

A Study of Liang Yuchun’s Translation

【作者】 荆素蓉

【导师】 潘文国;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 二十世纪二三十年代,“五四”运动虽然已经落潮,但文学革命的影响仍在持续。中国文学各种文类都处于现代化的进程之中,散文也不例外。在有选择地继承本国传统的同时,中国现代散文还从外国散文那里汲取了新鲜的养料。翻译则是其获得这种外援的主要途径。在“文学为人生”这一时代需求的召唤下,散文抒发个人性灵的特性开始受到重视,而源自法国、发达于英国的外国小品散文(essay)则正好以此见长。于是,有关外国小品文的理论与作品译介在二十世纪二三十年代形成高潮。而梁遇春则是在英国小品文译介方面出力最多的重要译家。在中国现代文学史上,梁遇春是以散文家的身份占据着一席之地,但实际上在短暂的一生中,梁氏翻译作品的数量远远超过了其创作作品,甚至可以毫不夸张地说,梁遇春是由翻译走上创作道路的。对梁遇春而言,翻译活动不仅贯穿了他整个文学生涯的始终,而且还影响了他的世界观和人生观的形成,翻译也在很大程度上奠定了他作为散文家的地位。凡此等等,都说明以梁遇春的翻译活动作为研究对象的重要意义。但作为二十世纪二三十年代译介英国小品文的主力译将,梁遇春的翻译活动和翻译作品却很少进入研究者的视线。即使偶有提及,也每每只是寥寥数笔,语焉不详。而关于其翻译的专门研究则迟至本世纪初才有出现,且仅见于几篇论文,研究的深度和广度都很不够。鉴于这种现状,我们在合理吸收利用已有研究成果的基础上,以“梁遇春翻译研究”作为论题,对梁遇春的译事译作进行了全面系统的研究,以期弥补现有研究的不足。本论文由正文和附录组成。正文共分六章,依次论及梁遇春的生平经历、所处时代背景、译事概貌、对翻译活动的认识、翻译作品语言特色以及翻译对创作的影响。第一章为绪论。在简要介绍梁遇春生平经历的基础上,对有关梁遇春研究的文献资料进行全面梳理,尤其是对关于梁遇春翻译的现有研究进行了较为细致的介绍和评析,指出了其价值和不足所在,为正文部分的论述提供了必要的铺垫。第二章对梁遇春从事翻译活动的背景条件进行了描述和考察。我们依次介绍了梁遇春得以具备良好英语语言素养的社会文化语境(中国近代新式教育的兴起和英语教学的发展)、梁遇春走上英汉翻译道路的时代诗学语境(文学革命思潮与外国文学译介)以及梁遇春翻译作品得以问世的社会经济条件和个人资质准备(传播媒介的兴盛和个人资质的准备)。其中外国文学译介和个人资质准备两个部分是本章重点,大致勾勒了梁遇春翻译活动赖以发生的时代翻译生态环境和译者主体条件,为客观中允地评价和看待梁遇春译事译作提供了必要的背景参照。第三章概述了梁遇春的译事译作及其对翻译活动的认识。我们首先分类介绍了梁遇春对英国小品散文、诗歌、小说及其他文类作品的译介,着重描述其所译作家作品在译入语文学系统中的译介学价值。本章的第二部分挖掘整理了梁遇春对翻译活动的理论认识,主要从翻译目的、翻译路径、翻译标准和翻译风格等涉及译学基本问题的四个方面进行了论述。第四章考察了梁遇春译作中因采用特定翻译策略而呈现出的语言特色。梁译采用了“直译”的主导翻译策略,因而使译作呈现出杂合度颇高的语言特征。我们首先简略介绍了译学中涉及译作语言杂合性研究的相关论述,旨在说明杂合性乃译作语言的本质特征,接着从五个方面(语音转写的专指名称、代词的高频次使用、“一+量词+名词”结构的使用、自拟二字格和四字格的使用、对原文语序的明显依顺)对梁译语言杂合性特征进行了具体微观的近距离扫描,通过详实的译例评析论证了梁译杂合度颇高的主要语言特色,最后从时代翻译环境和译者主体因素两个方面对梁译语言杂合性特征形成的原因进行了探讨。第五章解析了梁遇春翻译活动产生的影响。我们首先探讨了梁遇春翻译活动对其散文创作产生的影响,主要体现在两个方面:一是其在翻译活动过程中形成了系统的小品散文创作思想;二是其散文创作的主题思想和语言形式都带有来自翻译的影响痕迹。其次,我们还就梁遇春翻译活动对其所处时代的文学传统产生的影响尝试进行了探讨,认为梁遇春散文正是深受翻译影响才形成了独具一格的新文体,为中国现代散文文体的多样化发展做出了贡献。第六章为余论。我们首先论述了本研究带给我们的一些启示,涉及如何看待高杂合度译作的文本价值、译者应该努力成为学者型译家等与翻译实践密切相关的问题。最后,我们指出了本研究的意义并对下一步的研究进行了展望。附录由四个部分组成。第一部分为梁遇春年谱,为我们所首次编写。梁遇春的生平事迹和所有著述一律入谱:涉及梁遇春的著述时,尽可能地提供了内容概要或目录,同时有选择地引录了梁遇春的自述和他人的评述,既用作编写年谱之依据,也为以后的研究者参考之用;凡与梁遇春有关的人物、事件、社团、书刊也尽量入谱,并附带有简要介绍和说明。第二部分为梁遇春研究相关书目集成,包括梁遇春著译作品目录、北新书局“英文小丛书”目录以及20世纪80年代以来梁遇春作品(散文、译作、书话)出版书目汇总。其中前两个目录为因占用篇幅过大正文中不便收入的论据材料,后一个则展示了自有真正意义上的梁遇春研究以来,梁遇春译作在其全部作品出版中所占的比例,从一个侧面反映了梁遇春翻译研究亟待加强的现状。第三部分为《梁遇春散文全编》勘误补遗。在搜集整理文献资料的过程中,我们发现,梁遇春研究的重要文献《梁遇春散文全编》的两条编者注释中存在明显的错误,在“集外译文”和“海外书话”部分则均有遗漏。鉴于此,我们专门撰文指正了错误,同时补全了遗漏的文章,为今后的研究奠定了更加全面的文献基础。第四部分为梁遇春译作序跋研究,是对正文第三章和第五章内容的细化补充。概言之,本论文选题对于中国现代文学研究和中国翻译文学研究均具有开创性意义,填补了散文家和翻译家研究中的相应空白。在理论运用方面,本论文总体上借鉴了澳大利亚学者安东尼·皮姆(Anthony Pym)对翻译史研究领域的划分,各章节内容基本上都是依照先挖掘事实、后解释分析的逻辑顺序来加以安排,首次采用了全方位的视角来考察和审视梁遇春译事译作,在有关梁遇春对英国文学的译介贡献、梁译语言杂合性特征成因、梁遇春的翻译活动对于其散文创作乃至对中国散文文体现代化发展的影响和贡献方面都提出了独到的见解。作为翻译学研究中翻译史范畴内的翻译家研究,本选题的意义在于系统论述了身兼创作与翻译于一身的梁遇春在以翻译为依托的中国现代文学(就梁遇春而言则主要指散文)在向现代化的嬗变过程中的表现与作用。除了具有这种理论层面的学术意义之外,本研究中有关梁译语言杂合性特征的述评还对文学翻译批评实践具有十分现实的参考价值。由于梁遇春生平资料匮乏和相关研究基础薄弱,我们在搜集译作、阅读著译文本方面付出了大量的时间和精力,正文第三章至第五章以及全部附录内容正是这些努力的集中体现。

【Abstract】 In the 1920s and 1930s,the impact of Literature Revolution could still be felt distinctly when the mainstream of May Fourth Movement had subsided.Various genres of Chinese literature were all without exception experiencing a process of modernization.While selectively inheriting the domestic tradition,modem Chinese prose also drew heavily upon the fresh nutrition of foreign prose through translation, the main approach to such outside sources.With the notion of“literature for life”becoming the call of the age,more and more