

Study on Carbon Potential and Its Cost-benefit of Afforestation and Reforestation Activities in Guangxi, China

【作者】 张治军

【导师】 张小全;

【作者基本信息】 中国林业科学研究院 , 生态学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文在广西地区选择不同营造林措施的马尾松、杉木、桉树,研究其林分碳贮量空间分布格局及年际变化规律,并运用经济学原理,比较各林分固碳成本现值、效益净现值的大小;同时结合我国西南地区四个清洁发展机制(clean development mechanism,缩写为CDM)碳汇造林项目分析整个项目及其不同造林模式人工林临时核证减排量(temporary certified emission reduction,缩写为tCER)和长期核证减排量(long-term certified emission reduction,缩写为lCER)成本的动态变化。以期为我国主要树种人工林选择更为合理的营造林措施提供基础数据,为降低固碳成本-效益的不确定性及构建合理的人工林营造措施提供科学依据,并为我国实施CDM碳汇造林项目的可行性方面以及项目的定期监测、核查和核证提供参考。主要研究成果如下:1.杉木人工林不同营造林措施下碳空间格局及成本-效益变化不同营造林措施杉木乔木层碳贮量均随林龄的增加而增加,固碳成本现值均随林龄的增加而降低,效益净现值随林龄的增加而增加。固碳成本现值以不施肥低于施肥,间伐低于未间伐,全垦低于穴垦;效益净现值与之相反。15年生杉木林施肥与不施肥条件下总碳贮量分别为157.86 tC·hm-2、143.74 tC·hm-2,其中乔木层分别占41.26%、36.67%,林下植被层占3.50%、2.43%,凋落物层占1.67%、1.16%,土壤层占56.14%、59.73%。年净固碳量分别为4.62 tC·hm-2·a-1、3.86 tC·hm-2·a-1。15年生时固碳成本现值分别为220.1$·(t C)-1、210.0$·(t C)-1,效益净现值为370.9$·(t C)-1、371.9$·(t C)-1。间伐(16年生)与未间伐(15年生)条件下杉木人工林总碳贮量分别为150.41 tC·hm-2、146.92 tC·hm-2,其中乔木层分别占44.44%、27.31%,林下植被层占2.77%、0.42%,凋落物层占3.08%、5.99%,土壤层占49.71%、66.28%。年净固碳量分别为4.73 tC·hm-2·a-1、3.30 tC·hm-2·a-1。15年生时固碳成本现值分别为236.9$·(t C)-1、319.0$·(t C)-1,效益净现值为302.7$·(t C)-1、266.8$·(t C)-1。6年生杉木林全垦与穴垦条件下总碳贮量分别为135.78 tC·hm-2和129.49 tC·hm-2,其中乔木层分别占15.02%、12.67%,林下植被层占10.80%、8.65%,土壤层占74.19%、78.69%。6年生时固碳成本现值分别为403.9$·(t C)-1、474.7$·(t C)-1,效益净现值为223.6$·(t C)-1、152.8$·(t C)-1。2.马尾松人工林不同营造林措施下碳空间格局及成本-效益变化不同营造林措施马尾松乔木层碳贮量均随林龄的增加而增加,固碳成本现值均随林龄的增加而降低,效益净现值总体上随林龄的增加而增加,其中不同间伐强度下马尾松固碳效益净现值随林龄的增加先升高后降低。固碳成本现值以不施肥低于施肥,炼山低于未炼山,对照相对低于其他间伐强度;效益净现值与之相反。9年生马尾松林施肥与不施肥条件下总碳贮量分别为141.31 tC·hm-2、121.39 tC·hm-2,其中乔木层分别占45.71%、40.15%,林下植被层占1.27%、0.75%,凋落物层占1.73%、2.74%,土壤层占51.30%、56.36%。年净固碳量分别为7.65 tC·hm-2·a-1、5.89 tC·hm-2·a-1。9年生时固碳成本现值分别为188.3$·(t C)-1、177.8$·(t C)-1,效益净现值为139.9$·(t C)-1、170.6$·(t C)-1。炼山(13年生)与未炼山(8年生)条件下马尾松总碳贮量分别为116.19 tC·hm-2、149.43 tC·hm-2,其中乔木层分别占41.78%、9.76%,林下植被层占2.96%、5.72%,凋落物层占2.51%、0.60%,土壤层占52.75%、83.92%。8年生时固碳成本现值分别为393.4$·(t C)-1、511.6$·(t C)-1,效益净现值为-52.7$·(t C)-1-165.0$·(t C)-1。25年生马尾松重度、中度、轻度间伐及对照条件下总碳贮量依次为235.76 tC·hm-2、239.37 tC·hm-2、237.97 tC·hm-2、229.74 tC·hm-2,其中乔木层分别占51.29%、50.66%、52.20%、47.22%,林下植被层占1.65%、1.64%、2.05%、2.13%,凋落物层占1.74%、1.98%、1.49%、2.12%,土壤层占45.33%、45.72%、44.26%、48.53%。年净固碳量依次为5.16 tC·hm-2·a-1、5.20 tC·hm-2·a-1、5.31 tC·hm-2·a-1、4.73 tC·hm-2·a-1。25年生时固碳成本现值依次为111.0$·(t C)-1、103.4$·(t C)-1、96.2$·(t C)-1、106.1$·(t C)-1,效益净现值分别为195.8$·(t C)-1、211.1$·(t C)-1、213.5$·(t C)-1、244.4$·(t C)-1。3.桉树人工林不同营造林措施下碳空间格局及成本-效益变化施肥与不施肥及不同施肥水平桉树乔木层碳贮量均随林龄的增加而增加,固碳成本现值均随林龄的增加而降低,效益净现值总体上随林龄的增加而增加,其中不同施肥水平桉树固碳效益净现值随林龄的增加先增加后降低。固碳成本现值以施肥低于不施肥,施肥水平III低于其他施肥水平;效益净现值与之相反。施肥(3年生)与不施肥(6年生)条件下桉树总碳贮量分别为83.44 tC·hm-2、74.53 tC·hm-2,其中乔木层分别占35.58%、15.82%,林下植被层占0%、9.12%,凋落物层占2.03%、0%,土壤层占62.39%和75.06%。3年生时固碳成本现值分别为361.9$·(t C)-1、2549.3$·(t C)-1,效益净现值为515.5$·(t C)-1-1676.3$·(t C)-1。16年生桉树不同施肥水平总碳贮量依次为(I、II、III):227.84 tC·hm-2、232.19 tC·hm-2、216.56 tC·hm-2,其中乔木层依次占72.32%、65.75%、68.25%,林下植被层占0.17%、0.95%、0.79%,凋落物层占1.09%、1.32%、1.79%,土壤层占26.42%、31.97%、29.17%。