

【作者】 李然

【导师】 段超;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 湘西自古以来便一直是一个多民族、多族群聚居区,土家族、苗族作为世居此地的主体少数民族,在历史上文化互动频繁。当代,随着民族识别和民族区域自治政策的实施,湘西的族群结构和族际关系发生了深刻变化,民族文化发生了剧烈的变迁。本文旨在以马克思主义民族理论为指导,运用族群理论和族群关系理论对当代湘西土家族、苗族的文化互动的背景、形式、内容、过程、动因、模式进行描述和分析,探讨土家族、苗族族际间的文化互动与族际关系之间如何相互影响,为构建湘西和谐民族文化、和谐民族关系、和谐社会提供对策和建议。本文分如下几部分:前言主要阐述了本论题的研究意义,对与本论题相关的族群认同和族群关系理论进行梳理,对本论题及其相关的学术前史进行总结。第一章介绍了湘西概貌,从自然生境、生计方式、经济社会状貌、民族格局等方面探寻湘西土家族、苗族文化产生、发展的自然生境和人文环境,展示当代两族文化互动的平台。第二章回溯了土司时期至新中国成立前湘西土家族、苗族族群关系史,从而和当代的文化互动与族群关系进行参照对比。在湘西土家族、苗族族群关系史的追述中,以改土归流为界,重点从湘西土家族、苗族在全国和湘西族群结构中的地位演变、族群边界变化、族群文化互动三个角度来分析,既展示不同阶段的特点又发现其中的变迁。第三章概括和分析了当代湘西土家族、苗族文化互动的主要形式。从族群通婚,社区中的交往,政治领域的整合,经济交往,文化活动中的共同参与6个方面展示土家族、苗族发生文化互动的条件与场域。第四章分析了土家族、苗族文化互动中的文化认同。土家族、苗族的文化认同经历了相互了解、赞扬、借用、对自身文化的反思几个阶段。认同与互动的结果使两族文化趋同。导致文化认同增强的原因主要是建国以来民族团结进步事业的推动、民族文化保护政策、市场经济体制与区域经济一体化的要求、文化生态共生性的基础、旅游业对土家族、苗族文化的需求、学校教育的普及、人口流动性增强。第五章探讨了当代湘西土家族、苗族文化偏见。本章概括了土家族、苗族文化偏见的表现形式。文化偏见集中表现为:双方对优秀文化事象族属性的争夺、对对方部分优势文化的否认、对对方落后文化要素的误读与泛读。经济发展水平的差距、历史遗留下来的族群隔阂、教育水平的差异、资源占有的不均衡等因素共同导致了文化偏见。第六章讨论了当代湘西土家族、苗族的族群关系。随着文化的趋同,当代族群边界主要依靠语言、风俗、信仰来维持,同时也有文化边界的再创造。族群边界的变化使得湘西族群关系呈现出族群的法律身份与文化身份的错位、多民族成分家庭的增多、多民族家庭子女民族身份选择的多样化的新格局。第七章通过对湘西的调查与分析,总结和归纳了我国多民族、多族群聚居区文化互动关系模式。重点分析了汉族在两族文化互动与族际关系中的作用。总结出“共生与和谐”、“竞争与冲突”的多维族群关系模式,并对族群关系从团体多元主义向中华民族多元一体的走向进行展望。结语对构建湘西和谐文化和和谐民族关系进行了思考,反思了当代湘西民族文化同化与多元化的博弈。最后,对湘西和谐社会、和谐族群关系建设提出了从文化互动多样化、深入开展民族团结教育、完善经济社会协调发展政策,发挥民族精英对族群关系的特殊作用的几点对策和建议。本文主要采用田野调查、问卷调查和文献收集获取资料。在材料的分析中注意主位与客位观点的相结合,进行深描,努力发现蕴含其中的真实意义。本文的价值主要在于:第一,研究领域的拓展。本文是对世居湘西、联合自治地方的两个自治民族间文化互动与族际关系的研究,是对湘西传统研究领域的一个突破。第二,研究视角的创新。首先,本文从文化的角度对两个具体族群间的互动展开研究,发现文化在族群间竞争与合作关系中的作用。其次,引入族群概念,有助于更好地分析和理解当代湘西土家族、苗族在资源分享、分配与竞争中的文化互动与族际关系。最后,注重分析汉族、汉文化在湘西土家族、苗族文化互动和族际关系中的作用。第三,理论的整合与创新。本文通过湘西独特的族群状况具体的实证研究,完善族群理论,促进族群理论的应用。对中西族群关系理论进行整合,将西方族群关系理论的“中心——边缘”、“权力——冲突”研究模式与我国的族群关系理论的“共生——和谐”研究模式进行整合。

