

Xiezhen’s Times and His Poetics Theory of Labor in IT Industry

【作者】 赵旭

【导师】 涂光社;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 文艺学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 明代诗歌创作整体艺术水平不高,但诗学理论却很丰富。围绕着文学复古运动,明代诗学对中国古典诗歌艺术进行了卓有成效的总结,对后世影响深远。谢榛是“后七子”文学社团的元老,明代最著名的理论家之一。他的诗学与他所处的时代密不可分,在中国诗学史上占有重要地位。本文以谢榛的时代及其诗学作为研究对象,本着“知人论世”的原则,从谢榛所处时代特征、谢榛的生平遭际、价值取向和理论建树等方面展开论述,对谢榛在中国诗学史上的地位作出客观评价,并对明代诗学的相关问题作出阐释。绪论部分明确本文的研究意义和研究方法,介绍当前的研究状况。第一章通过对弘治末年到万历初年社会时代特征的考察,从君主性情、党社斗争、藩府制度和文学思潮等方面归纳谢榛诗学形成、发展的原因和特点。谢榛早年“爱作艳曲”,后来又大力主张“以盛唐为法”,推崇“建安风雅”,这与当时的时代精神相一致;其著述中表现出的忧患意识和对诗人“英雄气”的强调,也与当时的社会状况密切相关;谢榛与诸多文官有交往,不可避免地卷入党社斗争,尤其是“后七子”社团与严嵩的斗争,这也引发了他与李攀龙等诗友的矛盾;谢榛长期寄寓藩府,其诗学也受到这种生活氛围的影响。他是“后七子”之一,与吴中诗人也有密切往来,而且从少年时代起就积极进行通俗文学创作。文学复古运动的兴起,吴中诗学与中原诗学的交流以及通俗文学创作的迅速发展,这些都为谢榛的诗学提供了养分。第二章结合谢榛及其友人的著述,对其家庭、交游、人生价值取向和著述情况进行考察梳理。谢榛家境贫寒,父母早逝,为生计而寄身藩府;他一生“惟诗是乐”,虽然“诗草经年只半存”,却仍然留下了两千五百五十二首诗、四百五十则诗话和八十则对明诗的评语。诗歌创作是谢榛的谋生手段,为了提高创作水平,谢榛四处奔走,广交诗友,这对其诗学有着重要影响。第三章探讨谢榛对诗歌本体的认识。他明确指出抒发情志是诗歌的本质特征。重视情感与景物的结合,肯定诗歌“乃模写情景之具”,主张“文随世变”,认为不同时代的诗作自有其时代特征。第四章到第六章从诗歌的师法、评鉴和创作三个方面对谢榛的诗学体系的构建特点进行分析。这三个方面彼此交融在一起,它们构成了谢榛诗学体系的基本框架。第四章探讨谢榛对诗歌师法的主张。他确定了学习对象,即古体诗师法汉、魏以前,近体诗师法盛唐,并归纳了行之有效的方法和原则。第五章探讨谢榛对诗歌评鉴的主张。通过对大量例证的分析,谢榛对评鉴者应具备的素质和评鉴的尺度都提出了明确要求。第六章探讨谢榛对诗歌创作的主张。从创作主体素质的培养到艺术构思再到修辞的运用,谢榛都提出了全面而有针对性的意见。结束语部分明确谢榛的主要成就是其诗学理论,并对他在中国诗学史上承前启后的重要地位作了强调。此外,本文通过对大量史料的查考,并对谢榛本人及其交往者的著述进行梳理,编制谢榛年谱,理清其主要社交关系,作为“附录”。

【Abstract】 In Ming Dynasty, artistic level of poetry is not high, while poetics theory is abundant. Poetics theory of Ming Dynasty is a summarization of Chinese classical poetry, which influenced posterity.Xiezhen is one of the founders of a famous group made up of seven litterateurs in Jiajing emperor in Ming Dynasty and one of the most famous poets in his times.Xiezhen’s times and idea of poetics are studied here. A major goal of this paper is to make an objective evaluation of his contribution to Chinese classical poetics and an interpretation on some relevant issues by analyzing the characteristics of the times, his life story, value orientation and his achievements.The introduction indicates research significance and presents research situation and method.The opening chapter analyzes the formation, development and characters of Xiezhen’s theory by reviewing the sign of the times from the last years of Hongzhi Reign to the early years of Wanli Reign in Ming Dynasty, including disposition of emperors, the political situation, political struggle and literary trend. His poetics theory was influenced by the period in which he lived. He enjoyed creating flowery poetry in early years while affirmed the poetry in the heyday of Tang Dynasty and greatly esteemed the poetic style of Cao’s family. He was mindful of potential perils and emphasized goodness and heroism in his works. He kept in close contact with many feudal princes, which forced him to get embroiled in political struggles. The struggle between his group and Yansong provoked conflicts. He joined in Fanfu, which impacted on his theory. As one of the members of a famous group, he kept in close contact with the poets in Wuzhong and started to create light literature early. Traditionalist movement, intercommunion between Wuzhong and rapid development of light literature provided nutrients for him.The second chapter explores Xie Zhen’s life story and poetics theory by means of his friends’discourses and his works. He was born in a poor family, lost his parents at an early age and then was forced to join in Fanfu for a living. He considered writing poets as the highest ideal and carried down a rich cultural heritage to us, including 2552 poems, 450 poetry and 80 commentaries. He made a living by writing. To lift his poems to a new level he ran in all directions. He was well in with plenty of poets and formed a diversified poetics theory.The third chapter probes into his viewpoint on ontology. He thought epic marked poems and affirmed different characteristics bestowed by the times.The other three chapters describe characteristics of his poetics theory. Versification, appreciation and creation inter-infiltrated and constituted his theory. The forth chapter focuses on his point on imitation. He suggested that classical poetry should learn from Han Dynasty while modern-style poetry Tang Dynasty. The fifth chapter focuses on his opinion on appreciation. He indicated evaluation standard, artistic conception and rhetorical devices in detailed. In addition, some effective principles of methods were summarized. The sixth chapter discusses creation. He submitted detailed opinions on quality of poets, artistic conception and rhetorical devices.The conclusion makes clear that poetics theory is Xiezhen’s major achievement and affirms that he plays an active role to inherit the past and usher in the future.Further more, a chronicle was worked out based on works, historical data and unofficial stories as the appendix.

【关键词】 谢榛时代诗学师法评鉴创作
【Key words】 XiezhenTimesPoeticsImitationAppreciationCreation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 01期