

Soil Nutrients Variability in Corn Main Producing Areas and Fertilization Recommendation of Corn in Liaoning Province

【作者】 邢月华

【导师】 韩晓日;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳农业大学 , 植物营养学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本研究采用生产调查、田间试验与室内分析相结合的研究方法,采用传统统计学与地统计学相结合的数据分析方法,系统地分析了辽宁省玉米主产区玉米田间养分管理中的问题,评价了玉米农田土壤养分状况,指出了玉米农田土壤养分空间变异,并开展了玉米推荐施肥研究,结果如下:1.辽宁省玉米主产区农田土壤养分总变异趋势为S>Fe>P>Mn>Zn>B>Mg>Cu>NH4+-N>OM>K>Ca>pH。辽南玉米产区养分变异趋势为P>S>Zn>B>Mn>Fe>Mg>NH4+-N>OM>Cu>Ca>K>pH;辽中北玉米产区农田土壤养分变异趋势为S>NH4+-N>P>Fe>OM>Mn>Zn>Mg>Cu>B>Ca>K>pH;辽西玉米产区农田土壤养分变异趋势为S>Fe>P>Mn>Zn>B>Mg>Cu>NH4+-N>OM>K>Ca>pH。另外,辽宁省玉米主产区农田土壤养分间具有一定的相关性。2.辽宁省农田土壤pH主要分布在5.5-8.5之间,有机质含量处于中等偏低水平,NH4+-N、P、S、Zn均比较缺乏,农田土壤养分缺乏的样本比例分别为:NH4+-N41.7%、P65.6%、K72.9%、Mg7.3%、S 82.1%、B6.6%、Cu4.6%、Fe26.5%、Mn 3.3%、Zn69.5%,部分地区有效Ca、S、Cu、Zn出现过量水平。3.从不同区域来看,辽南地区农田土壤属于中性或偏酸性,辽中北地区农田土壤偏酸性,辽西地区中性或微碱性。辽中北地区有机质含量相对较高,辽西地区有机质含量较低。辽中北和辽西地区的农田土壤NH4+-N缺乏状况较辽南严重。辽南和辽西地区农田土壤速效P缺乏较辽中北严重。三大主产区缺K均比较严重。辽西地区农田土壤中、微量元素含量明显低于辽南和辽中北地区。4.从半方差函数分析来看,农田土壤pH、NH4+-N、P、B和Mn具有强烈的空间自相关,空间变异主要来源于农田土壤母质、气候、地形等非人为的区域因素,受随机因素的影响程度较小。农田土壤有机质、K、Ca、Mg、S、Cu和Zn,具有中度的空间自相关性,空间变异受结构因素的影响程度高于随机因素。有效P、K、Ca、Mg和S为指数模型,农田土壤pH、OM、NH4+-N、B、Cu、Fe、Mn和Zn为球状模型,模型拟合效果较好的几个元素是OM、K、Ca、B、Cu、Fe、Mn。5.地统计学分析结果表明,辽宁省玉米主产区71.7%农田土壤有机质含量处于中等水平,农田土壤酸碱度比较适合玉米的生长发育,农田土壤NH4+-N含量适中,属于缺乏水平的土壤面积占18.8%,农田土壤有效P、K、S、Zn含量水平较低,处于缺乏水平的土壤面积分别为50.1%、77.2%、79.4%和61.4%,农田土壤有效Ca、Mg、B、Mn比较丰富,农田土壤有效Fe含量主要集中在适中和高量水平上,属于缺乏水平的土壤面积为11.5%。6.从农田土壤养分空间分布图来看,辽宁省玉米主产区土壤养分呈地带性分布。辽中北玉米产区养分状况较好,其次是辽南产区,辽西产区的养分状况较差。因此,应对农田土壤养分状况不同的三个玉米产区采取不同的施肥措施。7.施肥状况调查结果表明,玉米主产区施用尿素、复合肥和磷酸二铵的样本比例分别为84.6%、80.3%和40.1%,有机肥施用比例仅占34.2%。从不同区域施肥量来看,尿素用量大致相同,磷酸二铵用量趋势为辽中北>辽西>辽南,复合肥用量趋势为辽中北>辽南>辽西,有机肥用量趋势为辽西>辽中北>辽南。8.全省玉米氮磷钾肥的平均用量分别为234.4 kg/hm2、104.8 kg/hm2和53.5kg/hm2,且氮磷钾的投入以化肥为主。不同区域氮磷钾肥用量不同,氮磷肥用量为辽中北>辽西>辽南,钾肥用量为辽南>辽中北>辽西。从玉米施肥氮磷钾的比例来看,各地均相对重视氮肥的施用,而磷、钾肥的比例相对偏低,尤其是钾肥的比例。不同产量水平的玉米养分施用量和氮磷钾比例结果表明,高产水平玉米的K肥用量和比例相对较高。9.玉米施用氮、磷、钾肥均可增加玉米产量和经济效益。施氮增产13.1%~21.9%,增收192~1791元/公顷;施磷增产3.2%~21.5%,增收96~1908元/公顷;施钾增产2.7%~42.8%,增收84~2302元/公顷。玉米施氮、磷、钾肥后,可促进玉米对氮、磷、钾素的吸收,但随着施用量的增加,氮、磷、钾肥的利用率降低。10.海城、昌图和彰武地区经济合理施氮量分别168-170、235-251和155-206kg/hm2,合理施磷量分别为77-101、78-98和83-100 kg/hm2,经济合理施钾量分别为73-125、67-110和97-100 kg/hm2。11.从平衡施肥试验结果来看,平衡施肥不仅增产增收,还能促进玉米对养分的吸收利用。从养分平衡来看,应适当减少氮肥用量,增加钾肥用量,保持磷肥用量。

