

Research on the Historical Development of Modern Chinese Poetry in Macao (1938~2008)

【作者】 吕志鹏

【导师】 陈子善;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 澳门地方虽小,却是世界上东西方文化交汇融合最悠久的地方,由于历史缘故而一直有着特殊的文化地位,“诗城”之誉更是为人所熟知,但现有澳门中文新诗的研究成果,多集中于研究上个世纪80年代,相对而言,其它历史时段的研究则显得较为零落,事实上,从上个世纪30年代开始澳门中文新诗已见端倪,各个时期均是环环相扣。而本文是国内首篇以澳门中文新诗整体发展史作为研究课题的论文,一方面会藉着对一手史料、报章刊物的“发掘”和“梳理”从纵向上加强澳门文学史料的研究基础,另一方面,在横向上亦透过与内地及港台等地区的比对突显澳门中文新诗在华文文学的区域性特殊意义,并务求在纵横向相结合下全面理清由1938年截止于2008年关涉本论题的情况。全文共设五章,其中一至二章以论述澳门中文新诗的文化发展背景,包括中国文化、葡国文化的历史传承、本土文学形象及澳门中文新诗起源等为中心,第三至五章以论述澳门中文新诗的发展历程,包括30~50年代的澳门中文新诗在《新园地》等早期澳门文艺刊物内的类别及呈现风格;60~70年代澳门中文新诗的内地化与香港化倾向;80年代中文新诗的多元化发展,并从文化背景、社会经济分析作切入点,论述移民诗人及本土诗人所面临的困境;90年代澳门中文新诗进入成熟期,透过新诗社团、评论的丰富等变化来反映澳门新诗的发展变异,并结合新生代诗人创作来剖析中文新诗如何过渡到新世纪;21世纪澳门诗坛涌现了不少新秀,变化不断,而网络创作的盛行更为澳门中文新诗提供了无限的可能性。最后一部份为“结语”属于澳门中文新诗研究中的专论部份,会着力讨论澳门中文新诗发展的是非得失、澳门新诗未来的发展方向等。而本研究所论述有关1938~2008年澳门中文新诗之发展历史全景视野的结论是:澳门早期的中文新诗可溯源到30年代,是透过内地“植入”过来,理论和受到其它外来的文化冲击较少,而最早一批来到澳门的诗人一般都是受到战火或政治的困扰,他们都倾向于从民族抗争的角度来表现新诗。50年代以后现实及爱国主义渐渐主导了发表空间,除了《红豆》及于香港发表作品之外,澳门诗坛倾向政治抒情,并以光明歌颂作主题表达模式。到8、90年代澳门形象逐步确立,现代主义抬头并出现后现代主义倾向,本土与外来诗人同时呈现出黑色意识,而形式的尝试不断更令澳门诗坛呈现无限的生机,进入新世纪澳门新生代诗人逐渐成熟并走出前辈诗人的创作影子,他们的新型艺术探索更把澳门中文新诗带到新的境界。

【Abstract】 Macao, though tiny in size, possesses a long-standing history of the encounters between the East and West cultures. Such historical background, contributing for its unique cultural status, has earned Macao with a prestigious identity of the "City of Poetry". However, most of the researches on the modern poetry were focused on the works in 1980’s, as opposed to sporadic ones on the works of other periods. As a matter of fact, modern Chinese poetry in Macao came to reveal its value since 1930’s and its interwoven relationship is obvious among the works of each period. The present thesis, being the first of the kind in China, is intended to research on the evolution of the modern poetry in Macao from 1938 till 2008, in both vertical and horizontal contexts. On one hand, the thesis serves to consolidate the foundation by "digging into" the literature as well as articles in newspapers and magazines, while, on the other hand, to highlight its regional significance in Chinese literature by comparison with the cases in China’s mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan.The thesis is composed of five chapters. In the first two chapters, an introductory account is given of the cultural background of modern poetry in Macao, involving Chinese as well as Portuguese cultural heritage, local cultural features and the source of modern poetry. The last three chapters attempt to analyze the poetic development of each period. The first period, between 1930’s and 1950’s, is represented by those modern poems written in a variety of forms and styles, published in certain periodicals like <Sun Yuen Dei>. During the period between 1960’s and 1970’s, the composing style was under great influence of China’s mainland and Hong Kong. In 1980’s multi-faceted growth of the modern poetry can be discovered and the present thesis is intended to examine the difficulties faced by the immigrant as well as local poets, in cultural and socio-economic perspectives. Modern poems in Macao attained its maturity during the period of 1990’s, when the transformation can be reflected by numerous newly established poetic societies and prolific criticism. The emergence of the new generation of modern poets marked the transition towards the 21st century, whereas the popularity of online creation shed light on infinite opportunities. The last part is a detailed description of the right and wrong as well as the gain and loss during the course of the evolution of modern poetry, and also suggests to which direction it will develop in the future.The research on the analysis of the overall development of the modern poems in Macao comes down to the following conclusion. The modern poetry, dating back as early as 1930’s, was "transplanted" from China’s mainland, with least impact from foreign cultural theories. Due to the fact that most of the poets were immigrants who had undergone an era of wars and political conflicts, they composed poetic works for the sake of national struggles. After 1950’s, realism and patriotism played a leading role in the writing of modern poems. Apart from the works released in Hong Kong and magazines like "Hong Dao", poems composed largely with themes in praise of glorification served for political interests. With the emerging of modernism succeeded by post-modernism between 1980’s and 1990’s, the vision of Macao became more and more distinctive in the poems, in which both the local and immigrant poets expressed a strong sense of pessimism. Consistent trials of different writing styles even triggered limitless vitality in their works. Entering the 21st century, the poets of new generation, freed from the shadow of the predecessors, are steadily approaching its ripeness. Their eagerness in quest of artistic originality is driving the field of modern poems to a higher level than ever.

  • 【分类号】I207.25
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】530