

【作者】 李银兵

【导师】 邵献书;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本课题是把生活在云南省南部哀牢山中段、红河上游因本民族女性腰缠五彩斑斓的彩带而得名的傣族支系之一的花腰傣作为研究主体,将因在节日中少男少女们具有的独特地谈情说爱方式而享有“东方情人节”美誉的花腰傣传统节日——花街节作为具体的研究对象,属于对一个民族节日全方位研究,展示出的是一个民族节日全景式的面貌。以往人们是通过自然来创造文化,而现在的人们则是通过“文化”来“重构文化”。笔者的本意是要考察云南新平彝族傣族自治县花腰傣族群的传统民间节日——花街节,但看到的却是一种新的,被重新建构着的民间节日文化的再生。近年来,作为本文的研究个案新平花腰傣节日之一的“花街节”,又称“赶花街”、“东方情人节”,在传统与现代、文化与经济的搏击中脱颖而出,立足新平、走进玉溪、迈向昆明乃至蜚声海内外,不仅成为了普及“地方性知识”、强化区域文化特色及认同的一种有效手段,而且作为市场经济下文化传承和再生过程中的一朵“奇葩”早已被看作是“文化多样”诉求中民族文化利用的一根标杆而闻名于世。因此,借助历史文献分析法、访谈法、参与观察法等多种研究手段,采用横向和纵向相融合的分析策略,利用“深描”和“复调”相结合的研究技术,把花街节放在特定的历史时空“场域”中,去揭示其在文化层面和社会层面的呈现逻辑与机制,探寻其在变迁过程中的各种“隐秘”,从而达到“去魅”的作用就是本研究的关注焦点和问题中心。当然,笔者试图揭示花街节文化变迁中的这种“逻辑”与“机制”、发掘这种“隐秘”,并非出于好奇的心理,也非出于单纯智识上对“现象”和“本质”、“文化”和“社会”间关系的探索的理论冲动,而是有着重要的理论和现实意义。比如,在理论上,从节日入手去分析和理解国家和社会的关系,倡导了一种研究国家和社会关系的新视角;对节日产生、缺失以及复兴的分析和研究能使我们很好地理解社会变迁和文化变迁之间的关系;花街节作为花腰傣的人生礼仪、婚俗仪式以及节日仪式,其本身的仪式特征所表现出来的解释意义、操作意义和地位意义升华和丰富了人类学、民族学对象征理论的认识;花街节作为花腰傣的传统节日,它自身的存在和发展,不仅促进了当地经济、文化与社会的全面进步,而且也为今天大力提倡的非物质文化遗产保护和发展理论以及民族地区和谐发展理论提供了一个很好的实例。在实践上,傣族研究作为民族文化研究中的一个显学,过去取得的研究成果主要是在对西双版纳水傣和德宏汉傣(旱傣)的研究中取得的,而对于傣族其他支系的研究却是十分欠缺,因此,本研究具有拓宽傣族研究范围的现实意义;花腰傣作为傣族的一支,其特有的文化特色早已引起世人的关注,但是学界对它的研究还仅仅停留在对花腰傣服饰、宗教等文化方面的描述和介绍层面上,学术研究和文化影响之间的距离是十分巨大的,因此,提升对花腰傣文化的研究层次也是作者的现实关怀;学术界对节日文化的研究比较薄弱,仅有的对节日文化的研究也主要表现在对节日的产生、活动的过程和分析节日的作用等方面,而很少从历史演变、文化与社会的互动、文化资源到文化资本的转换、一个节日潜在的多重意义的分析上入手,因此,本研究有弥补文化研究对节日研究的欠缺以及扩展节日研究视角的目的;花腰傣文化作为一个文化资源如今很好地转换成为一个文化资本,民族文化旅游成为了促进当地经济和社会进步的一把“金钥匙”,而作为花腰傣标志性文化的花街节在促进民族文化旅游发展中起着重要作用,因此,对花街节从民族文化资源到文化资本的研究能对很多还处在发展无路的民族地区人们来说具有巨大的借鉴意义;节日是民族文化的重要组成部分,研究者通过研究节日,能够对被研究民族的文化达到最深入、最全面的理解,因此,对花街节的研究能够对花腰傣文化、花腰傣族群认同以及花腰傣族群对国家认同等情况有更深入地认识;今天,花街节文化保护和利用进入了一个“瓶颈期”,找寻其利用中的不足,挖掘其深厚的文化底蕴,从而促进花街节文化的保护与发展等工作成为了当地政府、民众以及学者们关注的焦点,因此,笔者希冀本课题的分析能带给正在进行花腰傣文化保护和开发的人们一些启示。本论文由八章组成。导论部分主要介绍论文的研究问题以及问题的确定、论文的理论基础、研究现状、研究方法、重难点以及研究意义等。第二章对花街节文化存在的自然空间和文化空间进行简单地描述。第三章对花腰傣族群及其文化进行溯源后,重点分析花街节文化产生原因及其文化特质。第四章主要是把花街节作为一个仪式去认识,对这一仪式活动进行全方位的描述和分析。第五章是分析花街节在特殊时代缺失的具体原因,描述了花腰傣在婚俗、节日和风俗等方面发生的相应变化。第六章重点是分析花街节在现时代的复活机制,复活中的文化表征以及表征中的诗学和政治学等相关问题。第七章主要是通过对作为花腰傣标志性文化的花街节在花腰傣地区经济、文化、社会进步等方面作出的引导作用,以及在“申遗”工作中的经验和教训等的分析,彰显花街节在花腰傣文化中的地位,关注花街节文化的保护现状。结论部分主要是总结出在花街节文化变迁中涉及到的重大理论问题,比如,历史、文化与权力;文化变迁与“阴性书写”;文化变迁的辩证法等。在此基础上,笔者提出一条文化发展之路:那就是在文化自觉基础上实现文化自由。通过对新平花腰傣花街节的分析,笔者展示了一个节日文化的产生、发展、缺失、复活的发展历程,分析了节日在民族整体文化中的地位及其作用,见证了节日文化的保护和发展现状,预示了文化的未来发展之路,从而做到了对一个节日文化的“整体观”研究;文化的“浅描”和“深描”相结合,既做到了事实描述,也达到了深层分析,抓住了文化表层后面的深刻内涵;利用民族学、人类学最新理论,比如,象征理论、解释学、表征理论、实践理论、后现代理论等,对一个节日文化进行分析,把理论分析和实证材料有机地结合了起来;利用人类学、民族学、社会学、民俗学、政治学、历史学等多学科的理论和方法对文化进行研究,既拓展了文化研究的视野,也见证了民族学学科研究方法和角度的广博性、学科本身所具有的开放性。此外,由于前人对花街节文化未做过真正的民族学、人类学研究,因此,本文对花街节的所有研究都具有一定的原创性;在行文中,笔者对花街节上的支配性象征符号“秧箩饭”的分析、对花街节文化体现出的国家与社会关系的分析、对展演文化建构的理念根基以及意义解释、对鸡枞帽下的博弈、对文化发展的未来之路的提出等等都有一定的创新性。因此,所有这些都成为了本文在理论和研究方法上的创新之处。