【Abstract】 The research was aimed at the problem in corn nutrition management in main corn producing areas in Liaoning province,implemented a systematic study on corn nutrition management,soil nutrients status and variability,fertilization recommendation techniques.data collection methods was used production investigation,field trials and lab analysis,data analysis methods was adopted traditional Statitics and Geostatitics.The results were summarized as follows:1.Soil utrient variability trend of Liaoning was S>Fe>P>Mn>Zn>B>Mg>Cu>NH4+-N>OM>K>Ca>pH.variability trend of soil nutrient in south,north and west of liaoning was P>S>Zn>B>Mn>Fe>Mg>NH4+-N>OM>Cu>Ca>K>pH,S>NH4+-N>P>Fe>OM>Mn>Zn>Mg>Cu>B>Ca>K>pH and S>FeP>Mn>Zn>B>Mg>Cu>NH4+-N>OM>K>Ca>pH, respectively.In addition,there was correlation among soil nutrients.2.Most of soil was fit for corn production,soil pH was 5.5-8.5,organic matter content was medium or low level.Deficient proportion of nutrients was NH4+-N 41.7%,P 65.6%,K 72.9%,Mg7.3%,S82.1%,B6.6%,Cu4.6%,Fe 26.5%,Mn 3.3%and Zn 69.5%,respectively.some corn regions showed Ca,S,Cu,Zn excessive.3.Compared from different regions,soil was neutral or weak acid in south of Liaoning, weak acid in north of Liaoning,neutral or weak alkaline in west of Liaoning.Organic matter content was high in north of Liaoning and low in west of Liaoning,NH4+-N content was more deficient in north and west of Liaoning than south of Liaoning,Available P content was more deficient in south and west of Liaoning than north of Liaoning.Soil available K was seriouslly deficient.in three main corn producing area,Micro-nutrients content in west of Liaoning was lower than that in south and north of Liaoning.4.Soil pH,NH4+-N,available P,B,Mn had significant spatial self-correlation,spatial variability resulted from structure factors,such as soil mother material,climate,terrain,etc. Other nutrients had medium spatial self-correlation,spatial variability resulted froms tructure factors.Spatial variability model of available P,K,Ca,Mg and S was exponential model,Soil pH,OM,NH4+-N,available B,Cu,Fe,Mn,Zn was spherical model,model of OM,K,Ca,B, Cu,Fe,Mn fit better.5.Using Geostatitics analysis method and ASI,Soil OM content was medium in 71.7% soil in main corn produing areas in Liaoing,soiL pH was suitable to corn plant,NH4+-N content was medium,deficient area occupied 18.8%,available P,K,S,Zn content was low,deficient area was 50.1%,77.2%,79.4%and 61.4%,respectively,available Ca,Mg,B and Mn was rich,available Fe content was medium or high level and deficient area was 11.5%. 6.Seen from distribution map of soil nutrients,nutrients status was best in north of Liaoning,most of soil was weak acid,soil OM,NH4+-N and available P content was medium, available Ca,Mg,S,B,Cu,Fe,Mn was rich,K deficient area proportion was about 1/3.South of Liaoning followed,soil pH was about neutral,OM content was medium,most of soil was medium in NH4+-N,available P and S,part of soil was deficient,available Kwas deficient in total soil,available Ca,Mg,B,Cu,Fe,Mn was rich.West of Liaoning was the worst,soil pH was neutral or weak alkaline in half soil,others was weak acid or weak alkaline,soil OM content was low in half soil,NH4+-N content was medium,available P and Zn was low, deficient area was about 2/3 in available K,available Fe was deficient in part of soil,other nutrients was rich.different fertilizer action should be taken according to soil nutrient status of three corn producing areas.7.The investigation results of fertilization situation were::The corn with Urea,Complex fertilizer,Diammonium phosphate and organic fertlizer were 84.6%,80.3%,40.1%and 34.2%,respectively.Seen from fertilizer rate in different regions,Urea rate was about same, Diammonium phosphate rate was north of Liaoning>west of liaoning>south of Liaoning, Complex fertilizer rate was north of Liaoning>south of Liaoning>west of liaoning,organic fertlizer rate was west of liaoning>north of Liaoning>south of Liaoning8.The average N,P2O5 and K2O application rates on corn were 234.4 kg/hm2,104.8 kg/hm2 and 53.5kg/hm2 in Liaoning,respectively.Most of the total fertilizer amount was from chemical fertilizer.N,P2O5 and K2O application rates were different in differet corn areas, N,and P2O5 application rates were north of Liaoning>west of liaoning>south of Liaoning, K2O application rates were south of Liaoning>north of Liaoning>west of liaoning.The ratio of P2O5 and K2O was low,especially K2O rate was too low.K2O application rates and ratio were high under high corn yield level.9.The results showed that N fertilization increased yield by 13.1%~21.9%,P by3.2%~21.5%,K by 2.7%~42.8%,respectively.N fertilization increased profit by 192~1791 yuan/hm2,P by 96~1908 yuan/hm2,K by 84~2302 yuan/hm2.N,P,K uptake rate was increased with N,P,k fertilizer application,N,P,K utilization efficiency was decrased with application rate increasing.10.Economic optimum fertilizer rate was N168~170 kg/hm2,235~251 kg/hm2 and 155~206kg/hm2,P2O577~101kg/hm2,78~98kg/hm2 and 83~100kg/hm2,K2O73~125kg/hm2,67~110 kg/hm2 and 97~100kg/hm2 in Haicheng,Changtu and Zhangwu,respectively.11.Balanced fertilization improved corn yield and profit,but also nutrients uptake increased.N application rate should decreased,K application rate should increased and P application rate shoud maintained.

【关键词】 土壤养分变异推荐施肥
【Key words】 Soil nutrientsVariabilityFertilization recommendation