
龙蛇之蛰 以存身也

The Hibernation of Dragon and Snake is to Preserve Themselves

【作者】 刘军

【导师】 王铁仙;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 在现代文学史上,施蛰存是一位十分独特的作家,他在小说、诗歌、散文等方面均有所建树,特别是他的现代派小说创作,是其文艺生命中最精彩的一部分,现已成为学术界的研究热点之一,但关于他在建国后的文学活动和文化创造的系统研究并不多见。1949年以来,施蛰存分别在外国文学翻译、金石碑版整理、古典文学研究和散文创作等方面取得了经得起时光淘洗的成就。尤其重要的是,施蛰存历经建国初期知识分子的思想改造运动、反右和“文革”等历史阶段,他的这段曲折的人生遭际和所表现的气节和风格,恰可反映一部分现代知识分子进入当代社会后的精神和思想之轨迹,有非常重要的文化史上的意义。本文以建国后施蛰存的文化活动为考察对象,试图拓展施蛰存研究的格局,丰富施蛰存研究的整体面貌。本文由前言、正文和余论三部分组成。前言部分介绍目前施蛰存研究的现状,阐明本论文选题的价值和意义。正文分为三章。第一章的时间跨度为1949-1956年,分别考察施蛰存与建国初期的文学会议、大学体制、文学批评和文学翻译之间的关系,重点分析施蛰存在这一阶段与新生的国家体制之间的磨合与交融之过程,凸显过渡时期作家的精神特质和文化创造。第二章的时间跨度为1957-1976年,着重考察施蛰存在反右运动中的命运遭际,试图还原当时各大报刊对施蛰存批判的历史情境,将目光聚焦于这一非常时期施蛰存与众多文人之间的关系,肯定他在寂寞年代里坚守知识分子独立的精神品格,分析权力场对文学场的支配地位。第三章的时间跨度为1977-2003年,主要讨论1980年代以来施蛰存重现文坛的具体情况及其他一以贯之的精神品格,试图以纷繁的报刊报道为考察对象,深入分析晚年施蛰存的内心世界。重点考察施蛰存在此一阶段的散文创作和编辑活动,以《新民晚报》、《随笔》和《外国独幕剧选》为考察点,探讨晚年施蛰存散文的文学魅力,及其编辑活动的大家手笔。余论意在考察施蛰存逝世后各界媒体对他的报道情况,探讨施蛰存与海派文化和海派精神的关系。

【Abstract】 In the history of modern literature, Shi Zhecun was a very unique writer. He had gotten achivements on novel, poem, prose and so on. Especially his modernist novels creative, the most splendid part in Shi Zhecun’s literary life, has become a hot issue currently. However, the study on his literary activities and creation after 1949, when new china was born, is rarely seen. After the foundation of China, Shi Zhecun has had long-lasting achievements in many fields, such as foreign literature translation, literal arrangement, classic literature research, and prose creation. Especially importantly, Shi Zhecun experienced the three historical phases in the initial period of new China: the thought movement, the Anti-Rightist Campaign, and the Cultural Revolution. Such experience and the demonstrated philosophy and honor were meaningful in that it exactly elaborated the thoughts of some of Modernist Writers in the modern society. The dissertation focused on Shi Zhecun’s literary activities after the foundation of China with the intention to extend and enrich the whole picture of the studies on Shi Zhecun. The dissertation comprises of three parts, which are the introduction, the main body, and the complementary part.The introduction part gives the current status of the studies on Shi Zhecun and demonstrates the meaning of this topic. The main body contains three chapters.The study period of the first chapter is 1949-1956. This chapter deals with the relationship between literal meeting, college infrastructure, literal critic, and translation after the foundation of China. The Focus is the process that Shi Zhecun accustomed to the new State System. The spirits and culture production of writers during the transition period was emphasized.The study period of the second chapter is 1957-1976. This chapter elaborates on his experience during the Anti-Rightist Campaign and aims to relive the history of the criticism by the major newspapers. In this chapter, focused on his relationship with other literal workers, it has been pointed out that in thatspecial time, he hold fast to his own philosophy and analyzes the dominate roleof the government power over the literal field.The third chapter’s study period is 1977-2003. This chapter is primarily abouthis reappear on the literal field and his persistent spiritual style. It delves intohis inner-world by analyzing the news reports about him. Also, his essays andcompiling activities, specially using the new people nights, essays, are examinedclosely. Selectivity of foreign operas and the pars deals with the glamour style ofhis essays, and his great job of compiling activities.The complementary part aims to examine the reports regarding him after hepassed away and deal with his role with literature and spirit of Shanghai Style.

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