

Studies on Water-saving Farming Systems in Northern Part of China

【作者】 王婧

【导师】 侯立白; 任天志; 逄焕成;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳农业大学 , 持续发展与推广学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本研究针对我国北方地区粮食生产与水资源不匹配的现状,分东北灌区、东北旱区、黄淮海灌区、黄淮海旱区、西北灌区、西北旱区六个区域研究各区主要作物及种植制度的耗水特性,给出节水种植结构调整建议,比较各区节水种植模式的产量与节水效益,分析各区主要节水技术的节水效果、经济效益与参与式农民调查结果,主要结论如下:(1)东北灌区面临的主要问题是如何提高农业水资源的利用率,主要通过节水技术的应用与推广来实现。该区水稻为高耗水作物,玉米、大豆相对耗水较少,可适当“压稻扩玉豆”,以一年一熟制为主,发展粮食作物单作,节水技术优先发展耕作保墒类、农业高效用水技术体系、覆盖保墒类等技术。(2)东北旱区面临的主要问题是如何节水养地,建立环境友好型的高效农作制度,主要通过节水种植模式的筛选与节水技术的配套提升来实现。该区玉米、大豆为高耗水作物,花生、谷子为低耗水作物,花生、谷子耗水量与降水量的耦合率好于大豆、玉米,可“稳玉豆,扩谷油,增林经”,坚持一年一熟制,发展粮食作物单作,适当发展果-粮、饲-粮间作,优先发展增施有机肥与秸秆覆盖还田技术、耕作保墒类、覆盖保墒类等农业高效用水技术体系。(3)黄淮海灌区中,丰水灌区面临的主要问题是如何在提高农业生产的产量与经济效益的同时兼顾节水,主要通过节水技术的应用与推广来实现。该区小麦、玉米均是高耗水作物,玉米耗水与降水的耦合率较好,可“稳定麦玉”,并以冬小麦-夏玉米一年两熟为主,发展节水套作;平水灌区面临的主要问题是在不增加或者略有削减农业水资源的情况下,保证农业生产的稳定性,主要通过调整熟制,进行节水种植模式筛选与节水技术的配套来实现。该区冬小麦与棉花为高耗水作物,夏棉花、夏玉米与春棉花耗水量与降水量的耦合率好于冬小麦,应适当“压麦扩棉”、“压粮-粮扩粮-经”,以一年两熟为主,适当改小麦-玉米一年两熟为小麦-玉米→春棉花→小麦-玉米三年五熟制;缺水灌区面临的主要问题是如何降低农业水资源的用量,主要通过节水种植结构调整来实现。该区冬小麦为高耗水作物,与降水量的耦合率也最差,必须“压麦扩棉”,适当改小麦-玉米一年两熟为小麦-玉米→春棉花两年三熟制,或者大面积推广小麦-玉米→春棉花→小麦-玉米三年五熟制,并适当发展粮-饲、粮-果节水间套模式。节水技术优先发展水肥耦合、秸秆覆盖还田类、地面灌溉类、耕作保墒类等技术。(4)黄淮海旱区面临的主要问题是如何提高有限水资源生产效益,主要通过节水种植模式筛选与节水技术的推广与应用来实现。该区玉米、冬小麦、春甘薯为高耗水作物,夏玉米作物耗水量与降水耦合程度较好,可“压麦扩薯谷油”、“稳经扩饲”,以两年三熟制为主,实行节水粮-粮→经间套作模式,节水高产。节水技术应优先发展增施有机肥与秸秆覆盖还田类技术、耕作保墒类、农业高效用水技术体系等。(5)西北灌区面临的主要问题是如何提高水资源的效益产出,主要通过节水种植模式筛选与节水技术应用来实现。该区春玉米、棉花、马铃薯、冬小麦为高耗水作物,春小麦相对耗水量低于其它,该区作物耗水量与降水量的耦合程度较差,可“压麦扩经”,以一年一熟粮食作物单作为主,节水技术优先发展地面灌溉节水技术、耕作保墒、节水灌溉制度等。(6)西北旱区面临的主要问题是如何保护脆弱的生态,建立可持续的农业生产结构,主要通过节水种植结构调整来实现。该区玉米、大豆、马铃薯耗水水平近似,马铃薯生育期内需水量与降水量的耦合率较好,可“压夏扩秋”、“压杂扩薯”,坚持一年一熟粮食作物套作模式,节水高产。节水技术应优先发展耕作保墒、增施有机肥与秸秆覆盖还田技术、农业高效用水技术体系等。综合上述对东北灌区、东北旱区、黄淮海灌区、黄淮海旱区、西北灌区、西北旱区六个区域深入研究结果可见,改革现有的水资源高耗低效型农作制度,建立基于粮食与水资源双重安全的水资源低耗高效型节水农作制度,是解决我国北方地区粮食生产与水资源不匹配现状的重要途径。各个区域应根据当地粮食生产与农业水资源实际情况,采用适合当地特点的,包括节水种植结构调整方案、节水种植模式、节水种植技术等在内的节水农作制度。

