

【作者】 阿布都沙拉木·旭库尔

【导师】 耿世民;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国少数民族语言文学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 “古代突厥文碑铭”文献,是指公元6-9世纪在我国北方建立的突厥汗国(552—745年)和回鹘汗国(745—840年)时期用“如尼体”文字撰写的石刻文献。在这批文献发现之后,世界各国突厥学家纷纷致力于对其进行文字解读及文本恢复,先后涌现出了许多国际知名的突厥学家以及颇有影响的研究成果。研究成果涵盖了古代突厥文碑铭的文献研究、历史、宗教、民俗、文化等各个方面。在众多已有的研究中,固然存在一些对碑铭文献的文学特点的研究,但对其文学特点的系统研究还是比较缺乏。究其缘由,是碑铭的文学研究未能进入古典文学研究主流。在浩瀚的古代突厥文碑铭文献中,本文选择了第二突厥汗国时期竖立在吐拉河和鄂尔浑河岸边的《暾欲谷碑》、《阙特勤碑》和《毗伽可汗碑》等三个碑铭为研究文本,在此基础上探讨了古代突厥文碑铭文献的文学蕴涵。本文主要是从文学角度考虑,认为以上三个文本具有独特艺术形式,蕴含着特定历史时期的审美意识和独出心裁之美,从某种意义上,可以称得上真正意义上的文学文本。目前,学术界一致认为有些古代突厥文碑铭文本具有非同寻常的文学内涵,但在具体研究上缺乏对其系统的阐释。因此,本文对以上三个碑铭文本进行文学角度上的全面阐释、解读,旨在分析其文学特色及渊源。本文由绪论、正文、结论和附录四部分构成。绪论部分包括:对诸古代突厥文碑铭文本的简单介绍;探讨本文研究的目的及意义;分析和评述碑铭的文学研究现状;论述采用的研究方法及文本的选定、梳理文本来源及拉丁文转写字母;对本文中运用的学术概念和术语进行界定和简单的阐释。附录部分列出本文重新排列的三碑文本。第一章《古代突厥文碑铭的三个文本》。本章通过对三碑文本的文化历史渊源及其人物的解释,初步地勾勒出三碑文本的文学特征。三碑文本作为语言艺术的文学文本,是一个多层次的语言结构系统。其结构层次排列有所不同,阅读感觉也会呈现微妙的差异。本文力图从文学文本批评的角度,重新透视多位学者排列的三碑文本,试图追索碑铭作者的原意,并从碑铭文本的社会语境出发,拟定适合文学研究的文本。最后,为了加深对三碑文本主体结构的理解和展开下一步的论述,本文又从传统的情节角度叙述了三碑文本的梗概。第二章《古代突厥文碑铭文本的文体》。本章从文学类型角度对三碑文本进行各种文体的理论批评和实践总结,勾勒出古代突厥民间文学的原始文体及其与碑铭文体之间的碰撞、汇通以及相互交融的关系;试图从中把握诸古代突厥语族民族古代文学思想的精髓,民间口头文学与碑铭文学之间的传承关系。另外,学术界历来对诸古代突厥文碑铭文本的性质是散文还是诗歌作品的问题,有诸多分歧。本章从语言艺术角度透视了三碑文本,认为诸古代突厥文碑铭文本都是散文而不是韵文体作品。第三章《古代突厥文碑铭文学的叙事艺术》。本章从叙事视点、人物和情节三个方面进一步挖掘了三个碑铭文本文学内涵的艺术构架,包括文化渊源以及语言表达等诸多细节。在具体的分析中,不仅论述三碑文本的叙述技巧,而且探讨了碑铭中作者和人物的关系、作者和叙述者的互动功能以及三碑文本叙述技巧形成的文化基础。在论及三碑文本的叙事模式、技巧、人物塑造、情节等的同时,也确定了《阙特勤碑》和《毗伽可汗碑》文本的作者身份。结论《文学文本还是纯历史文本》。主要是从历史诗学的发展与文化逻辑的发展角度出发,来考察碑铭文学的形成和发展之间的有机关系。我试图运用新历史主义批评方法,解答古代突厥文碑铭文本是文学文本还是纯历史文本这一问题,古代突厥文碑铭文本本质上属于文学化、文论化、叙述化的历史文本,并不属于科学化、分析化的历史本体。最后,本文认为古代突厥文碑铭文本都具有丰富的文化内涵。我们可以从不同的角度加以审视和研究。