attention was paid to the fact that prose was characteristic of expressing personal thoughts,which had found typical realization in foreign essays that originated in France and flourished in England. Thence,the introduction and translation of theories and writings of foreign essays formed a climax during that period.Of many participants in the endeavor,Liang Yuchun was the one who made the greatest effort to introduce and translate English essays.In the history of modem Chinese literature,Liang Yuchun has been renowned as an essayist.But in fact,what Liang translated in his short life is far more than what he created.It is even rightly believed that it was by virtue of translation that Liang Yuchun embarked on the path of literature production.For his part,translating activities had not only penetrated through his whole literary career,but also helped shape his outlook on life and the world.To a great extent translation laid a solid foundation for his literary status.All this indicates that a study of Liang’s translation will be of great import.However,a review of the literature shows that relevant research has little been done up to now.Even if occasionally mentioned,Liang’s translation has been mostly sketched in no detail.It was until the beginning of the 21st century that the research specializing in Liang Yuchun’s translation began to exist. Nevertheless,its results were only a few papers far from adequacy in depth and width. In view of the status quo,the present treatise,taking“A Study of Liang Yuchun’s Translation”as its thesis,is to do a comprehensive and systematic research on Liang’s translating activities and translations on the basis of a proper absorption and utilization of those previously conducted studies. The treatise consists of the text proper and the appendix.The text proper is composed of six chapters,treating of in turn Liang’s life experiences,the social background in which he conducted translating activities,what he translated,his views on translating and translation,chief linguistic features of his translations,and the impact of translation upon his literary creation.Chapter 1,titled“Introduction”,first briefly introduces Liang Yuchun’s life experiences,then gives a comprehensive exposition of all the literature concerning Liang Yuchun,and finally expounds on the previously conducted research into Liang Yuchun’s translation with both advantages and disadvantages clearly pointed out, which provides a kind of supportive foundation for the discussions to follow.Chapter 2 gives an account of the social and personal backgrounds to Liang Yuchun’s translating activities,touching upon in turn the social and cultural contexts that enabled Liang to have an excellent mastery of English language(the rise of new-style education and the development of English teaching in modem China),the poetics of the times when Liang embarked on the path of English-Chinese translation (the drive of literary revolution and the introduction & translation of foreign literature),and the socioeconomic conditions and Liang’s personal preparations that made possible the publication of his translations(the thriving of communication medias and the preparation of personal aptitude & interpersonal relations).Of those, the introduction & translation of foreign literature makes the keystone,which outlines the translation environment of that epoch when Liang