

A Research on the Competitiveness of China’s Bamboo Industry Based on the Global Trade

【作者】 吴君琦

【导师】 李智勇;

【作者基本信息】 中国林业科学研究院 , 生态学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 在经济全球化的背景下,各国都在根据本国的资源禀赋状况,安排国内生产和贸易以实现资源的合理配置。作为世界贸易中最具价值的非木质林产品,竹资源自古就是人类赖以生存的重要的森林资源。世界竹子看中国,与其它产竹国相比,中国竹产业已发展到相对较高的层次,无论是竹林经营水平,或者是竹资源加工利用的深度和广度,其规模和水平都处于国际领先地位。中国竹产业巨大的经济、社会和生态效益为世界做出了榜样,促进了人们关注竹子补充木材资源消耗与维护生态平衡的作用,也带动了世界各地竹产业的发展。由于竹资源是短期内可更新的森林资源,在木材供给量连年递减的情况下,世界各国越来越多地将目光投向竹资源的开发利用。毋庸置疑,全球竹产业正在迎来天时地利的黄金机遇,在未来相当长的一段时期内,竹资源培育及开发利用都将成为广大产竹国和竹产品消费国的发展重点,竹产品开发领域和消费市场的不断扩大必将引发世界竹产业的发展浪潮。对中国竹产业而言,一方面,一些竹资源和劳动力富足的发展中国家,日益注重国内竹资源的开发利用和竹产业的发展,在国际竹产品市场中崭露头角,对中国竹产业形成全面挑战;另一方面,由于竹资源生长周期短,资源优势很容易在较短时间被突破,欧美发达国家通过领先世界的资源培育技术和进出口贸易,可以弥补国内资源不足的先天条件,而且以强大的工业和高新技术为支持,同样对中国竹产业向高端方向发展构成有力竞争。本研究以竞争优势理论为指导,以主要竹产品为考察对象,以竹产品国际竞争力评价为主线,以中国竹产业竞争力评价为主要目标,从全球背景对中国竹产业面临的资源配置、技术创新、贸易壁垒等竞争压力和问题进行了分析和研究,对反映竹产品竞争力的各种指标进行测算、比较,在此基础上,对中国竹产业竞争力作出定量的、系统的综合评价,为中国竹产业巩固现有优势、挖掘潜在优势,从暂时的垄断性的比较优势向长久的可持续的竞争优势转换提供参考依据。论文主要分三部分,第一部分从全球视角,分析世界竹产业发展和竹产品国际贸易的现状,总结中国竹产业发展和竹产品贸易的特点,从而对其在全球市场中的地位作出评估。第二部分对中国竹产业竞争力的要素条件进行深入分析,并对现有要素条件的优弱势进行综合评价,特别从技术壁垒对竹产业竞争力的影响进行研究,并提出从产品到企业、从企业到政府的应对策略。第三部分,在全面总结中国竹产业竞争力要素条件的基础上,对反映竹产品国际竞争力的各种显示性指标进行测算和比较,从而对中国主要出口竹产品的国际竞争力做出定量的、系统的整体评价。研究表明,通过反映净出口状况、国际市场份额和产品竞争实力等各种竞争力显示性指标的测算,均得出一致结论,即中国竹产品在国际市场中具有相对较强的竞争优势,绝大部分竹产品为净出口、市场份额可观、竞争力实力不断提升,优势地位短期内不可撼动。其中编织品竞争力最强,其次依次为笋竹食品、深加工制品、家具和原竹。通过对影响竹产业竞争力的要素条件的分析,说明以丰富的资源禀赋为基础的中国竹产业,已经具备了向更高层次发展的产业基础,但仍处于要素驱动主导、逐步向投资驱动和创新驱动阶段过渡的产业发展的初级阶段。与此同时,随着世界竹产业的迅速崛起,中国竹产业面临来自资源、技术以及环境等方面的竞争压力。一方面,中国竹产业发展既有资源丰富、基础优厚的传统优势,又有科技水平超前、工业化开发利用领先世界的创新优势,但同时也面临产业结构、规模经营、资本投入等亟待解决的深层问题,以及来自主要竞争对手的强劲挑战,可谓优弱势并存,暂时而言,优势强于弱势,长远来看,挑战多于机遇。本研究的创新之处在于从全球角度,以竹产品为考察对象,通过产品竞争力指标定量反映中国竹产业的竞争力,并在竞争优势理论的指导下,对影响中国竹产业竞争力的深层次因素进行分析和评价,为今后同类研究提供了创新思路和方法。由于暂时的数据不可获得性,有关指标未能纳入测算体系,有待在今后的研究中继续调整和深入。

