

A Study of Perspectives of Well-being Space of Unbalanced Regional Development

【作者】 王圣云

【导师】 沈玉芳;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,随着我国经济的高速增长,区域经济差异不断扩大,由此引起了学界和政府的高度关注。在学术层面上,近几年的研究成果比较多。但对如何度量和刻划我国区域发展不平衡的差距、内涵和程度等方面还存在不少争议,由此对政策的制定、中央决策和调控造成了困难。比较而言,经济学界主要关注的是区域经济发展不平衡的模型研究或趋异分析,地理学界大多进行的是区域差异、差距与政策探索等研究。但整体来看,就方法而言,不论是经济学,还是地理学的研究,指标选取大多是基于人均GDP或人均收入等经济方面。区域发展不平衡不等于区域经济发展不平衡,除包括经济发展不平衡外,还包括社会发展不平衡和人类发展不平衡。所以,对其评价的评价域只限于经济指标是不够的。首先,从根本上来讲区域发展的宗旨是为了提高人们的福祉水平。其次,福祉的某些非经济变量往往与经济变量在空间上是不一致的。可见,经济变量的区域不平衡不是最重要的,分析福祉变量的区域不平衡才是最重要的。据此,从福祉层面透视区域发展不平衡才是分析区域发展不平衡的根本所在。从福祉和福祉地理学来看,区域发展不平衡研究应该关注福祉、空间和时间三个维度,即从空间维度研究区域之间在发展水平上的空间差异,从时间维度研究各区域发展水平在时间维度上的变化。福祉地理学以研究福祉的空间不平衡作为研究核心,为本论文从福祉层面研究区域发展不平衡问题提供了理论上的支撑。但必须指出的是,以往的福祉地理学研究仅仅停留在描述福祉水平空间差异层次,这是不够的。一方面,从福祉概念本身而言福祉是一个“伞状多元”的、有主观和客观两种认识视角、以人的“良好生活状态”为中心的比较复杂的概念。所以,要深入研究福祉,必需合地理学多种研究途径之力,从实证主义、人文主义和结构主义多种角度来重构福祉地理学的研究框架。另一方面,从福祉和区域发展的关系而言,还需要深入分析福祉和区域发展的关联机理,拓展福祉地理学在区域发展研究中的价值,以寻求对福祉水平空间差异的深层解读路径。为此,受地理学空间知识的启发,本论文建构了一个概念——“福祉空间”,并以空间解读为嵌入口,整合福祉的客观和主观涵义,将福祉的客观度量和主观感知结合起来。在全面理解福祉的基础上,以“福祉空间”为媒介,通过整合“空间透视”和“区域研究”地理学研究的两大范畴,作为以福祉空间作为评判区域发展不平衡的依据,达到基于福祉空间分析区域发展不平衡研究目标的理论前提。根据以上研究思路,为达到基于福祉空间分析区域发展不平衡研究目标,本论文的研究内容主要包括四大部分。第一部分为绪论和研究综述,包括第一和第二章。