

Power Delivery Network Design and Power Integrity Analysis for High-Speed Circuits

【作者】 张木水

【导师】 李玉山;

【作者基本信息】 西安电子科技大学 , 电路与系统, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 随着电子系统向高速度、高密度、高功耗、低电压和大电流的趋势发展,高速数字系统设计与分析的重点已经从信号完整性转移到电源完整性。电源完整性及其引起的噪声耦合问题已经成为当代高速数字设计最主要的瓶颈,这正是本论文的研究主题。电源分配网络构成了高速数字系统最庞大最复杂的互连,约占全部互连空间的30%~40%。系统中所有的器件都直接或间接地连接到电源分配网络上,器件数目成千上万。因此电源分配网络设计与电源完整性分析是数字系统中技术最复杂、最不成熟、意见最不统一的地方。尤其是关于去耦网络的设计与分析,一直以来都是争论不休的焦点。电源分配网络是高速数字设计的核心,它直接影响着电源完整性、信号完整性和电磁完整性等系统的性能。本论文重点研究高速数字系统的电源分配网络设计与电源完整性分析这一主题;并探讨了与之紧密联系的电源噪声抑制和非理想互连的建模与分析。研究的主要内容归纳如下:1)在消化前人研究成果的基础上,讨论了电源分配网络设计的各个重点环节。剖析了电源完整性、信号完整性和电磁完整性之间的内在联系,提出了电源完整性、信号完整性和电磁完整性协同设计的思想。2)提出多输入阻抗的概念,并在此基础上分析了去耦平面电源分配网络的电气特性,找出了利用输入阻抗设计电源分配网络在高频时难以获得精确结果的根源。建立了一套基于多输入阻抗的电源分配网络设计与性能分析方法,该方法克服了传统目标阻抗法无法准确表征电源地平面高频特性的缺点。3)在论证电源分配网络中各元件之间动态电荷交换和传输的基础上,提出了能够在时域准确表征电容和电感在功率及时传输过程中的作用的新方法。建立了一套新的基于功率传输的电源分配网络的设计与性能分析方法,该方法方便、直接、可靠,并为高速电源完整性的分析提供了一个新视点。4)探讨了电磁带隙结构在电源噪声抑制中的应用。研究了电磁带隙结构噪声抑制的原理以及应用缺陷,在此基础上提出了电磁带隙噪声隔离墙的概念,应用于数字系统的噪声抑制。在获得超宽带电源噪声抑制的同时,很好地控制了附加的额外成本以及由于电磁带隙结构引起的不利影响。此外,还研究了电磁带隙结构中信号走线的传输特性,为电磁带隙结构的实际应用做好铺垫。5)研究了非理想高速互连的建模与分析技术。非理想互连是严重影响电源完整性、信号完整性和电磁完整性的关键网络。从互连的特性区域出发,阐明了建模的基础与要点;着重探讨了高速连接器和过孔两类典型高速互连的宽带建模技术。建模方法深刻地反映了互连的物理信息和电路结构的紧密关联性,能够很容易地被理解、分析、掌握和应用。本文系统性地研究了电源分配网络设计与性能分析的各个相关领域,研究结果均通过严格的仿真与实验验证,可以直接应用于实际高速数字系统电源的设计与分析。

【Abstract】 With the trend of the electronic systems toward higher edge rates, higher density, higher power, lower supply voltages, larger transient currents, the focus of the analysis and design of high-speed digital systems have shifted to the power integrity from signal integrity. Supplying a clear power to the IC and managing the coupling of power noise have become the bottleneck of high-speed digital circuit designs, which is the subject of the dissertation.The power delivery networks constitute the largest and most complicated interconnects of the modern digital systems, they account for about 30 % to 40% of the overall interconnect space and area. Thousands of components on the PCB or package, both active and passive, are all connected into the power delivery network directly or indirectly. Therefore, compared with the signal integrity, the performance analysis and the architecture design of the power delivery networks are immature and controversial, especially for the decoupling networks, which is the source of debate by academia for decades. However, the design of the power delivery network is the most important part of the high-speed digital system design. It closely relates to power integrity, signal integrity and electromagnetic integrity of the whole electronic system. This dissertation emphasizes on the design and analysis of the power delivery networks for high-speed digital systems. Another two important related topics investigated here are the suppression of power noise and the modeling and analysis of non-ideal high-speed interconnects. The contents of dissertation are mainly listed as follows:1) The research results available in this field are summarized and abstracted, many key points of the power delivery network design are discussed. The intrinsic relationships between the power integrity, signal integrity and electromagnetic integrity are demonstrated. Based on this, the concept of power integrity, signal integrity and electromagnetic integrity co-design is proposed.2) A new concept called multi-input impedance is proposed. Then the global and local characteristics of the power delivery networks are analyzed and demonstrated. The reason why is difficult to design a reliable power delivery network using the self impedance is uncovered. A power-delivery-network design and analysis method is developed based on the multi-input impedance concept. This method overcomes the shortcoming of the target impedance design method which can not characterize the power delivery network in high frequencies.3) The dynamic charge exchange and transmission among all components in the power delivery network are demonstrated. Based on this, a new method for the characterization of the capacitors and inductors in the view of power delivery is proposed, which can accurately characterizes the time-limited behavior of the capacitors and inductors responding to the surge currents. A new power-delivery-based design method for the power delivery networks is developed. This method is convenient, intuitive, and reliable. It provides a new version for the power-delivery-network design and analysis.4) The application of electromagnetic bandgap structures in the power noise suppression is also investigated. The noise suppression mechanism of the electromagnetic bandgap structure is analyzed and its limitations on practical applications are discussed. A new power noise suppression concept of electromagnetic-bandgap-structure isolation wall is introduced. This idea could be used to not only extremely extend the noise suppression bandwidth, but also greatly reduce the additional cost and the negative effects by the introduction of an electromagnetic bandgap surface into a power/ground pair. In addition, the signal integrity of the signal traces between a power/ground plane pair with electromagnetic bandgap structure is also investigated, which pave a straight way for the real applications of the electromagnetic bandgap structure in the power noise suppression.5) The modeling and analysis of high-speed non-ideal interconnects are investigated. The non-ideal interconnects are the key networks in the high-speed digital systems, which greatly affect the power integrity, signal integrity and electromagnetic integrity of the entire system. The fundamental of the modeling is demonstrated using the performance regions of the transmission line. Two typical non-ideal high-speed interconnects, high-speed and high-density connectors and via transitions, are investigated. The highlight of the modeling methods is the essential embodiment of the relationship between the electrical behavior and the physical structures of the modeled interconnects. It can be easily understood, analyzed and designed.All relative facets of the power delivery network’s analysis and design are studied systematically in this dissertation, and all results are validated by strict simulations and experiments. Hence, the results here can be used in practical designs directly.
