

【作者】 杨昕

【导师】 李岩;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国少数民族语言文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 1368年明朝建立至1637年朝鲜朝屈服于清政权,解除与明宗藩关系的这一时期,朝鲜使臣留下了大量的纪行中国的文字,这些文字统称为“朝天录”。它具有年代跨度大、体裁多样、作者成分复杂、直笔直言等特点。本论文采用比较文学形象学的研究方法,以14~17世纪朝鲜多部“朝天录”作品为研究中心,通过这一时期朝鲜自身的外部和内在形象以及特征分析入手,重点分析朝鲜使臣眼中的中华形胜(山川河野、名胜古迹、天险边关、城郭宫殿)和中国人(平民、儒生、官员、皇帝)等文化因子,从而勾勒出14~17世纪朝鲜使臣眼中明代中国形象以及这一时期朝鲜对明代中国复杂的情感变化过程。由此阐述出这一时期朝鲜对中国的社会集体想象以及中国形象的塑造过程:14~17世纪,朝鲜对中国的社会集体想象就是明朝政治军事强大、经济文化繁荣。中国形象在朝鲜的视野中,经历了从正面走向正副交织,从鲜明走向黯淡的变化过程,这一过程包括狂热的“乌托邦”、想象与真实相交织、天朝的渐行渐远以及大明的最后挽歌四个阶段。朝鲜使臣对中国明朝崇佛重道、丧制松弛等负面特征批评,反映出到了明代中后期,朝鲜已经开始以儒家思想的眼光来观察中国,评价中国。从另一意义上说,也说明了程朱理学在朝鲜的全面深入,标志着朝鲜的思想界开始出现了积极的因素,也说明了程朱理学在明代中国的没落。“朝天录”具有高度的历史价值、思想文化价值及其它学科的价值,在中朝文学史上占据特殊的地位。作为记录了丰富“他者”形象的“朝天录”,它在比较文学形象学领域具有典范的意义。从比较文学的层面上讲,选取“朝天录”进行中朝比较文学的研究,本身具有拓宽学术研究领域的意义;在探讨中国形象的同时,对朝鲜人在塑造历程过程中折射出来的内心情感的变化和若隐若现的自我镜像中的朝鲜形象进行分析和研究,这不仅可以使我们了解持续几千年的中朝关系的某些特性,也可以理解朝鲜对中国复杂的民族心理;探究14~17世纪朝鲜使臣如何塑造中国形象,勾勒出在朝鲜朝语境下中国形象的嬗变轨迹,对其形成和衍变进行总体上的分析和把握,即是本文主旨之所在,也是创新性所在;在目前中韩两国学术热点集中在“燕行录”即对有清一代研究的背景下,对有明一代朝鲜对中国形象的塑造过程进行系统的梳理和勾勒,是一件有意义的工作;目前国内外学者尚未开展以众多“朝天录”作品为核心对明代中国形象的综合研究,这也是本文的一个创新性所在。

【Abstract】 During the period from 1368 when Ming Dynasty was founded to 1637 when Korea yielded obedience to QING Dynasty and ended the suzerain-vassal relationship with Ming Dynasty, Korean envoys left us a large number of travel notes about China, and these notes are called "works of travel accounts to Ming Dynasty". The travel notes are characterized by having a large span in period, diversified type of literature, different authors and being outspoken. Based on the research of many "records of pilgrimage to Ming Dynasty" by Korea from 14-17 century, the external and internal images and special features of Korea at the time, by adopting the method of comparative literature, the present article mainly analyzes the cultural factors of Chinese terrain like the landscape, place of historical interest, frontier pass, inner and outer city walls, palaces, and different classes of Chinese people in the eyes of Korea envoys and then depicts the image of China in Korean envoys’ eyes and their complex feelings toward China. From 14th to 17th century, their collective imagination about China is that Ming Dynasty is powerful in politics and military and prosperous in economy. The Image of China, in the eyes of Korea, undergoes the process of being prosperous to decadent, and the process involves four stages, crazy Utopia, imagination interweaved with reality, the wane of Celestial Empire and the elegy for the Ming Dynasty. The criticism by Korean envoys about the fact that people in Ming Dynasty held Buddhism and Taoism in high esteem, neglected their rules and regulations shows that during the middle and later periods of Ming Dynasty Korea began to observe and appraise China using the eyes of Confucianist. In another sense, it shows that the neo-Confucianism fully penetrated into Korea indicating positive factors . appear in the ideological circle and at the same time the neo-Confucianism was on wane. "Record of pilgrimage to Ming Dynasty" is highly regarded for its historical, ideological and cultural values and holds a privileged position in the China- Korea history of literature.As a record to enrich other culture, the "works of travel accounts to Ming Dynasty" have great paradigmatic significance in comparative literature. On the plane of comparative literature, choosing "records of pilgrimage to Ming Dynasty" as the subject to be studied may widen the field of academic research. At the same time, to explore the image of China can make us understand not only some features of the China-Korea relationship existing thousands of years, but also the complex feelings of Korean people towards ancient China by analyzing and researching their inner feelings of the Korean people and their flickering self-image about Korea. This article aims to analyze how Korean envoys developed their image about China during the 14th -17th century, outlined the changing process under the influence of the Korea. At present, the central issue of Chinese and Korean academy mainly focuses on the "works of travel account to Beijing". Systematic arrangement and outline about the shaping process of ancient China’s image by the Korean people in Ming Dynasty is of great importance, with the help of existing researches of "works of travel accounts to Beijing" by scholars in Qing Dynasty. Currently scholars at home and abroad are still not carrying out comprehensive research on the "records of pilgrimage to Ming Dynasty", and this is where the novelty this article has.