【Abstract】 Huayao Dai,as the study subject of this dissertation, is famous for each woman of the ethnic group wrapped around the waist by a colorful ribbon. Huajie Festival, the traditional festival of Huayao Dai ethnic group who lives in the middle of Ailao Mountain and the upstream of the Red River, in southern Yunnan Province, is the study object of this dissertation. And Huajie Festival has the reputation of "Oriental valentine’s day", because boys and girls love each other in an unique way in the festival. This dissertation is an all-round research on a festival of an ethnic group, so it demonstrates a panoramic visage of festival of an ethnic group.People created culture through nature in the past, but now people reconstruct culture through culture. The author intends to visit the traditional folk festival of Huayao Dai in Xinping Autonomous county for Dai nationality and Yi nationality,Yunnan Province,—Huajie Festival,and to see a new and regenerative of folk culture which is re-constructed. In recent years, Huajie Festival, also named "attending Huajie" and "Oriental Valentine’s Day", stands out from the fighting between tradition and modernity, culture and economy. It bases on Xinping, spreads to the Yuxi, Kunming, and even is famed at home and abroad. It has not only become an effective means to spread "local knowledge" and strengthen the characteristics and recognition of regional culture, but also been a "wonderful work "of regeneration and heritage of culture in the process of market economy. It has been seen as a well-known benchmark of culture used in "cultural diversity" .Basing on the metheds of history analysis, interview, participatory observation and other research tools, the author uses the analysis strategy of horizontal and vertical integration, and the research techniques of "deep depiction" and "polyphony" to put Huajie Festival into a "field" of a particular historical time and space, observe the presentation of the logic and mechanism in cultural dimension and social dimension, and explore the various "secrets" in the process of its changes. Certainly, this is the aim of the study that we disclose the "secrets". Of course, the author attempts to reveal the "logic" and the "mechanism" in the process of cultural changes, and explore these "secrets", not out of the curious and also not the impulse to pure-intellectually explore the relationship between "phenomenon" and " essence ", " culture "and" society " but out of its importantance on theoretical and practical significance. For instance, on theory, the study starts from the holiday to analyze the relationship between state and society, and provides a new perspective to study the relationship between state and society; We can understand the relationship between social changes and cultural changes better through studying the production, missing and revival of a festival; The ceremony features of Huajie Festival emboding the interpretation meaning, operation meaning and status meaning, enrich the understanding for symbolic theory on Anthropology and Ethnology. Huajie Festival not only has promoted the local economy, culture and overall social progress, but also provided a strong proponent for today’s non-material cultural heritage protection and development theory. In practice, this study has broadened the scope of the study for Dai nationality, enhancen the research level on Huaydao Dai, made up culture studies on the festivals, and expanded the research perspective of festivals. So