Yuchun undertook his translating activities and provides a necessary referential setting for an objective and impartial appraisal of Liang’s translation.Chapter 3 summarizes Liang’s translation works and his views on certain issues concerning translation.It first introduces Liang’s translations in terms of different genres,namely prose,poetry,fiction and other types of writing,stressing the status and significance of Liang’s translations in the target-language literary system.The second part of this chapter gives a summary of Liang’s views on four basic issues in translation studies,treating of purpose of translation,approaches to translation, translation criteria and style issues of translation respectively.Chapter 4 examines the linguistic features of Liang’s translation works due to the adoption of certain strategies.In all of Liang’s translations,literal translation dominates and leads to the high degree of linguistic hybridity of the translations.A brief introduction of the research on linguistic hybridity of translations is first given to illustrate the fact that hybridity is the essential characteristic of any translation,which is followed by a concrete examination of the hybrid features of Liang’s translations, namely transliterated proper names,frequent appearance of pronouns,use of a typical Chinese quantity-noun structure,use of self-made character combinations,and overt reliance on the original sequential arrangement.The chapter ends up with a tentative discussion of the cause of such hybrid features of Liang’s translations in terms of translation environment of that epoch and the translator’s subjective factors.Chapter 5 analyzes the influence of Liang Yuchun’s translation.It first probes into the impact of Liang’s translation upon his own essay writing,which can be felt in two aspects,namely the fact that Liang Yuchun has formed a set of systematic thoughts on essay writing in the process of conducting translation and that the themes and linguistic expressions of Liang’s essays possess distinct tints resulting from the impact of translation.Then the author tentatively discusses the impact of Liang’s translation upon the literary tradition of his epoch,holding that it is under the strong influence of translation that Liang’s prose writing made a new unique genre that consequently made great contribution to the diversification of modem Chinese prose.Chapter 6 first discusses some revelations we have obtained from the present study,treating of how to look at the value of linguistically-highly-hybrid translations like Liang’s and how to make a scholar translator like Liang Yuchun,which are all issues closely related to translation practice.Then it illustrates the significance of the present study and the prospects for the future work.Besides the text proper,there are four appendices.Appendix 1 is a chronological record of Liang Yuchun’s life,which,being the first attempt of its kind,includes all Liang’s life experiences and his works.Lists of contents are given when his works are involved,and Liang’s own accounts or others’ narrations concerning the works in question are also quoted as both the evidence for the editor and the reference for the future researchers.In addition,persons,events,societies,books or magazines related to Liang have all been compiled into the chronology attached with brief introductions or illustrations.Appendix 