

On the Study of the Concepts of the Chinese Language Ducation in Late Qing Dynasty and Republic of China

【作者】 张哲英

【导师】 黄书光;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育史, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 处在西方文化强势压迫之下,中国现代语文教育观念的形成在很大程度上仍然决定于两大语文运动:“国语运动”和“新文学运动”。本研究以清末民国时期为基本时间段,以“国语运动”和“新文学运动”为背景,以黎锦熙、胡适、叶圣陶为中心人物,努力探索中国现代语文教育观念产生、发展和流变的基本状态及其意义。具体而言,国语运动联系着清末下层启蒙运动,历经切音字运动、拼音化运动、国语改革运动、白话文运动等诸多发展阶段,它直接影响着现代语文教育的发展方向和整个过程;新文学运动以清末下层启蒙运动为发展基础,以胡适为先锋、鲁迅为主将、陈独秀为领袖,期望以文学改革来推动社会的变革。在胡适提倡“国语的文学”和“文学的国语”主张之后,国语运动与新文学运动合流。现代语文运动给语文教育家们的活动搭建了广阔的舞台。黎锦熙居于“国语运动”背景下语文教育观念的中心位置,胡适居于“新文学运动”背景下语文教育观念的中心位置,而叶圣陶则居于“国语运动”与“新文学运动”融合背景下语文教育观念的中心位置。历史的发生在时间上呈现为“顺向”的结构,基于理性的历史研究大体上也应当呈现为“顺向”的结构。由于诸多现实因素的影响,对于清末民国时期语文教育考察的问题“起点”在时间上却呈现为一种“逆向”的特征。就是说由叶圣陶开始,及胡适,至黎锦熙。再具体地说,要理解和把握叶圣陶的语文教育思想,关键是要把眼光放“远”一点,把叶圣陶的语文教育观当成历史发展中的“流”而不只是“源”。叶圣陶语文教育观是在“新文学运动”和“国语运动”两大语文现代化背景下产生和发展起来的,是这两大运动的积淀与结晶。胡适因发表《文学改良刍议》一文而“暴得大名”,然后被陈独秀“逼上梁山”,誉为“文学革命的总先锋”。胡适提出的文学改良“八事”,无一不是语文方面的问题,无一不和语文教育观念的变革密切相关。胡适的《中学国文的教授》和《再论中学的国文教学》可以看作是全面而具体的现代语文教育理论,并产生了广泛而深远的影响。现代语文教育的“底色”源自于清末下层启蒙的“国语运动”,国语与国语运动是现代国家救亡图强的产物。《新著国语文法》确定了黎锦熙在语文现代化历史上的重要地位,而《新著国语教学法》则确定了他在“国语教育”中的重要地位,也由于他在“国语统一研究会”等众多国语运动组织中的重要影响,都使得他成为我们研究“国语运动”背景下现代语文教育观念的核心人物。历史发生和现实问题之间形成一定张力,才会有灵动的历史研究,或者说达到“历史与逻辑的统一”。基于现实“逻辑上”的理由来探讨这三位现代语文教育家的思想,在一定程度上反映了二十世纪“前五十年”语文教育观念演变的基本面貌。另一方面,对二十世纪前半期语文教育观念流变过程的梳理,又能使我们更深厚地把握历史环境中的语文教育家们观念的意义所在。针对本研究的特点,除文献法之外,还采用了历史法、互文法、“对话”法等研究方法。

【Abstract】 Under the strong repression of Western culture, the concepts of modern Chinese language education, to a large extent, still were determined by the two major language movements: the "National Language Movement" and the "New Literary Movement". This study, about the time of Late Qing Dynasty and Republic of China, under the background of the "National Language Movement" and the "New Literary Movement", focusing on figures like Li Jinxi, Hu Shi and Ye Shengtao, attempts to probe into the basic state of the emergence, development and change of the concepts of modern Chinese language education, and to explore their meanings. Specifically, "National Language Movement" was tied to the lower-class Enlightenment in the Late Qing Dynasty. It went through some of the following phases: the "Qieyin" word movement, the "Pinyin" movement, the "National Language reform" movement, and the vernacular movement. It had a direct impact on the whole process as well as the development orientation of modern language education. "New Literature Movement" took the lower-class Enlightenment in the late Ch’ing period as the development basis; and in the movement, Hu Shi acted as a pioneer, Lu Xun the chief commander, and Chen Duxiu the leader. It expected to reform literature so as to promote social change. After Hu advocated the "national language of literature" and "literature of national language", a confluence of the "National Language Movement" and the "New Literary Movement" came into being. The movement of the modern language built a big stage for the language educators. Li Jinxi was living in the centre of concepts of Chinese language education on the background of "National Language Movement", Hu Shi was living in the centre of concepts of Chinese language education on the background of "New Literary Movement", and Ye Shengtao was living in the centre of concept of Chinese language education on the background of the integration of "National Language Movement" and "New Literary Movement".The appearance of the history shows a "forward" time structure, so is the history research based on ration. As a result of many factors of reality, "starting point" of the research about the concepts of Chinese language education of the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China shows a "reverse" time structure. It is from Ye Shengtao, and Hu Shi to Li Jinxi. Specifically then, if we want to understand and grasp Ye’s thinking of Chinese language education, the key is to look "far", that is to say, to take Ye’s concepts of Chinese language education as the "flow" more than "source" in the historical development. The naissance and development of Ye’s concepts of Chinese language education was under the background of "National Language Movement" and "New Literary Movement", and Ye’s concepts of Chinese language education was the two movements’ accumulation and crystallization. Hu Shi became well-known due to the article "Tentative Proposals for the Improvement of Literature", then was "driven to revolt" and named the "the general vanguard of literary revolution" by Chen Duxiu.Hu put forward a modified literature "eight things" and all aspects were on the issues of Chinese language education, and were closely related to the concepts of the Chinese language. Hu’s two articles, "the Chinese-Language Teaching in Secondary Schools" and "On the Chinese-Language Teaching in Secondary Schools Again", could be considered as a comprehensive and concrete theory of modern Chinese language education. And it had produced an extensive and far-reaching impact. The "background" of the modern language education is derived from the "National Language Movement" of common people the late Ch’ing period. The national language and the "National Language Movement" are the consequences of saving the country from subjugation and ensuring its survival in modern times. Li Jinxi’s work "A New Grammar of the Chinese National Language" established his important role in the history of the language modernization while "A New Teaching Method of the Chinese National Language" in the education of the Chinese national language. Besides, Li proved to be the central figure for the study of the concepts of the modern Chinese language education based on "the movement of the national language" because of his important role in many organs of the National Language Movement, such as "unified study of the national language".It is just a living research of history or achieving to "union of history and logic" while there is tension between the history occurrence and real problems. To explore the three modern Chinese language educators based on reality, to a certain extent, it reflected the basic state of the evolution of the concepts of the Chinese language education in the first fifty years in the twentieth century. On the other hand, through sorting out the evolution of the concepts of the Chinese language education in the first fifty years in the twentieth century, it could help us to understand the meanings of the educators’ concepts in history more profoundly. In this study, besides the literature method, it had taken several other research methods, such as, history research method, the intertextuality approach, and "dialogue", etc.

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】2240