the study on Huajie Festival from culture resource to culture capital can provide generous help to the ethnic group who doesn’t know how to develop. Basing on the study on Huajie Festival, we can deeply understand the cultural of Huayao Dai, ethnic identity, and national identity, etc. Finally, the author hopes the study can give some enlightenment to those who are protecting and developing the Huayao Dai culture.This dissertation is composed of eight chapters. In the introduction, the author discusses the major questions, theoretical foundations, research methods, key points, difficulties, and study significance. In the second chapter, the author describes the nature space and culture space of the existence of Huayao Dai. In the third chapter, after exploring the origins of the Huayao Dai ethnic group and its culture, the author lays emphasis on emerging causes of Huajie Festival and its culture identity. In the fourth chapter, the author describes and analyzes Huajie Festival as a ceremony. In the fifth chapter, the author analyzes the reasons of absence of Huajie Festival at a special time and describes the corresponding changes of marriage customs, festivals, and habits of Huayao Dai at that time. In the sixth chapter, the author focuses on the mechanism of the revival, cultural representation ,and the poetry and politics in the process of representation of Huajie Festival. In the seventh chapter, the author analyzes the guiding functions of Huajie Festival on regional economic, cultural and social progress. The author also summarizes the experience and lessons in pursuit of the qualification of the heritage. At last, basing on the analyses of the major related theoretical issues, the author puts forward a path of cultural development: to achieve cultural freedom on the foundation of cultural consciousness.By the analyses on Huajie Festival of Huayao Dai in Xinping, the author presents the changing process in production, development, missing, and revival of a festival, analyzes the status and role of Huajie Festival in the culture of Huayao Dai,witnesses the situation of protecting and developing Huajie Festival, and foretells the future of cultural development. Thus, the study method of "the overall concept" comes true. At the same time, the author combines "shallow depiction" with "deep description" to seize the profound meaning of culture. The author expands the perspective of culture study by using the latest theory of Anthropology and Ethnology, and the theories of other subjects such as anthropology, ethnology, sociology, folklore, politics and history to understand Huajie Festival. In addition, our predecessors have not done a real anthropological study on Huajie Festival, so the author’s study is original in some degree. The analyses on the landmark symbol of "Yangluo Fan", the relations between the country and society reflected by Huajie Festival culture,and the ideas of cultural construction etc.,are inn-Vative on theory and study methods in this dissertation.

【关键词】 新平花腰傣花街节仪式表征
【Key words】 Xinping countryHuayao DaiHuajie Festivalceremonyrepresentation