

Analysis and Evaluation of Lac Eco-economic System

【作者】 陈智勇

【导师】 陈晓鸣;

【作者基本信息】 中国林业科学研究院 , 生态学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 紫胶是云南省的传统特色产品,我国紫胶生产主要集中于云南,云南既是我国紫胶的原产地,也是主产地。云南的紫胶产量六十年代以前占全国产量的99%,二十世纪七十年代以来,紫胶生产虽已推广扩大到广东、广西、福建、江西、湖南、四川等一些省区,但云南的比重仍占到全国产量的90%以上。紫胶生态经济系统是一个由多因素组成的整体,紫胶的生产必须由紫胶虫、寄主植物及环境组成。紫胶主产于南亚热带和热带贫穷山区,因满足绿色、有机、天然等环保、健康要求而拥有广阔的市场前景和显著的经济效益,是当地农民的主要收入来源和脱贫骨干项目。紫胶培育营建的大面积寄主植物在绿化荒山、保持水土、保护天然林、改善生态环境等方面发挥了巨大的作用。本研究以整体论、系统论和生态经济理论为指导,以云南典型的紫胶产区—红河州和墨江县为研究区,采用野外调查、设置样地定点观测、计量经济方法相结合的手段,调查了紫胶生态经济系统的结构,构建了紫胶生态经济系统评价的指标,并据此评价了系统的经济效益和生态效益,探索各子系统间的相互作用,以期为紫胶产业发展提供可靠的基础数据和科学的依据,提高我国的紫胶资源的利用率和生产力,促进紫胶产业的可持续发展。主要研究结果如下:中国目前用于紫胶生产的紫胶虫种有6种,寄主植物300余种,优良寄主植物近20种,紫胶寄主植物资源8000余万株,紫胶生产面积近300万亩。构建了新的多虫种、不同质量紫胶生产并存,能生产满足各种需求紫胶的良好局面,新的紫胶地理格局横跨南亚热带、热带北缘和干热河谷区。构建的紫胶生态经济系统物种结构、空间结构合理,在时间结构上,紫胶生产与其他经济作物生产及生物多样性保护上有较好的同步性。在适宜紫胶蚧、信德紫胶虫等紫胶虫发展的干热河谷区发展其夏代和冬代;在适宜云南紫胶虫、尼泊尔紫胶虫等紫胶虫发展的热带北缘发展其夏代和冬代。在南亚热带区,充分利用4-10月的较高的气候条件、和丰富的寄主植物资源,发展紫胶蚧、信德紫胶虫、中华紫胶虫和尼泊尔紫胶虫等紫胶虫种,生产优质紫胶。紫胶生态经济系统具有较好的生态经济功能。紫胶生态经济系统经济价值高于单纯的农作物的经济价值,一般为单纯农业价值的1.5~1.8倍。紫胶林内土壤流失量仅是坡耕地的14%,采伐撂荒地的30~40%;有机质和N、P、K等元素流失量是坡耕地的10-12%,采伐撂荒地的20%;碳汇量大约540万吨;紫胶生产每年可收获薪材约20万吨,相当于增加13万吨标准煤能源,减少砍伐约18万M~3木材,相当于每年保护15-20年树龄的思茅松人工林1.2万亩。构建了紫胶生态经济系统评价的指标及其量化方法。社会经济效益指标以投资收益率、投资回收期、净现值、净现值指数为主,生态效益指标以固碳释氧效益、减少土壤侵蚀、减少泥沙滞留与淤积、增加土壤肥力、涵养水源等指标为主。分析了不同紫胶种植模式的种植成本、经济收益,核算各模式的利润。研究表明,乔木纯林模式的利润在814.14—1564.42元/亩之间;乔灌木纯林模式的利润在983.33—1145.20元/亩之间;林粮混作模式的利润在1008.98—1563.64元/亩之间。纯林模式的投资收益率在2.08%—3.57%间;乔灌混交模式的投资收益率在3.49%—4.08%;在林粮混种模式的投资收益率在1.18%—2.74%。纯林模式的投资回收期在1.01—4.58年间;乔灌混交林模式的投资回收期在1.01—4.62年间,林粮混种模式的投资回收期在2.29—4.38年。紫胶的加工方面,每生产1吨颗粒胶需要消耗23138.22元成本,年产100吨颗粒胶的加工企业,每年可收入240.00万元,其中利润8.62万元,投资回收期9.28年,收益率为10.78%。每吨虫胶片生产成本为31362.68元/吨,年产50吨虫胶片企业的年收入为170.00万元,利润为13.19万元,投资回收期8.34万元,收益率12.00%。每吨漂白胶的生产成本为48990.00元,年产销50吨漂白胶企业的收入为275.00万元,利润可达30.05万元,3.66年可回收投资,收益率高达27.32%。加工的过程中,随着加工深度的扩大,获得的收益不断上升的,紫胶产品收益的排序是:漂白胶>虫胶片>颗粒胶。从生态效益看,乔木纯林总的生态效益达727.83元/亩,其中减少土壤侵蚀、减少泥沙淤积、土壤肥力、涵养水源和固碳释氧的分别占0.0008%、0.0000%、0.6960%、0.0026%和99.3005%:灌木纯林总的生态效益达698.69元/亩,其中减少土壤侵蚀、减少泥沙淤积、土壤肥力、涵养水源和固碳释氧的分别占0.0009%、0.0001%、0.5653%、0.0038%和99.4298%;林粮混作总的生态效益达1123.63元/亩,其中减少土壤侵蚀、减少泥沙淤积、土壤肥力、涵养水源和固碳释氧的分别占-0.0006%、0.0000%、0.0325%、-0.0021%和99.9702%。不同种植模式的生态效益以固碳释氧为主,占了模式生态效益的99%以上。生态和经济的综合评价来说,乔木纯林模式的生态经济效益为2010.11元/年·亩,其中经济效益和生态效益分别为1282.28元/年·亩和727.83元/年·亩;灌木纯林模式的生态经济效益为1512.83元/年·亩,其中经济效益和生态效益分别为814.14元/年·亩和698.69元/年·亩;林粮混作模式的生态经济效益为2206.19元/年·亩,其中经济效益和生态效益分别为1082.56/年·亩和1123.63元/年·亩。研究表明,气候条件的变化、胶种单一、缺乏种胶培育基地、放养技术退化导致寄主树的老化和不当利用、其他经济作物挤占紫胶生产土地资源、市场价格波动导致农户积极性降低是制约紫胶种植的限制因素。经营体制对产业发展的制约、供需缺口较大,企业的生产能力得不到满足、产品附加值低,低水平竞争现象严重、企业竞争意识薄弱、年际产量大起大落,高低悬殊过大、产业组织化程度低、替代品的威胁、政府与商家重视程度不够是紫胶产品的加工中存在的突出问题。为此,应该加强政策扶持,保障紫胶产业长期稳定发展;种胶为先导,培养种胶基地,以生态建设为切入点;多模式发展,综合利用紫胶寄主植物;建立高效的信息反馈系统;成立行业组织,稳定价格机制;加强技术革新,注重产品定位,开拓市场,以促进紫胶产业的壮大和发展。

