

【作者】 吕屏

【导师】 王庆仁;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 本文旨在通过对广西靖西县旧州壮族绣球的个案研究,来考察传统民艺的传承问题。在以往对壮族绣球的研究中,学者们主要是以宏观的研究角度,侧重于历史文献的积累和整理,多数从历史、文化等层面对壮族绣球进行介绍和分析,缺乏深入包括田野个案在内的微观实证研究,民族学、人类学、社会学等学科方法运用不多。此外,前人的研究还忽略了绣球与“当下”社会文化的联系,因而难以呈现出旧州壮族绣球从传统到现代传承过程之整体而完整的面貌。本文以为,传承是文化的内在属性,是人类社会不间断发展的内在要求。对于传承的研究,不仅要注意到传承文化的“民间性”,还要重视其民族性、群体性以及传统性与现代性交织在一起的文化变迁性。因而,本文试图突破以往将绣球视为一个相对稳定和静止的可视形象和文化现象的研究范式,将绣球文化放置于一个新的历史语境和新的认识范式中,通过历时性与共时性相结合的叙述手法,对其进行历史演变、文化艺术与社会的互动、文化遗产到文化资本的转换等整体而全面的传承发展过程分析。本文中将主要探讨以下问题:绣球的生命力从何而来?它在缺失后是如何通过在现代文化语境中转换角色,寻求新的生存和发展空间而得以重生和复兴?在现代工业文明社会中绣球的传承又有何策略和规律?其在现代人的物质生活和精神生活中具有怎样的功能、地位?它在适应当代生存环境和社会需要中发生了什么变化?这一貌似繁荣的背后又将面临何种新危机?在深入田野工作的基础上,本文借鉴布迪厄的“文化再生产”理论,从民族学、人类学、艺术学等学科交叉的方法入手,将绣球放在历史语境中,从传承环境、传承机制、传承人等层面透视其传承过程。这种作为生活整体的研究取向,为认识绣球这一壮族传统民艺事象和创造传承绣球工艺提供了新的视野。进一步而言,本文探究以绣球为代表之民艺的文化再生产的传承过程,透视传统民艺在现代化进程中的境遇,将有助于更深刻的理解社会与文化之间的互动关系,从而为以绣球为代表的民艺提供更为合理的发展环境和传承机制。本文主要包括绪论、正文(共七章)、结论三大部分。绪论部分主要包括研究的缘起和研究意义,相关研究述评及概念说明,理论视角与研究思路,研究方法与论文的叙述结构等四方面内容。正文部分分为七章,主要是从共时性和历时性相结合的框架描述旧州壮族绣球的传承历程。第一章:“空间与社群:绣球存在的社区背景”。民族学指导田野调查与资料收集、分析的原则之一是整体论。整体论认为一种文化里的所有要素相互关联,我们研究任何文化要素,都不能离开它所附着的整体。这正是本章叙述的意义所在。本章通过叙述靖西的自然、历史基本概况,以及旧州聚落空间、日常生活、民俗信仰,从而为理解旧州绣球的传承发展提供了一个必要的社区背景框架。第二章:“历史寻绎:传统文化生态中的绣球传承”。本章主要追溯了在传统文化生态中绣球生成的历史脉络,绣球的制作和抛绣球活动的过程、绣球的社会功能、审美表述以及绣球在原生文化环境背景中得以传承的文化生态和内在机制。第三章:“文革的缺失:绣球传承的中断”。这一章将重点叙述绣球在文革期间的境遇,集中考察了1966-1976年文革十年中国家力量对绣球传承的影响,并谈及在这一时段中人们的种种作为与不作为以及这一时期壮族婚俗的演变。第四章:“复兴与生产:绣球文化的产业化。20世纪80年代改革开放以后,抛绣球以及制作绣球逐渐开始在旧州得到恢复。本章通过对壮族绣球的复兴、旧州绣球生产的兴起、旧州绣球的产业化这三个部分的叙述来展示旧州绣球得以复兴和产业化生产的过程。在这其中,我将着重描述这一时段的社会环境以及绣球传承人的行为活动。第五章:“景观与舞台:绣球文化的展演”。绣球获得再生产后,成为地方社会与手工艺人们的一项文化资本。本章将从“绣球展演场域的在地化建构”、“舞台上的绣球展演”、“绣球文化节的打造”三个内容来叙述地方社会与民间艺人如何运用绣球这一文化资本进行文化展演的。通过对外界的展演与互动,一方面,旧州壮族绣球得以扩大了在社会中的影响力;另一方面,旧州壮族民众们开始增强了对于旧州这一地方的认同感以及作为壮民族的认同感。第六章:“承传与嬗变:绣球传承中的文化变迁”。本章首先对旧州绣球传承的现状进行叙述与总结,然后对传承中引发的绣球文化变迁现象进行描述与分析。我认为,绣球虽然在时代的变奏中得以传承下来,然而,其文化特征与传承机制已经发生了许多变化,并从社会功能、艺术形式、传承机制、传承人几个方面进行重点叙述。第七章:“延续与再造:文化再生产中的绣球传承”。通过对前面几章所描述的绣球文化现象进行文化分析,本章将绣球的传承视作一个动态的文化再生产过程,一个自我不断变化的过程。并借鉴布迪厄的文化再生产理论,分析位于绣球文化生产场中的各种社会力量对于绣球传承的影响,进而将总结绣球传承的动力机制。结语部分:基于对上述几章的分析,得出本论文的基本观点。即只有把旧州绣球放置到具体的时空语境与背景里研究,并关注与分析外界的各种社会力量对于绣球传承的作用,才能获得理解旧州绣球传承的内在机制与根本原因。并且,在本章中将进一步为以绣球为代表的传统民艺的传承和发展提供相关的指导和经验借鉴。

