

Research on High Performance Work System in Knowledge-based Enterprises

【作者】 王操红

【导师】 廖泉文;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 企业管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 在知识经济时代,人力资源的价值成为衡量企业核心竞争力的标识,由此决定了以知识员工为主体的知识型企业将在经济和社会发展中占据主导地位。知识经济的到来,国家自主创新发展战略的确定,一方面给以创新为命脉的知识型企业带来了迅速发展的大好良机,另一方面也给企业带来了严峻的挑战。知识型企业如何建立高绩效工作系统,以及如何完善其对企业绩效的作用机制,以充分发挥知识员工的创新才能,构建企业的核心竞争优势,获得可持续发展,这对促进国民经济的发展与增强我国的国际竞争力都具有举足轻重的作用。论文以知识型企业为研究对象,构建了一个体现高绩效工作系统、知识管理能力和企业绩效之间关系的结构模型,并对该模型所涉及的假设关系进行了逐一论证。论文中知识型企业高绩效工作系统包括人力资源规划、工作分析、甄选配置、发展性评估、绩效薪资、企业文化、培训学习、职业规划、员工授权和信息共享等十项实践:将知识管理能力分为知识获取能力、知识共享能力、知识应用能力和知识创新能力四种;将企业绩效分为企业运营绩效和创新绩效两种。进而设计了各因素的测量变量和调查问卷,并做了较大范围的问卷调查,利用调查获得的数据对所提出的结构模型和各假设关系进行了验证。实证检验的结果表明:论文提出的理论模型在整体上得到了验证,在提出的高绩效工作系统十个组成假设中,有七个得到了验证。总体而言,论文研究达到了预期目的,通过对各假设意义的深入探讨,对以往研究中的一些观点从不同角度进行了实证,也得到了一些自己的新观点。本论文所做的创新贡献概括如下:第一、视角创新在知识经济时代的背景下,本研究从知识管理的角度,选取知识型企业作为样本企业,研究高绩效工作系统实践与企业绩效的相关性,具有一定的创新性。这种视角具有鲜明的时代特色,能密切联系知识型企业的实际问题,而且以知识型企业作为研究对象,在特定范围内探求研究结果,严格区别于国内外不分企业特征的研究。第二、概念创新在知识管理理论和能力理论的基础上,基于知识型企业的特征,本研究将知识管理能力定义为知识获取能力、知识共享能力、知识应用能力和知识创新能力。即只包括A H.Gold.(2001)知识管理流程能力,同时加入知识创新能力,去掉知识保护能力。信息技术等基础设施更多是知识管理的一种技术基础、手段,不作为知识管理能力的内容。第三、理论创新本研究选取“知识管理能力”作为高绩效工作系统与企业绩效的中介变量,研究“知识管理能力”的中介效果,具有一定的创新性。以往的国内外研究中介变量,或者是从微观的员工行为角度,或是从宏观的组织行为角度,提出了各种理论模型。本研究主要从中观的企业特征角度,提出以知识型企业的“知识管理能力”作为中介变量,弥补理论上对特定的知识型企业从中观企业特征角度研究中介变量的不足。第四、工具创新由于国外高绩效工作系统研究大都取样于国外样本企业,设计的问卷主要面向国外企业的员工。而论文主要研究目标是国内的知识型企业,国外设计的问卷不一定能够适合中国企业。因此在阅读国外调查问卷设计的基础上,主要参考国内专家学者设计的调查问卷,开发以符合适合中国背景下知识型企业实际的调查问卷。因此在实证研究的调查问卷设计,有别于国外研究测量工具的应用。总之,论文弥补了现有研究的一些不足,实现了对现有理论的深化和拓展。同时,研究所得出的结论对企业的管理实践也具有一定的指导意义。

【Abstract】 In the age of knowledge-based economy, the value of human resource has been the mark of estimating the key competence for companies, which decides some companies who put emphasis on knowledge staff will dominate in the economy and social development. The coming of knowledge economy and the strategies of independent innovated developing has brought great chances to the Knowledge-Based Enterprise who regard innovation as life on one hand. On the other hand, they also brought those companies serious challenges. The Knowledge-Based Enterprise should build up the high performance work system and improve the checking system so that the innovating abilities of staff will be given out fully, the key competence superiority of the campany will be established and the canpany will get the further opportunities to persisting develop. And this has a signigicant effect on the development of national economy and the national competence power.This research focuses on the Knowledge-Based Enterprise as the topic of stuty. It constructs a structural model which embodys the high performance work system and the relationship between knowledge-based managing capacilities and the performance of enterprisea and the author also demonstrates all supposed connections related to this model one by one . The high performance work system in the paper includs the following nine applied items: the human resource programme, job analysis, distinguishing and collocating, the invaluation on delelopment. the salary on performance . enterprise culture, training study, professional plan and the rights of staff. The knowledge-based managing capacilities include the following four aspects: knowledge attaining, knowledge sharing, knowledge applying and knowledge innovating. The paper divides the enterprise performance into enterprise running and innovating performance. Then . the author contrived the measurement and investigation based on all variable factors and did a survey in a large sacle. and proved the model and its supposed connections using the figures of the survey. The result of proof-test indicates that the theory model of this paper is proved true wholely and seven of nine contructing assumptions in the high performance work system is validated. In generally speaking, the author got his purpose of this reassurch. Through discussing the meaning of all assumptions, the research demonstrated some previous ideas from different perspectives and attained its own new viewpoints. The innovating consrribution in this research are as following: 1. Perspective innovationOn the background of knowledge-based economy, it is innovated that this reseach takes knowledge-based enterprise as model and studies the relativity between the practice of the high performance work system and the enterprise performance from the perspective of knowledge-based management. This new angle has the features of its time, which can touch closely the practical problems in reality, be distinguished from the research that is no bordery to countries for the enterprise. And this angle of view picks up the knowledge-based enterprise as the research object and hunts the result in the fixed range.2. Concept innovationOn the base of the knowledge-based managing and ability theory and the characters of the knowledge-based enterprise, this reseaerch will define the knowledge-based managing abilities as knowledge attaining, sharing, applying and innovating ability. They only include A H.Gold.(2001) knowledge-based managing flowing and innovating abilities, not including knowledge protecting ability. The basic establishment such as information technology is more a technological base and a way of knowledge-based management, is not regarded as the content of knowledge-based managing ability.3. Theory innovationThis research took "knowledge-based managing ability" (?)s the medi-variables between the high performance work system and the enterprise performance and studied the medi-effects of "knowledge-based managing ability", which is innovated. The previous reseaches on medi-variables in home and abroad pointed out all kinds of theory models from the perspective of microcosmic staff action or macroscopical organization action. But this research will make up the shortcomings mainly from the perspective of the medi-cosmic enterprise, bring forward the concetion which looks "knowledge-based managing ability" as the medi-variables of knowledge-based enterprise.4. Method innovationBecause the researches abroad on the high performance work system mostly took the foreign enterprises as models, the questions of the investigation mainly consider the staff of foreign enterprises. However, the purpose of this research will be on the domestic enterprise because the questions of the survey abroad are possibly not suitable for national enterprises.So, after reading the surveys abroad . the author mainly referred the domestic investigation by scholars and experts so that it can be fitted to the reality of the knowledge-based enterprise. So in the design of the survey of proof-testing research, the author developed the survey which are suitable for the knowledge-based enterprise of Chinese background. This is different in apply of measuring methods abroad.In a word, this research made up some blanks and deepened and improved the current studies. Meanwhile, the conclusion of the research will have some guiding significance for the managing fullfilment of enterprises.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期
  • 【分类号】F272
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】1735