年净固碳量依次为10.48 tC·hm-2·a-1、9.87 tC·hm-2·a-1、9.59 tC·hm-2·a-1。16年生时固碳成本现值依次为183.2$·(t C)-1、181.5$·(t C)-1、164.3$·(t C)-1,效益净现值分别为416.7$·(t C)-1、426.0$·(t C)-1、429.8$·(t C)-1。4.皆伐、炼山对杉木和马尾松两种林分碳贮量的影响皆伐对杉木林植被碳贮量的影响较大,使其损失了63.97%的植被碳贮量,使马尾松林损失了46.45%的植被碳贮量。炼山对马尾松林植被碳贮量的影响较大,使其林地上采伐剩余物全部烧毁,占植被总碳贮量的27.42%;使杉木林地上部分损失了植被碳贮量的9.49%。同时,炼山使两种林分类型的土壤腐殖质层碳贮量减少,而对腐殖质层以下的土壤部分影响不明显。5.四个CDM造林再造林项目固碳成本变化特征各项目tCER成本从造林初期到末期逐渐降低,lCER成本先降低后升高。tCER成本:云南隆阳退化土地多重效益再造林>四川西北地区退化土地造林再造林>广西西北地区退化土地再造林>广西珠江流域治理再造林项目;lCER成本以云南隆阳退化土地多重效益再造林和广西西北地区退化土地再造林项目较高,另外两个CDM项目较低;各项目第一承诺期末tCER和lCER成本相同,其他承诺期末均为lCER成本高于tCER成本。四个CDM碳汇造林项目不同造林模式各承诺期末tCER和lCER成本大小情况如下:广西珠江流域治理再造林项目均以枫香与杉木、枫香与马尾松较高,马尾松与荷木、马尾松与栎类较低,桉树最低。广西西北地区退化土地再造林项目以杉木最高,桉树最低,其他各树种居中。四川西北地区退化土地造林再造林项目以云杉较高,川杨较低,其他各树种大小各异。云南隆阳退化土地多重效益再造林项目均以华山松较高,思茅松纯林、华山松与云南松混交林次之,云南松与思茅松混交林较低。通过单因素分析方法,对人工林固碳成本-效益的敏感性进行分析。单位面积碳贮量、营造林费用、土地租金及木材销售价格各波动±30%时,单位面积碳贮量对成本现值影响较大,木材销售价格对效益净现值影响较大。

【Abstract】 In this paper the spatial distribution pattern of carbon sequestration and inter-annual changes of carbon preliminary were studied for three tree species of Pinus massoniana, Cunninghamia lanceolata, Eucalyptus plantations under different afforestation measures which are main afforestation species on Guangxi. The cost present value and benefit net present value of stand carbon sequestration were compared by using economics principle. And based on a case study of four CDM carbon sinks reforestation projects of southwestern China, cost dynamic changes of carbon sequestration under the CDM projects and the different afforestation models in tCER and lCER were explored. This study is helpful to choice more reasonable afforestation measures of main plantation species, and to provide scientific basis on reducing cost-benefit uncertainty of carbon sequestration, and meanwhile to provide reference for implement feasibility and periodic monitoring, verification and certification of CDM project. The main research results were as follows:1. Carbon spatial distribution and cost-benefit changes of Cunninghamia lanceolata plantations under different afforestation measuresAs the stand age increased of Cunninghamia lanceolata under afforestation measures, Arbor layer carbon and net present value of benefit increased, but present value of cost decreased. The sequences of carbon cost present value of different afforestation measures were: no fertilization < fertilization, thinning < no thinning, and full reclamation < no reclamation, and net present value of benefit was contrast with the cost present value.Total carbon sequestration was respectively 157.86 tC·hm-2 and 143.74 tC·hm-2 of 15-year-old Cunninghamia lanceolata under fertilization and no fertilization, of which arbor layer accounted for 41.26% and 36.67%, understory vegetation layer accounted for 3.50% and 2.43 %, litter layer accounted for 1.67% and 1.16%, soil layer accounted for 56.14% and 59.73%. The annual net carbon