【Abstract】 Lac is the traditional products with local characteristics in Yunnan province. The Lac industry of China is concentrated in Yunnan province, which is not only the origin area, but also the main yield region of lac. Yunnan Lac production accounted for 99% of national production before 1960s. Lac production has been spread to Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Jiangxi, Hunan, Sichuan and other provinces since 1970. However, the proportion of Yunnan still accounts for more than 90% of whole national production. Lac eco-economic system is a component of the overall multi-factor, including lac insects, host plants and the environment. Lac insects mainly distribute in the poverty mountainous areas of south subtropical and tropical zone. Now lac productions become the main source of income for local farmers and the backbone of the Poverty-alleviation Project. Lac industry has broad market prospects and significant economic benefits, due to meet the requirement of green, organic, natural in environmental protection and health. Large-scale host plants in lac cultivation has played a vital role in greening of barren hills, water and soil, protecting natural forests and improve the ecological environment. The main results were as follows:There were 6 species of lac insects, and their host plant species were up to 300 species, among them, 20 were the better plant species. There were 80 millions individuals of host plants of lac insects, and distributes among 200 thousands hectares around China. The constructed lac-producing arrangement can produced different quality of lac which was secreted by different lac insect species, and distributed across south subtropical belt area, north tropical belt, and dry-hot volley.The species construction and special construction of lac eco-economical ecosystem were reasonable, and had good synchronism of lac producing, crops producing, and biodiversity conservation. In order to increase good-quality lac, Kerria lacca and Kerria sindica could be cultivated in dry-hot volley in summer and winter, and be cultivated in south sub-tropical area in summer, where the climate conditions and host plants are good to raise them.Lac eco-economical system had good eco-economical function. The economical value of lac eco-economical was 1.5-1.8 times of that of farming system. The washed-away soil in lac forest was 14% of that in farmland, 30-40% of that in wasteland. The washed-away organic nutrients and N, P, and K were 10-20% of that in farmland, 20% of that in wasteland. The amount of carbon sequestration in lac eco-economical system was up to 540t. Besides produced lac, the system can produced 200 thousands of firewood, which matched producing 130 thousands standard coal, deceasing the amount of 180 thousand M~3 fell-down forest, and protecting 12 thousands of Pinus kesiya var.langbianensis aged from 15-20.In this study, the overall, system eco-economic theory was chosen as guide theory. Honghe State and Mojiang County, belonging to typical lac producing areas in Yunnan were chosen as the study area. By using combination methods of field surveys, fixed-point observation and econometric approach, we investigate the eco-economic system of Lac structure, constructed of eco-economic evaluation indicators of Lac to assess the economic and ecological benefits and to explore the interaction between the subsystems. Then it is expected to improve resource utilization of Lac and productivity, and promote the sustainable development of lac industry by provide a reliable basis for data and scientific basis of Lac industrial development.Lac eco-economic system evaluation indicators and its quantitative method were constructed in this study. Indicators of social and economic benefits addressed on the investment rate of return (IRR), payback period (PP), net present value (NPV), index of net present value (INPV) while eco-efficiency indicators addressed on the index of efficiency oxygen-release with carbon-sequestration, soil erosion reduction, sand and silt stranding decrease, soil fertility increasing, conservation water resource. The costs, economic benefits and profits of the different mode of lac cultivation, were analyzed and results showed that profit of pure-forest pattern was 814.14 -1564.42 Yuan per Mu, profit of forest-shrubs pattern was 983.33- 1145.20 Yuan per Mu and profit