

A Study on the Associative Characters of Shuowen Jiezi

【作者】 夏军

【导师】 许嘉璐;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文在继承前人对《说文》会意字研究成果的基础上,主要做了以下几方面的工作:1.通过对会意字研究演进史的全面梳理,论列各家得失,提出我们对会意字的性质、来源以及会意字与“六书”中其他各书的划界原则的看法,最后表明自己确定会意字的标准和定义。2.通过对会意表词和义界表词关系的研究,首次提出“会意字的取象表词要以对词义的义界为中介”的论断,并通过《说文》会意字取象—表词模式与《尔雅》、《说文》义界模式的比较,验证二者之间存在同构关系,从而证明了前述论断。3.揭示意义的承载形式由义界语言向会意文字转化过程中产生的三个新的特点:字素之间的“隐秩序”;释义成分的缺省;部分会意字利用字素空间位置关系辅助表义。4.通过对《说文》所收本义表名词、动词、形容词的会意字穷尽性的统计研究,参照系统一功能标准,归纳出各词类的取象—表词模式;同时,运用认知语言学和认知心理学的方法,分析各取象—表词模式形成的原因以及由此显示的汉民族的认知思维特点。5.提出了《说文》会意字研究对促进汉字教学的五点主张。

【Abstract】 Based on previous study results made by other researchers, this paper mainly works over follow questions:First, through a comprehensive study about the previous study results of the associative characters, we discusses former researchers’ gains and losses, putting forward our views about the characteristics , the origins and the principles of the associative characters, and demonstrates our own definition and standard of selecting associative characters.Second, through the study about the relations between the indicating words of associative and semantic-defining ways, we put forward a view at the first time, that is, the image formation of the associative characters should take the semantic-defining of the meaning of words as the medium. In addition, we compared the image and indicating formation of Shuowen Jiezi(说文解字) and the semantic-defining formation of Erya(尔雅) and Shuowen Jiezi, verified they have some isomorphic relations and this also proved our former view.Third, we revealed three characteristics of the meaning-bearing forms in the process of semantic-defining mode to the associative characters, such as the concealed orders of the graphemes, the defaults of interpretation ingredients and some associative characters rely on the spatial positions between the graphemes to indicate the meaning of the word.Fourth, we generalized the mode of image formation to indicate word meaning, based on the exhaustive statistical research of the original meaning of the noun, verb and adjective, referred by the System - Functional standards. At the same time, we uses the Cognitive Linguistics and Cognitive Psychology ways to analyze the forming reason of image formation to indicate words meaning and the characteristics of the the cognitive way of thinking.Fifth,we put forward five arguments of the study of associative characters in Shuowen Jiezi which would be helpful to the teaching of Chinese Characters.

  • 【分类号】H122
  • 【被引频次】3
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