第一章分析了本论文的研究背景、选题意义和分析视角,概括了主要研究方法、框架内容和主要创新之处。第二章对国内外关于区域发展不平衡及福祉地理学研究进展进行回顾与评述。第二部分是理论基础和分析框架,包括第三、第四和第五章。其中,第三章主要对福祉的概念化、研究范式和方法论进行了研究。第四章从地理学的哲学基础入手,重构出了福祉地理学研究框架——WOSTEEM框架。第五章首先对福祉空间研究的理论基础和空间概念进行了述评和讨论,并在此基础上提出了福祉空间概念性框架,对福祉空间的概念,福祉空间的维度及其构建等进行了研究,以此构建了基于福祉空间的区域发展不平衡分析框架。第三部分为实证研究,包括第六和第七章。其中,第六章基于省级区域对中国区域发展不平衡的福祉空间进行研究,并通过建立福祉空间综合测评框架,应用环境污染敏感性人类发展指数、集中化指数、GIS技术等方法对中国区域福祉空间进行定量评价、类型划分和时空演变等研究,并采用象限图法分析了中国区域福祉空间的演进路径。第七章以长三角城市群为例,对城市群区域发展不平衡的福祉空间进行了探讨,并应用层次分析法和TOPSIS方法,对长三角城市群的福祉空间进行了定量评价与其决定因素的因子分析,最后根据福祉空间综合评价得分和决定因素得分,应用象限图法对长三角城市群16市福祉空间的特征和类型进行了探索。第四部分为结论部分。主要是结合前面章节的理论分析和实证研究,概括出本论文的主要观点、贡献和结论。本论文的主要结论如下:①中国区域福祉空间存在地区差距,但从1990-2005年差距在不断降低;②与经济的福祉空间相比,各省区之间非经济福祉空间的地区差距相对较小;③1990-2005年中国西部地带福祉空间增速最快,中部次之,东部最慢。福祉空间得分较高的东部省区受到环境污染因素的惩罚较大;④1990-2005年中国区域福祉空间整体水平不断提高,经历了从低福祉不协调型到经济福祉先导型再到高福祉协调型的演进路径,东中西三大地带具有不同的演进路径和特点:⑤长三角福祉空间整体上形成了以“上海—苏州”和“杭州—绍兴—宁波”两大福祉空间较好的核心地带,以太湖为界,西北部的城市福祉空间较差,尤其是北部最差,而东南部城市的福祉空间较好;⑥根据福祉空间与其决定因素的关联分析,长三角城市群大致有“高福祉空间——高决定因素”、“低福祉空间——低决定因素”和“高福祉空间——低决定因素”三种类型。本论文的主要创新之处有以下几点:①在地理学不同哲学基础和研究途径分析的基础上,从地理学认识论、本体论和伦理性出发,对福祉地理学的研究框架进行了重构,以此创建了新的WOSTEEM框架,具有一定的理论创新价值;②定义了福祉空间概念,建立了福祉空间的研究理论新框架,并以此构建了福祉空间测评模型,分析了中国各省区及长三角城市群发展的不平衡性,具有一定的理论创新价值;③建立了区域发展和福祉空间之间的关联机理,由此将区域发展和福祉空间两大研究范畴对接起来,补充和拓展了学科基础理论体系的内容和研究视野。