【Abstract】 "Old Turkic Inscriptions" refer to the official or private inscriptions in the Runiform script in the territory of the second Turk Khanate (552-745 )and Uyghur Khanate (745-840 ) which were established during the 6 - 9th century in the northern part of China.After the discovery of these inscriptions, Turcologists from various countries tried to decipher the language and construct the text. Studies on the diverse aspects of Old Turkic inscriptions such as the editing texts, linguistic features, history, religion, folklore and culture have been done. But there are a few studies on the literary aspects of these texts. This paper first focuses on whether the inscriptions can be called literary texts on the whole when examining the literary traits and the value of various Old Turkic inscriptions. Indeed, the distribution of Old Turkic inscriptions is quite intricate and there are obvious differences on their length, subject structure as well as plot respectively.When studying the Old Turkic inscriptions from literary perspective, it’s the most important step to select the text with unique artistic style, namely the text with original beauty decided by aesthetic consciousness of specific historical period. Among the voluminous texts of Old Turkic inscriptions, this article has chosen the texts of "Tonyukuk", "Kül Tigin" and "Bilg(a|¨) Kaghan" inscriptions which were constructed in the Orkhon valley during the second Turk Khanate as research samples. Based on this, it has probed into the literary implication of Old Turkic inscriptions.This thesis aims at to carry on a comprehensive explanation towards the three Old Turkic texts mentioned above and has further analyzed their literary characteristics and origins.This thesis consists of three chapters with introduction, conclusion and the appendix.In introduction I give some general introduction to the Old Turkic inscriptions, the significance of this study, bibliographical details, the analysis and comment towards present research situation of inscriptions, the research methods and text designation, the origin of the text and list of Latin alphabets which are used for transcription; It has also made some definition and simple explanation regarding academic concept and the terminology used in this article. In Appendix, I rearrange the three inscriptions on the basis of literary aspects of the texts. In chapter one, I generalize the literary aspects of theses texts on the basis of the cultural and historical origin and analyzing the characters in this text. Using the method of literary text criticism, this paper penetrates again three texts arranged by several scholars, attempts to examine the author’s original intention, and embarks from the social context of inscriptions texts to draw up the texts suitable for the literary research. Finally, for better understanding of the structure of these texts and for further study I will give brief introduction to the content of the texts.Chapter Two covers the literary genre of ancient Turkic inscriptions. This chapter carries on theoretical criticism and practical conclusion of varied literary genre over three texts on a basis of literary genre standpoint, sketches the primitive literary genre of ancient Turkic inscriptions and collisions, collections as well as the mutual blending relations among diverse ancient literary genres. Thus it ventures to grasp the essence of ancient literary thoughts of various ancient Turkic tribes, and relations between the folk oral literature and the inscribed text literature. Moreover, there are some arguments concerning the genre of various Old Turkic inscriptions whether they are prose or poetry. This chapter observes the three texts from literary art perspective. And I consider that the various Old Turkic inscriptions are prose not poesy.Chapter Three deals with narrative art of the Old Turkic inscriptions. This chapter, by narrating viewpoints, characters and plots, has further unearthed artistic structural frame of literary connotation of three inscribed texts, including cultural origin as well as many details in expressions. In other words, this article discourses upon in specific analysis the narration skills of three texts, and also discusses the relations between the authors of these texts and characters, the function of authors and narrator . Thus, this thesis has not only concerned the narrative pattern, the skill, the characterization, the plot of three texts, but also determines the identity of authors of "Kül Tigin" and "Bilg(a|¨) Kaghan" inscriptions.In conclusion I attempt to explain whether the Old Turkic inscriptions are literary texts or purely historical ones using the method of new historical criticism. Although according to the viewpoints of new historical principle, they essentially belong to the literature-oriented, literature-theoretical and narrative historical texts, rather than scientific and analyzable ones.Therefore, when we study the formation and development of these texts, we should observe the historical development of literature and culture. Finally, I made conclusion that the Old Turkic inscriptions are literary work in some respects. I hope this thesis will help the further study on the artistic value of these texts. And I believe that this value exists in the literature and also in history.
