论”三个方面。“诗乐移情论”重在突显诗乐艺术的感染力,强调它的教化功能与效果;“用乐尊卑论”将社会的等级观念移入艺术消费中,强调文艺欣赏中的尊卑与等级之别;“资政兴衰论”强调诗乐在流传中对统治者的鉴戒作用。这些论述表现出对诗乐欣赏中特殊功效的诉求。第五章论述郑玄的诗乐思想对后代的影响。这些影响分为直接、间接两类,又进而细分为四个方面:郑玄著作的传播、郑门衣钵的传承、郑玄思想观点的引用与延伸、理论范畴的启迪。方式、程度虽有差异,却都归结为对郑玄思想的接受与传播。

【Abstract】 This article focuses on Zheng Xuan’s poetry and music thought, we’ll study the conditions of its generation and its theoretical content, all-round way and in-depth, elaborate and evaluate it historically and seeking truth from facts.Thesis is divided into five parts.The introductive part sorts out the studies of Zheng Xuan since the 20th century systematically, analyzes the progress and the remaining issues of the study, and clears the breakthrough point and academic purpose of this study.This article holds that previous studies lack of attention to two important issues, First, the relations between the ideological construction of the Eastern Han Dynasty and Zheng Xuan’s Jing Xue and the literary ideas of Zheng Xuan; Second, the relations between Classic notes and ideological aspirations of zhengxuan. In the study, Zheng Xuan will be placed in the ideological construction of the late Eastern Han Dynasty. We’ll explore the internal relations between pattern change of study and the formation of Zheng Xuan’s thought, and discuss the relations between Zheng Xuan’s academic achievements and his poetry and music thought, and elaborate the internal structure and the rich connotation of Zheng Xuan’s poetry and music thought. At the same time, we’ll elaborate the research horizon and discipline ideas, research mentality and methods, text materials and so on.The first chapter outlines Zheng Xuan’s life and the formation of the thought, Analyze Time, own circumstances and teachers, which influence the formation of Zheng Xuan’s poetry and music thought.The Second, third, and fourth chapter are the main parts of this article.which focus on the composition and inner thoughts of Zheng Xuan’s poetry and music thought. Zheng Xuan’s poetry and music thought is discussed in two parts, which are the generation of poetry and music and the effect of poetry and music.The second and the third chapter mainly talk about the generation of the poetry and music, in which we’ll elaborate Zheng xuan’s understanding to the generating rule of the poetry and music, and clear his basic view from six aspects, which are "orthodox and variation", "praise and satire", "comparison and affective image", "feeling and intent", "communicate with Politics", "Yin and Yang". "The theory of orthodox and variation"mainly elaborates Zheng xuan’s analysis and theoretical basis about dividing poetry into "orthodox" and "change"; "The theory of praise and satire "focuses on analyzing the stipulation of the purpose of the poetry; "The theory of comparison and affective image" interprets the poet’s mode of discourse and elaborates how Zheng Xuan explains the rule of affective image; "The theory of feeling and intent" mainly discusses the determining factors and characteristics about Poet’s emotion; "The theory of communicating with Politics" reveals the emotional point and ultimate concern of the poet; "The theory of Yin and Yang" analyzes the underlying elements of poetry generation.The fourth chapter elaborates Zheng Xuan’s viewpoints of the effect of poetry and music, and elaborates how Zheng Xuan thinks of the poetry and music’s social function in its spreading.Zheng Xuan thinks that the effects of poetry and music mainly include three aspects, which are "The theory of transference", "The theory of inferiority or superiority of using music", "The theory of reference for political prosperity and decline". "The theory of transference" focuses on the influence of the poetry and music, emphasizes its function of education; "The theory of inferiority or superiority of using music"pulls the social hierarchy into the consumption of the arts, and emphasizes the difference between inferiority or superiority in literary appreciation; "The theory of reference for political prosperity and decline" emphasizes on the warning role for the rulers in the spread of the poetry and music. These expositions show the demands of special effects in the appreciation of the poetry and musicThe fifth chapter discusses how Zheng Xuan’s thought impacts on future generations. These effects are divided into two types, which are direct and indirect, further sub-divided into four areas: the dissemination of works of Zheng Xuan, the academic inheritance of Zheng Xuan, the reference and extension of Zheng Xuan’s ideas, the enlightenment of the theory category. Although there are differences on the method and the degree, yet all are attributed to the acceptance and dissemination of Zheng Xuan’s thought.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 01期