of forest- grain pattern was 1008.98- 1563.64 Yuan per Mu. IRR of pure-forest pattern was 2.08% -3.57%, IRR of forest-shrubs pattern was3.49 % -4.08% while IRR of forest- grain pattern was 1.18% -2.74%. PP of pure-forest pattern was 1.01 - 4.58 yr, PP of forest-shrubs pattern was 1.01- 4.62 yr and PP of forest- grain pattern was 2.29-4.38 yr. In the aspect of lac processing, 23,138.22 yuan was consumed to produce one ton seedlac. For the lac enterprises with annual production capacity of 100 tons seedlac, the annual income was 2,400,000.00 yuan. The profit was 86,200.00 yuan. Payback period (PP) was 9.28 yrs and investment rate of return (IRR) was 10.78%. For the enterprises with annual production capacity of 50 tons flake shellac, the cost was 31362.68 yuan per ton. Annual income was 170.00 million yuan. Profit was 131,900.00 yuan. PP was 8.34 yrs and IRR was 12.00%. As for the enterprises with annual production capacity of 50 tons bleached shellac, the cost was 48,990 yuan per ton. Annual income was 275.00 million yuan. Profit was 300,500.00 yuan. PP was 3.66 yrs and IRR was up to 27.32%. In the course of lac processing, the profits were increased persistent with the expansion of processing depth. The return sequence of lac products was: bleached shellac > flake shellac > seedlac.In the aspect of eco-efficiency, the ecologic profits of pure forest was 727.83 yuan per mu, in which soil erosion reduction, sand and silt stranding decrease, soil fertility increasing, conservation water resource and oxygen-release with carbon- sequestration account for 0.0008%, 0.0000%, 0.6960%, 0.0026% and 99.3005% respectively. Ecologic profits of forest-shrubs was 698.69 yuan per mu, in which soil erosion reduction, sand and silt stranding decrease, soil fertility increasing, conservation water resource and oxygen-release with carbon-sequestration account for 0.0009%, 0.0001%, 0.5653% , 0.0038% and 99.4298% respectively. Profits of forest-grain pattern was 1123.63 yuan per mu, in which soil erosion reduction, sand and silt stranding decrease, soil fertility increasing, conservation water resource and oxygen-release with carbon- sequestration account for -0.0006,0.0000% 0.0325 %, -0.0021% and 99.9702% respectively. Efficiency of oxygen-release with carbon-sequestration was the mainly ecological benefits in different patterns which accounts for more than 99% of the eco-efficiency model.As for the integrated evaluation of ecology and economy, the eco-economic benefits of pure forest were 2010.11 yuan per mu annually, in which economic benefits was 1282.28 yuan per mu while ecologic benefits was 727.83 respectively. The eco-economic benefits of forest-shrubs were 1512.83 yuan per mu annually, in which economic benefits was 814.14 yuan per mu while ecologic benefit was 698.69 respectively. Furth the eco-economic benefits of forest-grain were 2206.19 yuan per mu annually, in which economic benefits was 1082.56 yuan per mu while ecologic benefits was 1123.63 respectively.Studies have shown that changes in climatic conditions, a single plastic species and lack of lac breeding incubator, the degradation of technology led to the aging or improper using host trees, other economic crops occupying land resources of lac production, market price fluctuations reducing enthusiasm of farmers are all the constraints of lac cultivation. Operating system constraints on industrial development, a larger gap between supply and demand, production capacity of enterprises, products with low added value, low-level competition, weak competition of enterprises, inter-annual products fluctuation, high and low disparity is too large, lowly industrial organization, threats of substitutes, emphasis of government and enterprises not enough, are becoming the prominent problems on the extent of lac products. In this respect, policy support should be strengthened to protect the long-term stable development of lac industry. Brooklac as the guide, cultivate base and ecological construction as starting point, we should promote the growth and development of lac industry by the means of multi-model development, comprehensive utilization of lac host plants, establishment of efficient information feedback system, construction of industry organizations, stability of the price mechanism, strengthening technological innovation, product positioning and market development.
