

【作者】 普永贵

【导师】 荣仕星;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族地区公共行政管理, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 在全球化和地方化背景下,民族自治地方政府面临着越来越多的跨界公共问题,这些问题仅凭民族自治地方政府单方的力量无法解决,民族自治地方政府与其它地方政府间合作提供公共产品和公共服务才是解决问题之道。民族自治地方政府合作早先以经济领域的合作为发端,并取得了一些成绩,在公共产品和公共服务领域的合作尚处起步阶段,还存在诸多阻碍政府间合作的因素,只有通过建立政府合作的保障机制并采取多种有效措施,才能促进和完善民族自治地方政府在该领域的合作,以应对民族自治地方出现的跨界公共问题,提升其在更大范围内的竞争力。本文从六个方面展开讨论。“导论”部分,提出研究民族自治地方政府合作的背景,该项研究对于民族自治地方行政管理理论发展的贡献及其对民族自治地方政府公共管理实践的现实指导意义;归纳、总结近年来国内外学者对政府合作问题的研究状况及取得的成果,分专题厘清了近年来我国学者对地方政府合作研究的成果:对本文的研究方法和研究框架、内容做了一些简要介绍。第一章“民族自治地方政府合作的理论基础”,首先界定了本研究中涉及的几个核心概念,它们分别是合作、政府合作、民族自治地方政府合作等。其次,着重对民族自治地方政府合作的属性进行讨论,将民族自治地方政府合作定位于一种民族自治地方政府治理的工具、一种民族自治地方政府发展的战略和新时期新阶段民族自治地方政府间关系的一种表现形式。并提出协同理论、网络组织理论、复合行政理论和府际管理理论等几个政府合作的主要理论来源,揭示政府合作产生的理论背景。第二章“民族自治地方政府合作的缘起与演进”,分析了当前民族自治地方政府合作的环境、动力因素及发展演进。指出民族自治地方政府合作是政府回应跨界公共问题的策略和措施,这种地方政府治理模式的选择并非为某一孤立因素作用的结果,它是民族自治地方政府所处的外部环境变迁以及内部自发动力共同作用的结果。同时,从民族自治地方政府合作的发展脉络也能够发现,这种合作早先主要是经济领域的合作,随着社会发展以及民族自治地方政府所面临问题的变化才开始进行公共产品和公共服务供给领域的合作。第三章“民族自治地方政府合作的形态”,以德宏傣族景颇族自治州为对象,考察了民族自治地方政府在公共产品和公共服务领域合作的现状及发展前景,为提出促进和完善民族自治地方政府合作的对策措施提供现实依据。虽然德宏州政府与其它地方政府在公共产品和公共服务领域的合作内容还不是十分丰富,但从现状的分析中也可以看出,将来德宏州政府在该领域有着与其它地方政府展开全方位合作的趋势。第四章“民族自治地方政府合作的阻力分析”,首先分析了民族自治地方政府合作困境产生的机理,指出合作困境主要由非对称的资源依赖结构,合法性认同缺失,协商困难,行动空间中规则构造的复杂性、不确定性等所导致。其次分析了产生合作难题的具体因素,它们分别是压力型政府绩效评估指标体系的制约,中央政府的角色缺位,合作中缺乏有效的合作协调机制,财政困难造成合作成本分担难,传统行政区行政的惯性致使合作难,发展程度不同造成合作困难,缺乏统一的电子政务标准造成政府合作难等。第五章“深化民族自治地方政府合作的路径选择”,指出了民族自治地方政府合作中应遵循的维护中央权威、优势互补、利益共生、诚信、价值补偿、自愿参与等原则,并提出保障民族自治地方政府合作顺利进行的目标、动力、运行、协调等机制。最后提出了深化民族自治地方政府合作的具体政策措施,它们是完善官员绩效评价和考核体系,完善、落实政府合作的法律规范,建立多层次的协调机构,调整财政转移支付方式,统一电子政务标准以实现信息共享,加强民族自治地方政府能力建设,打造诚信政府等。“结语”部分回顾了本文的主要观点,并提出将来的研究中应该注意的问题。