【Abstract】 Against the backdrop of growing economic globalization, countries are trying to arrange national production and trade according to their own resources endowment to achieve a rational allocation of resources.Bamboo is the most valuable non-timber forest product in global trade, and has been an important forest resource since ancient times. Its development and utilization in China has been outstanding. With the most abundant bamboo resources in the world, the bamboo industry in China has developed into a fully-fledged industrial system from cultivation, processing and utilization to exportation, and is the emerging pillar industry in bamboo production areas, as well as one of the most competitive sunrise forestry industries in the world in the past few decades. China’s bamboo industry is more advanced than other bamboo producing countries, and it leads the world in bamboo resources management, processing and utilization. China’s bamboo industry sets a benchmark for the world with its integrated contribution to the national economy, society and the environment, which promotes global awareness of bamboo’s role in replenishing timber resources and maintaining an environmental balance, as well as stimulating the development of the global bamboo industry.Globally, bamboo has received more attention because of the declining availability of timber. Over the long term bamboo is likely to become one of the development priorities for most of bamboo producer and consumer countries, and a possible surge of the bamboo industry will be led by increasing consumption of bamboo products. As a result, developing countries rich in bamboo and labor resources have paid increasing attention to their bamboo industries and have begun to market products that bring serious challenges to the Chinese bamboo industry. On the other hand, resource predominance is easily broken due to the short growth cycle of bamboo resources. Western developed countries, using advanced technologies for resource cultivation and markets can supplement their resource shortages and provide strong competition to the further development of Chinese bamboo industry, due to their strong industrial base and technological innovation.This research measures, compares and appraises major indicators reflecting trade competitiveness of the main bamboo products in the global market in order to understand the competitiveness of Chinese bamboo industry. It analyses the competition pressure of the Chinese bamboo industry, including resource allocation, technology innovation and trade barriers within the framework of the Competitive Advantage trade theory. The competitiveness of the main bamboo products produced in China is confirmed based on trade data, and an overall evaluation of the global competetive environment of the Chinese bamboo industry is given. The outputs will be used as references for Chinese bamboo industry to strengthen existing competitive advantages and achieve a comprehensive, healthy and sustainable development. The research composes of three sections. Firstly, the position of Chinese bamboo industry in global environment is evaluated, based on a general analysis of the global bamboo industry and bamboo trade and a summary of the characteristics of the Chinese bamboo industry and bamboo products trade. Secondly, the key factors influencing bamboo industry are analyzed within the framework of the theory of Competitive Advantage, followed by an overall evaluation on the advantages and disadvantages for Chinese bamboo industry’s development and a few recommendations are proposed to improve the condition. Thirdly, based on the appraisal on the industry development and products characters, major indexes reflecting trade competitive of main bamboo products in global trade market are measured and compared and a general evaluation on Chinese bamboo industry is concluded.The research indicates that according to a comparison of major indexes reflecting the net export status, the global market share and product competition strength, a general conclusion can be made, that is, bamboo products made in China occupy a comparatively strong competitiveness in global competition market. Most bamboo products are net exported and have considerable export market share and their constantly increasing competitive strength and predominant status is not likely to change in the short term. Of these, plaited products enjoy the highest competitiveness, followed by bamboo shoots, further-processed products, furniture and raw bamboo materials. Via analysis of the key factors influencing the competitiveness of the bamboo industry, it is concluded that the Chinese bamboo industry has reached a relatively mature stage of development, based on its rich resources endowment.Meanwhile, the industry is still at a primary stage from factor-driven to investment-driven and facing competition pressure from various aspects of resources, environment, technology innovation, and so on, along with the rapid development of the global bamboo industry. The Chinese bamboo industry enjoys traditional advantages of rich resources and a favored industrial base as well as integrated advantages of advanced scientific research and leading industrialization in the world. But at the same time, it also faces serious restrictive factors in industrial structure, scale management, capital investment and technological innovation and the strong challenges from competitor countries. Thus the Chinese bamboo industry is in a situation of co-existence of advantages and disadvantages, a balancing act in which for the moment, its advantages outweigh its disadvantages, but in the long run, its challenges may be more than its opportunities.The highlights of the research include appraisal of the competitiveness of the Chinese bamboo industry by comparing the competitiveness indexes of bamboo products with a global view and analysis of the key elements of the bamboo industry within the theory of Trade Competitiveness, which provides an innovated approach and method for similar research in future. Unfortunately, some indexes of competitiveness are not included in the measuring system due to the lack of availability of data, which could be improved in future studies.