【Abstract】 Xiangxi has been a multi-ethnic area since ancient times. Tujia and Miao, the two major ethnic groups in this area, have made frequent cultural interactions. Contemporarily, with the implementation of the policy of national identification and regional national autonomy, the ethnic group structure and ethnic relations have changed profoundly, and the ethnic group culture has also experience great changes.Based on the theory of ethnic group and ethnic relation, this thesis is to describe and analyze the background, the form, the content, the process, the motivation and the model of the cultural interaction between Tujia and Miao in Xiangxi, and it is also to discuss how the cultural interaction and ethnic relation influence each other, so as to provide countermeasures and suggestions for constructing harmonious ethnic culture, relations and society.The paper mainly includes the following sections.The preface section mainly explores the significance of this research, and it simply explains the theory of ethnic group identity and the theory of ethnic group relation. At the same time, it summarizes the previous related research.ChapterⅠprovides a general introduction of Xiangxi. From natural habitats, living style, economic situation, ethnic structure ect., this chapter explores the natural habitat and humanistic environment of the growth and development of Tujia and Miao in Xiangxi and displays the platform of culture interaction between these two ethnic groups.Divided by the time of GaiTuGuiLiu, Chapter II briefly backtracks the historic relations of Tujia and Miao in Xiang xi from Chieftain period to the foundation of New China, and sketches their cultural overall pictures, so as to contrast with the contemporary cultural interactions and relations. It has both displayed the characteristics and discovered the changes at different stages.ChapterⅢanalyzes and summarizes the main forms of cultural interactions between Tujia and Miao of Xiangxi . Through intermarriage, community communication, political integration, economic exchanges, joint participation in cultural activities, this chapter displays the conditions and the fields of the culture interactions between Tujia and Miao.ChapterⅣsummarizes the cultural identity and its reasons in culture interaction of Xiangxi Tujia and Miao. The cultural identification of Tujia and Miao in Xiangxi has experienced such stages as mutual understanding, praising, borrowing, reflection of their own culture. The result of the identification and interaction is the cultural convergence.The main reasons which lead to the increasing cultural identification are as follow: the promotion of the cause of ethnic unity and progress of our country since the foundation of People’s Republic of China; the protection policy of Ethnic culture; the requirements of Market-economic system and regional economic integration; the basis of culture-ecology symbiosis; the demand for tourism development; the educational popularization; the increasing of population mobility.ChapterⅤ, discusses the cultural prejudice and it reasons. This chapter summarizes the manifestation of cultural prejudice between Tujia and Miao, especially foucing on the cultural prejudice center: their contest over the excellent culture phenomena, their deny of some cultural advantages of opponent and the misunderstanding of the backward cultural elements of opponent. These prejudices are caused by such factors as the gap between the level of economic development, the historical ethnic estrangement, the discrepancy in the level of education, and the imbalance of resources possession.ChapterⅥanalyzes ethnic relation between contemporary Tujia and Miao in Xiangxi. With convergence of the two cultures, the maintenance of contemporary ethnic boundary of Tujia and Miao are mainly kept by the languages, the customs, the beliefs as well as the recreations of cultural boundary. The variations of ethnic boundary have caused new patterns to ethnic group relations in Xiangxi , which include the dislocation of legal identity and cultural identity, the increasing of multi-ethnic families and the diversification of selection of ethnic identity for the children in multi- families..ChapterⅦ,on the investigation and analysis in Xiangxi, induces and conclues the models of cultural interactions in multiple ethnic group area in China. It especially analyzes the role played by Han nationality in cultural interactions and ethnic relations between these two groups, such as the transmission of Han culture and the cultural borrowing, and the role of Han culture in the cultural identity of Tujia and Miao. This chapter concludes the multi-dimensional ethnic relation model of "coexistence and harmony" and "competition and conflict". It also looks forward to the tendency of ethnic group relations, which winds from "corporate pluralism" pattern to "multi-integration of Chinese nationality " pattern .The Conclusion part considers how to construct harmonious culture and harmonious ethnic group relationship in Xiangxi . It reflects on the gaming of the cultural assimilations and ethnic diversities in contemporary Xiangxi . Finally, from the aspects such as cultural interaction diversity, launching education of national unity, perfecting the policy of coordinated economic and social development, playing the special role of ethnic elites in ethnic relations, the thesis makes some suggestions about how to construct harmonious culture and harmonious ethnic groups relationship in Xiangxi.The main research methods of this thesis are field work, questionnaire surveys and collecting literature information . In the analysis of data, the author focus attention on the combination of the emic approach and etic approach, exerts deepdepiction and makes effort to discover the implied meaning behind the data.The value of this thesis lies mainly in the following aspects.The thesis is a study about the cultural interaction and relations of two autonomous ethnic groups in joint multi-ethnic autonomous areas that have been residing in Xiangxi since ancient time . This study is a breakthrough in the traditional field area of Xiangxi.Second, the innovation of research perspective. Firstly, the thesis does research on the interaction of two specific ethnic groups from cultural perspective, trying to find the coordinating role of culture in the competition and cooperation between ethnic groups. Secondly, the thesis introduces the concept of "ethnic groups", which contributes a lot in the analysis and understanding of cultural interaction and ethnic relation between Tujia and Miao of Xiangxi in resource sharing, distribution and competition. Finally, it emphasizes the importance of the mediating and balancing function of Han and Han culture in the cultural interaction and ethnic relation between Tujia and Miao of Xiangxi.Third, the integration and innovation of theory. through specific empirical research about unique situation of ethnic groups in Xiangxi, the study improve ethnic groups theory and promotes its application. The thesis integrates eastern and western ethnic relations theory. It integrates research mode of the "Center - Edge," "powers -conflict " of Western theory and the model of "symbiotic - harmonious" of China’s ethnic relations theory.

【关键词】 湘西土家族苗族文化互动族际关系
【Key words】 XiangxiTujiaMiaocultural interactionsEthnic Relations