【Abstract】 With development of China’s economy since reforms and opening up policy, the regional economic differentiation in China has been gradually widened. So, with in academic and governmental circles there have been many relevant researches in this regard in recent years. However, there still are arguments in how to measure actual difference of regional development, and what exactly the notion and degree of China’s unbalanced regional development mean. Consequently, it is difficult in decision making of policy. Comparatively speaking, major concerns in economic circles are the study of the model of unbalanced regional economic development or the analysis of divergence. Geography mainly studies regional differences and policy exploration. But on the whole, no matter economy or geography, the selection of indicators is based on GDP per capita or income per capita and so on. The unbalanced regional economic development is unequal to unbalanced regional economic development, besides unbalanced regional development, it also includes unbalanced in social development and in human development. So, to evaluate it just in economic indicators is not enough. First, essentially speaking, the aim of regional development is to improve the level of well-being for people. Second, some non-economic variables of well-being are different from economic variables in space. It can be seen that the most important is not the regional unbalance in economic variables but the analysis about the regional unbalance of well-being variables. Accordingly, analyzing regional unbalance from the level of well-being is the basic of analysis of regional unbalance.From well-being and geography of well-being, the study of unbalanced regional development should concern about the three dimensions of well-being, space and time, which is to study the unbalance of the development level in spatial dimension and in temporal dimension. The geography of well-being puts the spatial unbalance of well-being as a core, which provides theoretical supports for the study of unbalanced regional development. But it must be pointed out that geography of well-being in the past just remains in the level of describing the spatial differences in the level of well-being, and it is not enough. At one hand, well-being is a pluralistic umbrella concept, and has two understandings of perspective—subjective and objective, and put the good life of people as a core. So, in order to study well-being deeply, different research approaches in geography must be held together and we should rebuild research framework of geography of well-being from the perspectives of positivism, humanism and structuralism. On the other hand, from the relation between well-being and regional development, it is necessary to analyze linked mechanism between well-being and regional development deeply, to expand the evaluation of geography of well-being in regional development research so as to find a way to study the well-being level of spatial differences.So, inspired by Geo-spatial ideas, this thesis forms a key concept—well-being space, and regards space as an embedded key point, integrates subjective and objective well-being concepts and puts subjective perception and objective measure together. On the basis of a comprehensive understanding of well-being, this thesis regards well-being space as a media, integrates spatial perspective and regional research as a basis to evaluate unbalanced regional development so as to analyze unbalanced regional development on the basis of well-being space.Above all, to achieve the goal of analysis unbalanced regional development on the basis of well-being space, the article includes four parts:The first part is an introduction and summary, including Chapter1 and Chapter2. of which the first chapter studies the background significance of the topic and analytical perspective, summarizes main research approaches, content framework and main creativity. Chapter2 recalls and states advances research in unbalanced regional development and geography of well-being. The second part is the theoretical and framework, including Chapter3, Chapter4 and Chapter5. In this, the third chapter mainly studies well-being conceptualization, paradigm and methodology. Chapter4 studies rebuild research framework of the geography of well-being - the WOSTEEM framework from the basic geographical philosophy. Chapter5 firstly discusses the theoretical basis and concepts of space, and puts forward conceptual framework of well-being space on the basis of well-being space research, studies the conception and dimensions of well-being space therefore. Chapter5 secondly forms an analytical framework of unbalanced regional development on the basis of well-being space. Part3 including Chapter6 and Chapter7 is an empirical study. In which Chapter6 studies firstly China’s unbalanced regional development on the basis of provinces, then evaluates China’s regional well-being space, divides different types and studies the space-time evolvement by building an evaluation framework of well-being space and using the human development index of environmental sensitivity, concentration index, GIS and so on. And finally it analyzes the evolution routes of China’s regional well-being space in quadrant diagrams. Chapter7 takes urban agglomeration in Yangtze River delta as an example to discuss about unbalanced regional development in well-being space and to evaluate well-being space of urban agglomeration in Yangtze River Delta by using AHP and TOPSIS methods and to analyze its main decisive factors. At last, it explores 16 Yangtze River Delta’s cities’ well-being space on the basis of comprehensive evaluation of the well-being space and quadrant diagram method. The last part-part4 is the summary. It combines mainly theoretical analysis and empirical studies all together to summarize the main arguments, theoretical accomplishments and the main results.The main arguments of this thesis are:①the regional differences lie among provinces in China, but this kind of difference is decreasing from 1990 to 2005;②the gap of the non-economic well-being space is relatively small, and smaller than economic well-being space;③well-being space in western China grows fast followed by central China, and eastern China grows most slowly from 1990 and 2005. The eastern China which has a higher score in well-being space is punished by environmental pollution, so the growth rate is slow;④the level of China’s regional well-being space is improving gradually, experiencing from low well-being to economic well-being in advance and then to high well-being of coordination. The eastern, middle and western China have different evolution routes and features;⑤well-being space in the Yangtze River Delta forms two main core areas: "Shanghai—Suzhou" and "Hangzhou-Shaoxing-Ningbo", and actually on Taihu, The north-western city’s well-being space is poorer, especially in the north, however, the southeastern city’s well-being space is better;⑥according to the analysis of well-being space and its determinants in Yangtze River Delta cities, "high well-being space and high determinants", "low well-being space and low determinants" and " high well-being space and low determinants" three kinds of cities have been found.The main innovation of this thesis includes:①on the basis of analysis on philosophy of Geography and research approach, through epistemology, ontology and ethics of geography, this thesis rebuilds a new research framework about Geography of well-being, namely, a new WOSTEEM framework, which has some theoretical values and innovations;②defined well-being space and formed a new research theoretical framework of well-being so as to construct a evaluation model of well-being space to analyze unbalanced development in China and Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration;③a kind of mechanism linking regional development to well-being space has been built up, which is helpful for linking up regional development and well-being space.

  • 【分类号】F224;F207
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