sequestration was separately 4.62 tC·hm-2·a-1 and 3.86 tC·hm-2·a-1. The present value of carbon sequestration cost was in turn 220.1$·(t C)-1 and 210.0$·(t C)-1at 15-year-old, and the net present value of benefit was respectively 370.9$·(t C)-1 and 371.9$·(t C)-1.Total carbon sequestration was respectively 150.41 tC·hm-2 and 146.92 tC·hm-2 of Cunninghamia lanceolata under thinning (16-year-old) and no thinning (15-year-old), of which arbor layer accounted for 44.44% and 27.31%, understory vegetation layer accounted for 2.77% and 0.42%, litter layer accounted for 3.08% and 5.99%, soil layer accounted for 49.71% and 66.28%. The annual net carbon sequestration was separately 4.73 tC·hm-2·a-1 and 3.30 tC·hm-2·a-1. The present value of carbon sequestration cost was in turn 236.9$·(t C)-1 and 319.0$·(t C)-1 at 15-year-old, and the net present value of benefit was respectively 302.7$·(t C)-1 and 266.8$·(t C)-1.Total carbon sequestration was respectively 135.78 tC·hm-2 and 129.49 tC·hm-2 of 6-year-old Cunninghamia lanceolata under full reclamation and no reclamation, of which arbor layer accounted for 15.02% and 12.67%, understory vegetation layer accounted for 10.80% and 8.65% , soil layer accounted for 74.19% and 78.69%. The present value of carbon cost was in turn 403.9$·(t C)-1 and 474.7$·(t C)-1 at 6-year-old, and the net present value of benefit was respectively 223.6$·(t C)-1 and 152.8$·(t C)-1.2. Carbon spatial distribution and cost-benefit changes of Pinus massoniana plantations under different afforestation measuresWhile the stand age increased of Pinus massoniana under afforestation measures, Arbor layer carbon and net present value of benefit increased, but present value of cost decreased and net present value of benefit under different thinning intensity decreased at certain stand age. The sequences of carbon cost present value of different afforestation measures were: no fertilization < fertilization, controlled burning < no burning, and control < different thinning, and net present value of benefit was contrast with the cost present value.Total carbon sequestration was respectively 141.31 tC·hm-2 and 121.39 tC·hm-2 of 9-year-old Pinus massoniana under fertilization and no fertilization, of which arbor layer accounted for 45.71% and 40.15%, understory vegetation layer accounted for 1.27% and 0.75%, litter layer accounted for 1.73% and 2.74%, soil layer accounted for 51.30% and 56.36%. The annual net carbon sequestration was separately 7.65 tC·hm-2·a-1 and 5.89 tC·hm-2·a-1. The present value of carbon sequestration cost was in turn 188.3$·(t C)-1 and 177.8$·(t C)-1 at 9-year-old, and the net present value of benefit was respectively 139.9$·(t C)-1 and 170.6$·(t C)-1.Total carbon sequestration was respectively 116.19 tC·hm-2 and 149.43 tC·hm-2 of Pinus massoniana under controlled burning (13-year-old) and no burning (8-year-old), of which arbor layer accounted for 41.78% and 9.76%, understory vegetation layer accounted for 