

Generation of New Culture in the Process of School Transitional Change

【作者】 易丽

【导师】 杨小微;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 学校文化是一所学校的灵魂,也是学校持续发展的精神支柱。随着学校转型性变革的推进和深化,人们对变革问题的认识也逐渐清晰和明确,“寻根”的意识也更加强烈。学校文化无论是对教育改革实践还是学校转型实践来说,都是一个根子上的问题。如何改变学校成员的思维方式和行为方式,在人与文化的相互建构中实现学校的主动发展是学校转型目标能否达成的关键。本研究主要采用案例分析法,以多所中小学的文化建设为例,探索学校转型背景下的文化生成与更新。经研究,笔者指出,学校文化建设的终极价值是为了学校中人的发展,所以,学校文化建设不能只停留在物质、制度层面,还需深入到学校成员的价值观层面:学校文化建设不是孤立进行的,它始终和学校各方面的发展相伴随,学校发展的每一步都或多或少改变了周遭的文化环境。在学校转型性变革时期,学校文化重建的要求越来越迫切,如何重新认识学校文化并展开有效的文化建设是一个日益紧迫的问题。本论文主要从三个部分展开论述。论文第一部分首先在社会转型和学校转型背景下分析了学校文化重建的必要性,考察了学校转型与学校文化之间的关系,并在此基础上论述学校转型背景下存在的各种文化冲突以及冲突的表现;另外,论文还对当前的学校文化建设实践进行了考察,认为当前的学校文化建设主要存在重“物质”轻“精神”、重“外引”轻“内生”、重设计轻实施、继承与创新断层等问题。论文第二部分结合学校变革的实例探索了学校新文化生成的机理。论文首先从历史中寻找学校文化生成的根基,探讨学校历史、名师、学校发展故事以及学校仪式的文化意义,并从这些象征性活动中把握学校文化发展的轨迹。其次,论文重点阐述了学校文化的核心——学校价值观的重建,通过对重建过程的揭示为学校文化建设提供内在依据。学校新理念的渗透需要刚性的组织制度保障,学校组织往往通过变革活动改变成员的思想和行为,进而重新建立刚柔并济的规范体系。在学校发展的过程中,学校组织、制度和文化在不同时空维度上进行着互动和双向建构。论文第三部分在借鉴实践领域先进做法的基础上,探寻如何建设有利于学校成员生命成长的新文化并提出学校文化发展定向、学校成员参与文化建设、学校文化互动生成三方面的尝试,以期促进实践领域主动创生引领学校发展的新文化。

【Abstract】 School culture is the soul and the spiritual support which can promote sustainable development of school. With the advancement and deepening of the school transitional change, people’s understanding on the problems of change is gradually clear, the inquisition psychology is also thicker and thicker. To education reform and school transitional change, school culture is a very important question. How to change the school member’s thinking modes and the behavior patterns and how to realize the school’s initiative development in the mutual construction between people and culture are key factors to judge the goals of school transitional change whether complete or not.In order to explore the generation and renewal of school culture in the period of school transitional change, this paper uses case analysis and takes many elementary and middle schools’ cultural reconstruction as example. After research, I believed that the ultimate value of school cultural reconstruction is for the human’s development in school. So school cultural reconstruction cannot only pay attention to the material and the system, but also penetrate into the school member’s values. The school cultural reconstruction isn’t the isolation and its changes follow with the school development in various aspects because that each step of school development are all changed the cultural environment around it. To school reformation, school cultural reconstruction must depend upon motion not say and writing. In the period of school transitional change, the need of school culture reconstruction is more and more intense and how to carry on the cultural reconstruction effectively is an urgent question.In the first part of this paper, I analyzed the necessity of the school culture reconstruction in the period of social transformation and school transitional change. At the same time, I inspected the relationship between school transitional change and school culture. On the basis of these jobs, this paper elaborated various cultural conflicts and the performance of the conflicts. In addition, I considered that the current school culture reconstruction had four shortcomings: thinking much of material and making light of spirit, without characteristics, lacking of interoperability and separating creation from inheritance.In the second of this paper, I explored the process of generation of school culture by using of examples of school reformation. First, the paper found the basis of school culture production from the history of school and discussed the sense of school history, the famous teachers, the stories of school and school ceremonies, then grasped the track of the school culture development from these symbolic activities. Second, the paper elaborated with the core of school culture—the reconstruction of school values and provided intrinsic basis for the school cultural reconstruction through revealing the process of reconstruction. The process of school system culture forming is the process of cultivating the new culture among school members because the infiltration of new ideas required the guarantees of rigid school system and the result which the school system internalized is the formation of school system culture.The third part of this paper explored how to construct new culture which in favor of school members’ growth and proposed three attempts which included the orientation of the school culture development, the participating in reconstructing school culture, interaction and production of school culture. The purpose of these explorations and attempts is to promote school to create new culture which can indicate a way for the development of school.

【关键词】 学校转型学校文化生成
【Key words】 school transitional changeschool culturegeneration
  • 【分类号】G41
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】1299