2 is a collection of all the publications concerning Liang Yuchun studies,which includes a complete list of Liang’s literary creations and translations,a catalogue of English Series printed and published by Beixin Publishing House,and a collection of all the publications of Liang Yuchun’s works(including prose,translations,and book reviews) ever since the 1980s.Of those three,the first two are made to provide grounds of argument for the relevant discussion in the text proper,while the third is made to exhibit the ratio of Liang’s translations in all the publications of Liang’s works since the Liang Yuchun studies in the true sense came into being,which can to some extent reflect the want of research into Liang Yuchun’s translation at present.Appendix 3 includes three parts.Part 1 is an article about two misinterpretations in the editor’s annotations of Complete Works of Liang Yuchun,a key reference book in Liang Yuchun studies.Part 2 is a newly found short story translation by Liang Yuchun that has been excluded in Complete Works of Liang Yuchun.Part 3 contains three translation prefaces written by Liang and also neglected by the abovementioned key reference book.All these materials are compiled in order to enrich the existing literature and lay a more solid and comprehensive foundation for the future study.Appendix 4 is a paper specializing in all the prefaces of Liang’s translations,which is complementary to the contents of Chapter 3 & 5.To sum up,this treatise is an original endeavor in the sense of filling up the blank of essayist and translator research in the fields of both modem Chinese literature and Chinese translated literature.As for its general theoretical framework,the treatise borrows some ideas of Anthony Pym,an Australian scholar,in terms of the divisions of translation history research,namely translation archaeology and explanation.That is to say,the chapters and sections are basically arranged in the logic sequence of first excavation of historical facts and then analysis plus explanation.The treatise first adopts an all-orientation perspective to examine Liang Yuchun’s translating activities & translation works and gives some original insights when dealing with Liang’s contributions to the introduction of English literature into China,the cause of the linguistic hybridity of Liang’s translations and the impact of Liang’s translation upon his own literary creation and the modernization of Chinese prose.Falling into the category of translation history in translation studies,the present study is of great significance in the sense that it systematically treats of the actions and contributions of Liang Yuchun,a writer and translator,in the process of the modemization of Chinese literature(prose in question) that relies heavily on translation.Apart from being of such theoretical significance,the present study is also of practical reference value to the literary criticism practice as far as the discussion of the linguistic hybridity of Liang’s translations is concerned.Owing to the lack of materials about Liang’s life and the weak foundation of related research,the treatise writer has invested plenty of time and energy in collecting Liang’s original translations and perusing all his writings,which can be well evidenced by Chapter 3 to 5 and the four appendices.

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