2.96% and 5.72%, litter layer accounted for 2.51% and 0.60%, soil layer accounted for 52.75% and 83.92%. The present value of carbon sequestration cost was in turn 393.4$·(t C)-1 and 511.6$·(t C)-1 at 8-year-old, and the net present value of benefit was respectively -52.7$·(t C)-1 and -165.0$·(t C)-1.Total carbon sequestration was in sequence of 235.76 tC·hm-2, 239.37 tC·hm-2, 237.97 tC·hm-2 and 229.74 tC·hm-2 of 25-year-old Pinus massoniana under intensity, intermediate, mild thinning and control, of which arbor layer accounted for 51.29%, 50.66%, 52.20% and 47.22%, understory vegetation layer accounted for 1.65%, 1.64%, 2.05% and 2.13%, litter layer accounted for 1.74%, 1.98%, 1.49% and 2.12%, soil layer accounted for 45.33%, 45.72%, 44.26% and 48.53%. The annual net carbon sequestration was in turn 5.16 tC·hm-2·a-1, 5.20 tC·hm-2·a-1, 5.31 tC·hm-2·a-1 and 4.73 tC·hm-2·a-1. The present value of carbon sequestration cost was in sequence of 111.0$·(t C)-1, 103.4$·(t C)-1, 96.2$·(t C)-1 and 106.1$·(t C)-1 at 25-year-old, and the net present value of benefit was respectively 195.8$·(t C)-1, 211.1$·(t C)-1, 213.5$·(t C)-1 and 244.4$·(t C)-1.3. Carbon spatial distribution and cost-benefit changes of Eucalyptus plantations under different afforestation measuresWhile the stand age increased of Eucalyptus under afforestation measures, Arbor layer carbon and net present value of benefit increased, but present value of cost decreased and net present value of benefit under different levels of fertilization decreased at certain stand age. The sequences of carbon cost present value of different afforestation measures were: fertilization < no fertilization, fertilization III < other fertilization levels, and net present value of benefit was contrast with the cost present value.Total carbon sequestration was respectively 83.44 tC·hm-2 and 74.53 tC·hm-2 of Eucalyptus under fertilization (3-year-old) and no fertilization (6-year-old), of which arbor layer accounted for 35.58% and 15.82%, understory vegetation layer accounted for zero and 9.12%, litter layer accounted for 2.03% and zero, soil layer accounted for 62.39% and 75.06%. The present value of carbon sequestration cost was in turn 361.9$·(t C)-1 and 2549.3$·(t C)-1 at 3-year-old, and the net present value of benefit was respectively 515.5$·(t C)-1 and -1676.3$·(t C)-1.Total carbon sequestration was in sequence of 227.84 tC·hm-2, 232.19 tC·hm-2 and 216.56 tC·hm-2 of 16-year-old Eucalyptus under different fertilization levels (I, II, III), of which arbor layer accounted for 72.32%, 65.75% and 68.25%, understory vegetation layer accounted for 0.17%, 0.95%, and 0.79%, litter layer accounted for 1.09%, 1.32%, and 1.79%, soil layer accounted for 26.42%, 31.97%, and 29.17%. The annual net carbon sequestration was in turn 10.48 tC·hm-2·a-1, 9.87 tC·hm-2·a-1 and 9.59 tC·hm-2·a-1. The present value of carbon sequestration cost was in sequence of 183.2$·(t C)-1, 181.5$·(t C)-1 and 164.3$·(t C)-1 at 