【Abstract】 This dissertation is to investigate the inheritance of folk-art through the case study of Zhuang’s silk ball of Jiuzhou in Jingxi county, Guangxi province. The previous researches on the silk ball mostly focus on the introduction and analysis from the historical cultural macro angle. They are lacking in field cases and the using of ethnology, anthropology, sociology approach. In addition, the previous studies have overlooked the contact between the silk ball with the society and culture in the current. It’s difficult to show the process of silk ball’s inheritance in Jiuzhou from the past to the present.This dissertation thinks that the inheritance is an intrinsic property in culture, and is also an intrinsic requirement in the continuous development of human society. About the study of inheritance, not only should pay attention to the folklore but also note the national identity, groups and the cultural changes from the past to the present. Therefore, this dissertation tries to surpass the previous relatively stable research paradigm about the silk ball. It will place the silk ball in a new historical context and research paradigm, and shows an overall and comprehensive analysis about the process of silk ball’s inheritance from "historical evolution", "interaction with culture and society", "the conversion from cultural heritage to the cultural capital" several contents by the narrative approach in which combining diachronicity and synchronicity together. The main interests in this study are the following: the source of silk ball’s vitality, the way of rebirth and revival and the opportunity for survival in the development of modern age, the inheritance strategy, rules, function, status, changes and crises in the current living environment.The author adopts Boudieu’s theory about "the cultural reproduction" based on solid field work. She places the silk ball in a history context, and analyzes the process of silk ball’s inheritance which using the methods of ethnology, anthropology, art and so on from the environment, mechanism, inheritor of inheritance several elements. The work helps re-know and inherit the craft of silk ball from the whole angle. Further speaking, this dissertation will be helpful about profoundly understanding the interaction between society with culture which researches the process of folk-art’s inheritance and explores the situation of traditional folk-art in the modernization. And it provides the more reasonable development environment and the mechanism for the folk-art including the silk ball.This dissertation constitutes of three sections, introduction, body(7 chapters) and the conclusion.The introduction talks about the origin and the meaning of this research, the review of the relative document and the explanation of the relative conception, the theoretical angle and the ideas of this research, the methods and structure of the study, etc.The body of the dissertation includes seven chapters which mainly present the process of silk ball’s inheritance of in Jiuzhou.Chapter 1: "Space and Social groups: the Background of Silk Ball’s Community". One of the principals of ethnology is holism. Holism tells all factors of one culture are mutually interdependent. So, we have no choice but to capitalize on the culture affiliated to the entire while studying culture. It’s the key point of this chapter. Therefore, the author introduces the natural historical background of Jingxi and the space, daily life, belief of folklore in Jiuzhou.Chapter 2: "Track Back the History of Silk Ball’s Inheritance in Traditional Ecological Environment". The chapter introduces the history, manufacture, activity, social function and the aesthetic expression of the silk ball, and describes its cultural ecology and the intrinsic mechanism in traditional cultural environment.Chapter 3: "Interruption of the Silk Ball’s Inheritance in the Great Cultural Revolution". The author focuses on the silk ball’s destiny during the Great Cultural Revolution. She inspects the influence which the nation strength to the silk ball’s inheritance during the year 1966 to 1976 on the Great Cultural Revolution, and refers to people’s all sorts of achievements and the changes of marriage at that time.Chapter 4: "Revival and Production: the Industrialization of Silk Ball". The silk ball has obtained the restoration gradually in Jiuzhou since the reform and open policy as the big bacgroud after 1980. The chapter narrates the process of silk ball’s production and industrialization in Jiuzhou. The author will focus on the social environment and the behavior of inheritor at that time.Chapter 5: "Landscape and Stage: the Performance of Silk Ball". The silk ball has become a kind of cultural capital of the local government and the crafter after reproduction. The author will narrate the performance of the local government and the folk-crafter using the cultural capital from "the construction of local performance field", "the performance of silk ball in stage", "the making of silk ball’s cultural festival" three elements. Through the performance and interaction with outside, on the one hand, the silk ball of Jiuzhou has expand the influence in society, on the other hand, the Zhuang were beginning to strengthen the national identity and the place identity.Chapter 6: "Inheritance and Evolution: the Cultural Change of Silk Ball". At first, this chapter carries on narration and summary to the inheritance of silk ball in Jiuzhou at present, then describes and analyzes about the change of silk ball. The dissertation believed that the cultural characteristic and the inheritance mechanism of silk ball had already had many changes although it can inherit in the current. And the study carries on the key narration from the social function, artistic form, inheritance mechanism, the inheritor several aspects.Chapter 7: "Continuity and Re-creation: the Silk Ball’s Inheritance in Reproduction". The chapter thinks that the inheritance of silk ball is a process of dynamic cultural reproduction and unceasing diversification through the previous narration and analysis. And it analyses the influence of various social forces on the silk ball’s inheritance drawing on Boudieu’s theory about cultural reproduction. Then the author summarized the inheritance mechanism of silk ball.Conclusion: Based on the analysis of the above chapters, the author obtains the key point: we can understand the intrinsic mechanism and the basic reason for the inheritance of silk ball, only by placing the silk ball in the concrete environment and analyzing the influence of various social forces on its inheritance. And at last, this chapter provides the related instruction and the experience for the inheritance of folk-art including the silk ball.

  • 【分类号】J528
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】2144