

【作者】 赵敏

【导师】 戴庆厦;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文以汉藏语系藏缅语族彝缅语支的哈尼语卡多方言(以下简称“卡多话”)为研究对象,借签参考语法的描写分析原则,综合运用现代语言学的基本理论,并兼顾传统语法的研究范式,对墨江哈尼族自治县孟弄乡石龙村哈尼语卡多话的语法结构及其特点进行了较为全面、系统、深入的共时描写与分析。全文共分十二章。第一章绪论主要介绍本文的研究对象、研究意义、理论框架及具体的研究方法;简述哈尼族的民族概况、哈尼语及卡多方言的总体特征和现阶段哈尼族卡多人的语言使用状况;回顾并简要评价迄今为止对卡多话的研究情况;对本文的语料来源做说明。第二章音系主要描写哈尼语卡多话的声母、韵母、声调以及音节结构类型;重点对声母、韵母、声调的构成、数量及特点等进行了详细的描写与说明;对音节结构的类型加以总结;对主要的语流音变现象进行了总结和分析。第三章实词对卡多话的实词,包括名词、代词、数词、量词、形容词、动词和副词进行详细的描述。主要介绍各类词的语法特征。第四章虚词对卡多话的虚词,包括助词、连词和感叹词进行详细的描述。主要介绍各类词的语法特征。第五章短语主要描写卡多话的八种短语成分。包括主谓短语、支配短语、修饰短语、补充短语、并列短语、同位短语、连动短语和兼语短语。第六章句法成分本章主要探讨了能够允当句法成分的各种语言单位,包括主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语、补语,重点归纳能够充当每一种句法成分的各种语言单位,并从语义角度对各句法成分做了进一步的分析。第七章简单句对动词性谓语句、形容词性谓语句、名词性谓语句、主谓谓语句进行分析。本章着重考察了属于动词性谓语句的兼语句和连动句。第八章复杂句把复杂句分为并列句和主从句两大类。以分句间的语义关系为依据,详尽描述五类并列句:并列关系并列句、承接关系并列句、递进关系并列句、解说关系并列句和选择关系并列句;七种主从句分:转折关系主从句、假设关系主从句、条件关系主从句、因果关系主从句、目的关系主从句、连锁关系主从句和比较关系主从句。第九章句子类型本章对卡多话的四种语气类型,即陈述句、疑问句、祈使句和感叹句进行了考察,从形式、语义和语气的角度对四种语气类型做了进一步的细分。第十章特殊句式对卡多话的六种特殊句式做了专题性的描写及研究。六种特殊句式是话题句、关系从句、受事居前的施受关系句、判断句、比较句和存现句。第十一章构词法包括构词法、借词和词义关系三部分。本章对卡多话的构词方式、借词来源与使用进行了说明;对多义词、同音词、同义词、反义词和近义词等进行了详细的分析与论述。第十二章全文结语。归纳论题研究的成果和重点、研究的创新;指出研究的不足;明确后续研究中需要深化的问题。论文的末尾附有长篇语料(附录一)和分类词汇(附录二)。论文的撰写是建立在大量丰富翔实的语料基础之上的。研究方法主要采用田野调查法、归纳法和具体描写。其研究意义主要在于:1.有助于加深对卡多话共时面貌的认识和了解;2.有助于深化汉藏语系语法的研究,尤其是汉藏语系藏缅语族不同语言的语法比较研究和类型学研究;3.能为汉藏语系的语法类型学研究及语法比较研究提供真实的文本和实用信息;4.对语言接触的研究,尤其是语言接触背景下语法结构特点的研究具有一定的价值。

【Abstract】 This dissertation aims to synchronically make a comprehensive and systematic study of Khato, a language of Yi Branch, Tibet-Burman Group on the basis of the description framework of reference grammar, mainly covering its phonological system, parts of speech and syntactic system. The dissertation consists of twelve chapters.Chapter One. Preface. As an introduction of the dissertation, it offers the designing of the present dissertation, covering the object, significance, specific research methods of the study,etc. A short description of the Khato-speaking nationality, a general presentation of the language itself, a brief picture of the present situation of language use of the nationality in question and a looking-back of past linguistic researches on the language are simultaneously covered.Chapter Two. Phonological System. This part is a description of the Khato phonological system. The main contents being consonants(initials), vowels(finals), tonic types and syllable canon. Phonological inflections and phonological processes including syllabic reduction, assimilation and tonic variations are also tentatively covered.Chapter Three. Full Words. This part is made up of seven sub-sections, foucusing on the parts of Full words of Khato, including noun, pronoun, numeral, quantifier, verb, adjective and adverb.Chapter Four. Empty Words. This part provides the parts of Empty words of Khato, including conjunction, particle, and interjection repectively. Each section is a general description of the grammatical features of each part of speech, with special attention to their grammatical functions and peculiar syntactic behaviors, if any.Chapter Five. Phrasal Structure. In this part, the phrasal structure of Khato is divided into eight categories, of which the syntactic relations are mentioned.Chapter Six. Syntactic Constituent. The syntactic constituents in sentences of Khato are approached both from syntactic and semantic ways.Chapter Seven. Simple Sentences. The dissertation goes all the way through simple clause types .Chapter Eight. Complex Sentences. Full description on the complex sentences of the target language from the viewpoint of the semantic relations.Chapter Nine. Syntactic Mood. This chapter gives a full description on declarative sentences, interrogative sentences, exclamatory sentence and imperative sentence from the form, tone and semantic perspective.Chapter Ten. The Specific Syntactic Types. This chapter makes an in-depth analysis on the study of six syntactic structure types, including topic clause, existential clause, relative clause,comparative clause,etc.Chapter Eleven. Word-building. This part is a presentation of word-building process of the language. The main contents being compounding and affixation, Semantic relations, loans(mainly from Chinese)of the language.Chapter Twelve. Conclusion. This chapter includes a brief overview of the main points of the dissertation, innovation, inadequate research as well as future research directions.It is strongly wished that the present study will be helpful to the further research of the language and beneficial to the contrastive research and typological study of the Sino-Tibetan Family.