【Abstract】 Under the background of the co-existence of globalization and localization, national autonomous local governments are faced with a growing number of cross-border public issues, most of which could not be solved by any single local government. The basic principle to solve these issues is to provide public goods and public services by national autonomous and relevant local governments’ cooperation. National autonomous local governments’ cooperation starts with economic cooperation and has made some achievements in this aspect while the cooperation of public goods and public services is still in the initial stage and there are many obstacles in such cooperation. In order to promote and stimulate the cooperation in this area, it should set up a guarantee Mechanism of governments’ cooperation and take a variety of effective measures to cope with the cross-border public issues so as to enhance its competitiveness on a wider scale. This study focuses on the following six parts.In the part of "Introduction", it analyzes the background of the study on the national autonomous local governments’ cooperation. It also interprets its theoretical contribution and its practical guiding significance; it summarizes recent studies and results on the governments’ cooperation at home and abroad and clarifies scholars’ relevant study achievements on the governments’ cooperation in China. And it gives a brief introduction of the study methods, framework and content.Chapter 1 "The Theory Foundation of the National Autonomous Local Governments’ Cooperation". Firstly, it defines some core concepts, such as cooperation, governments’ cooperation and national autonomous local governments’ cooperation etc. Secondly, it focuses on discussing the property of national autonomous local governments’ cooperation. It supposes such cooperation to be a kind of tool of the national autonomous local governance, and consider such cooperation to be the new development tragedy and the manifestation of it in the new era. And it indicates the main theoretical sources of the coordination theory, the organization network theory, the complex administration theory and the management theory. Furthermore, it also reveals the theoretical background of the governments’ cooperation generating.Chapter 2 "The Origin and Evolution of the National Autonomous Local Governments’ Cooperation". It analyzes the current situation, motive source of development of the national autonomous local governments’ cooperation. It claims that the national autonomous local governments’ cooperation is the governments’ response to the cross-border public issues and takes the cooperation as strategies and measures. The kind of the local government-governing mode choice is not the result of an isolated factor but joint influences of external environmental changes and internal spontaneous force of the national autonomous local situation. At the same time, it can be learned from the development of local governments’ cooperation that the cooperation originated from the economic area, and bound to the cooperation in the areas of public goods services with the social development and changing issues of the national autonomous local governments.Chapter 3 "The Pattern of the National Autonomous Local Governments’ Cooperation". It takes Dehong Dai and Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture as a case study. By making an on-the-spot investigation of the status quo in the cooperation of public goods and public services, and speculating its developing prospect, it provides realistic foundation for these measures to promote and improve the cooperation among national autonomous local governments. Although the cooperation in public goods and public services of Dehong Dai and Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture governments and other local governments are not very rich, they would have the trend to all-round cooperation in this area in future according to the status quo.Chapter 4 "The Analysis of Obstacles in the National Autonomous Local Governments’ Cooperation". First of all, it analyzes the main causes of the obstacles in the national autonomous local governments’ cooperation and points out that they are the non-symmetrical structure of resource dependence, the deficiency of legitimate identity, the difficult consultations and the complexity and uncertainty of the rules in action. Secondly, it analyzes the specific factors that influence the cooperation. The factors are the constraints of stress-oriented government performance evaluation index system, the role absence of central government, the lack of effective cooperation mechanismsin the cooperation, the difficulty in sharing cost of the cooperation caused by financial difficulties, the traditional administrative region inertia, the development at different stages and the lack of a unified e-government standards etc.Chapter 5 "Path selection to deen the National Autonomous Local Governments’ Cooperation". It points out that the national autonomous local governments’ cooperation should follow these principles, such as safeguarding the authority of the central governments’, complementing each other’s advantages, making the mutual benefits, having good faith and compensation of value, and participating voluntarily etc. Furthermore, it tables a proposal in target, motivation, operation, and coordination mechanisms to make national autonomous local governments’ cooperation smoothly. At last, it puts forward the specific measures to deepen the national autonomous local governments’ cooperation. They are perfecting official’s performance evaluation and assessment system, improving and implementing governmental cooperation’s legal norm, establishing a multilayer cooperating agency, regulating the ecological compensation system, unifying e-governments’ standards to share information, strengthening the capacity of the national autonomous local governments’ cooperation and building an honest governments’ image etc.The part of "Epilogue" sums up the key viewpoints put forward in this study and points out some aspects that we should pay some special attention to in the future study.
