

Research on IT Industry Knowledge Workers’ Career Management

【作者】 刘天祥

【导师】 廖泉文;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 企业管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 职业生涯管理是近年来人力资源管理理论与实践的重点、热点与难点。当前,我国对该领域的研究还处在跟踪、引进、消化、吸收阶段,而相关实践更是处于探索期与实验期。本研究将问题锁定在IT产业知识型员工职业生涯管理这一具体、细分的范围内,试图从理论与实践相结合的角度构建一套IT产业知识型员工职业生涯管理相对科学、完整的体系,并对该体系内部的构成因子、影响因素与作用机制展开剖析,进而引起理论界与实践界对该领域的进一步研究、探索。本研究在回顾国内外关于职业生涯管理理论与实践的基础上,深入分析IT产业特点与知识型员工及其职业生涯特点,提出了IT产业知识型员工职业生涯管理体系,并根据该体系模型设计了IT产业知识型员工职业生涯管理调查问卷,通过对30家IT企业的366名知识型员工实施问卷调查,验证了IT产业知识型员工职业生涯体系的构成因子、影响因素与作用机制,对IT企业实施知识型员工职业生涯管理实践具有一定的指导性与操作性,并为该领域的进一步深入研究提供了思路和借鉴。本研究的视角较新,研究范围具体,研究对象典型,所涉及的内容目前在国内尚无系统、完整、规范的研究。本研究首次提出了较科学、完整、系统的IT产业知识型员工职业生涯管理体系模型,包括四大部分(职业生涯管理策略集、职业生涯管理影响因素、职业生涯管理反馈体系、职业生涯管理支持系统),五个模块(策略集模型、影响因素模块、策略包模块、作用反馈模块、体系支撑模块),并提出了IT产业知识型员工职业生涯管理体系的三因子结构,组织与个体影响因素,以及体系内部作用机制等假设。通过实证分析,本研究提出的IT产业知识型员工职业生涯管理体系的影响因素(IT企业发展周期、知识型员工职业周期、知识型员工典型职业锚),职业生涯管理策略的构成因子(职业匹配策略因子、职业发展规划策略因子、职业发展辅助策略因子),职业生涯管理策略对人力资源系统、企业发展、个体发展的影响等假设获得部分验证,证明了IT产业知识型员工职业生涯管理体系的科学性与合理性。

【Abstract】 Career management is the emphases, hotspot and difficulty of HRM in recent years. Currently, research in this field in our country is still at the stage of importing, studying, and digesting. And practice in this field is very poor. This study focus on the knowledge workers’s career management of IT industry, and builds up a model of it, then discuss the structure factors, influence relation, and function mechanism of the model, and hopes to arose more research and probe in this field.This study base on the review of past research in career management in and out of the country, then deeply analysing the characters of IT industry and career of knowledge worker, and then bring forward the model of knowledge workers’s career management of IT industry. As to prove the rationality of this model, the study also design questionary about knowledge workers’s career management of IT industry on the foundation of the model. Through surveying on 366 knowledge workers of 30 IT enterprises, the study has proved the structure factors, influence factors, and operation mechanism of the IT industry knowledge workers’s career management system. The result of this research is instructional and exercisable to the practice of knowledge workers’s career management of IT enterprises, and make some idea and reference to more research in this field.About the study, the view is new, the research range is material, and the object is representative. Currently, domestic research in the content of this field is unsystematized, and nonstandard. This study bring forward a correspondingly integrated, scientific, and systemic model of IT industry knowledge workers’s career management for the first time. The model include 4 parts, such as measure set, influence factors, feedback system, and support system of career management; and 5 modules, such as measure module, influence module, measure bundle module, result and feedback module, and support module. The study also make some hypothesis about this career management system, they are 3 factors structure of career management measure set, influence factors of organization and individual, and the function mechanism of the system.The result of empirical research tell us that, the hypothesis of this study, include the influence factors of knowledge workers’s career management of IT industry, such as development cycle of IT enterprises, career cycle of knowledge worker, and typical career anchor of knowledge worker; the structure factors of career managerment measure set, such as career match factor, career development planning factor, and career development assistant factor; the career management’s influence to HRM system, enterprise’s development, and individual’s development have been partly proved. This result also proves the IT industry knowledge workers’s career management system which suggested by the study is scientific and rational.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期