16-year-old, and the net present value of benefit was respectively 416.7$·(t C)-1, 426.0$·(t C)-1 and 429.8$·(t C)-1.4. The effects of clear cutting and burning on stand carbon sequestration of Cunninghamia lanceolata and Pinus massonianaThe effect of clear cutting on biomass carbon of Cunninghamia lanceolata is more obvious than Pinus massoniana; and two tree species had separately a loss of 63.97% and 46.45% of biomass carbon. Controlled burning had greater influence on biomass carbon of Pinus massoniana, which had a loss of 27.42%, but Cunninghamia lanceolata had a loss of 9.49% of biomass carbon. Meanwhile, two stand types were reduced of humus layer carbon sequestration by controlled burning, and it was not obvious to the soil part under the humus layer.5. Carbon cost changes of four CDM afforestation and reforestation projectsThe tCER costs of four CDM projects were decreased gradually, and lCER costs of the projects were increased after reducing under the entire project period. The order of tCER costs of four projects: Multiple-purposes reforestation on degraded lands in Longyang, Yunnan > Afforestation and reforestation on degraded lands in Northwest Sichuan > Reforestation on degraded lands in Northwest Guangxi > Facilitating reforestation for Guangxi watershed management in Pearl River Basin. The lCER costs of multiple-purposes reforestation on degraded lands in Longyang and reforestation on degraded lands in Northwest Guangxi were higher than other two CDM projects. The tCER costs were equal to lCER costs of four projects at the end of the first commitment period, and tCER costs were less than lCER cost at the end of other commitment periods.The tCER and lCER costs of different afforestation models on four CDM carbon projects at the end of the commitment periods were as follows: The costs of Liquidambar formosana + Cunninghamia lanceolata and Liquidambar formosana + Pinus massoniana were higher than Pinus massoniana + Schima superba and Pinus massoniana + Quercus sp., and Eucalyptus was lowest in facilitating reforestation for Guangxi watershed management in Pearl River Basin; The cost of Cunninghamia lanceolata was higher than others, and Eucalyptus was lowest in Reforestation on degraded lands in Northwest Guangxi; The cost of Picea asperata was higher than others, and Poplus szechuanica was lowest in afforestation and reforestation on degraded lands in Northwest Sichuan; Pinus armandi was higher carbon cost than others, and Pinus yunnanensis + Pinus khasya was lowest in multiple-purposes reforestation on degraded lands in Longyang.The sensitivity of carbon cost-benefit was analyzed through single-factor analysis. Carbon sequestration per unit area was a greater impact on the carbon cost present value and timber selling price was more sensitivity to the benefit net present value, when it was fluctuated separately±30% of carbon sequestration per unit area, the cost of afforestation, land rent and selling price of wood.