【Abstract】 This research divided the northern part of China into 6 areas to research water-saving farming systems basing on the situation of the disequilibrium between the grain production and water resource: the drought and the irrigation area in northeast china, the drought and the irrigation region in Huanghuaihai area, the drought and the irrigation area in northwest china.The article analized the characteristic of water using of the main crops and the main cropping systems, compared the economic benefit of the water-saving planting patterns, studied the economic benefit, the water-saving benefit and participatory farmers survey results etc. of the water-saving technologies. Main conclusions are as follows:(1)The main issue in the irrigation area of northeast China is to improve the usingefficiency of the water resource and the main resolvent is the application of the water-saving technologis. The rice planting area could be reduced and to plant corn instead. It will plant one season crops in a year better in this area. The order of the development of water-saving technologies is: farming measure, agricultural technology system, covering measure, the water-saving plant arrangement, the layout of water-saving irrigation, etc.(2) The main issue in the drought area of northeast China is to improve the land production capability, to build the kind-environmental farming system, and the main resolvent is the selectiong of the water-saving plant pattern and technologis. The corn and the sorghum should be holding the line and the area of the millet and the peanut should be increased. It will plant one season crops in a year better in this area. The order of the development of water-saving technologies is: organic fertilizer with straw mulching technology, fanning measure, agricultural technology system, covering measure, etc.(3)The main issue in the irrigation area which is rich in water resource of Huanghuaihai area in northern china is to improve the agriculatural output and the main resolvent is the application of the water-saving technologis. The plant mode should be keep wheat-corn mode in a year. The main issue in the irrigation area which is in the average level of water resource of Huanghuaihai area in northern china is to improve the income based on the stable levele of water using and the main resolvent is the selectiong of the water-saving plant pattern and technologis. The plant mode should change the wheat-corn mode in a year to wheat-corn→cotton→wheat-cron mode in three years in some areas. The main issue in the irrigation area which is lack of water resource of Huanghuaihai area in northern china is to reduce the agricultural water consumption and the main resolvent is the plant structural adjustment. The plant mode should change the wheat-corn mode in a year to wheat-corn→cotton→wheat-cron mode in three years in most areas.The order of the development of water-saving technologies is: organic fertilizer with straw mulching class technology, water conservation irrigation technology, farming measures, agricultural technology system, etc.(4) The main issue in the drought area of Huanghuaihai area is how to improve the benefit of the water and and the main resolvent is the selection of the water-saving plant pattern and technologis. It can reduce the wheat planting area, and plant the tuberous plant instead. It will plant one and a half season crops in a year better in this area. The order of the development of water-saving technologies is: organic fertilizer with straw mulching class technology, cultivation of agricultural water conservation, agricultural technology system, etc.(5) The main issue in the irrigation area of northwest China is to improve the using efficiency of the water resource and optimize the arrangement of the water resource, and the main resolvent is the selection of the water-saving plant pattern and technologis. It can reduce the wheat planting area, and plant the tuberous plant and the cash crop instead. It will plant one season crops in a year better in this area. The order of the development of water-saving technologies is: the irrigation water conservation tillage technology, water-saving irrigation system, organic fertilizer with straw mulching technology, water conservation, covering measures, agricultural technology system, water irrigation technologies, etc.(6)The main issue in the drought area of northwest China is to protect the enrivonment and set up the continiuable agruculetural structure, and the main resolvent is the plant structural adjustment. It can reduce the rain fed crops planting area, and plant the tuberous plant instead. It will plant one season crops in a year better in this area. The order of the development of water-saving technologies is: farming measure, organic farming with straw mulching technology, agricultural water technology system, etc.All in all then, to change the existing farming system which is high water consumption to the water-saving farming system which is safe in the food and water resources to provide is an important approach to resolve the issue that the grain production and water resources situation does not match in the northern part of China. Each area should establish water-sabing farming system based on local situation.
