

The Formation Mechanism of Responsibility of Secondary School Students

【作者】 刘建鸿

【导师】 李晓文;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 近二、三十年,中国社会急剧变化,无论是发展业绩还是灾难危机,都显示出责任心对于社会和个人发展的至关重要性。探究责任心的形成机制,对教育实践和培养高素质的公民具有现实意义。本研究从自主性调节的角度切入,借鉴了自我决定理论、责任三角模型、道德四因素论等理论,对如何促进自主性调节和责任心形成进行研究。实证研究由两大部分组成,第一部分为跨年段的调查研究,第二部分为情境实验和现场(field)研究。跨年段的调查研究旨在考察青少年责任心的发展状况,把握责任心形成的关键因素。进一步的实证研究从自主性角度探讨责任心的形成机制。跨年段的调查研究通过深入访谈和问卷调查了解不同年级学生对责任心的理解及日常生活中的责任情境,初步勾勒了不同年级学生的责任心内涵。访谈资料分析发现了一个明显的倾向:学生感受到的自主支持状态与学生的责任心水平密切关联。接下来的实验研究对此作深入探讨。进一步的实验研究有四项,分别从自主性与任务承担的价值评价、自主性与责任行为的坚持、自主性与责任承担与情绪体验、自主性与失败后行为及自尊反应几个方面,具体考察责任承担的心理状态,在此基础上分析责任心的形成机制。实验研究一通过实验任务分别引发实验组的自主性和控制性倾向,发现自主性调节学生在完成责任时给予任务更高的重要性评估,内在动机也更强。实验研究二通过引发自主性调节和控制性调节不同倾向,结果显示,枯燥任务情境下自主性调节学生有更强的责任行为坚持。实验研究三在日常学业成败情境下考察学生的责任承担行为。结果表明,学业失败时,控制性调节倾向的学生有更多借口推诿表现。自主性调节倾向的学生学业责任承担倾向明显,有更多与自我责任意识相关的情绪体验,尤其当他们自我设定的目标与重要他人设定的目标一致时,努力程度和学业达到程度高,在履行责任失败后愿意付出更大的努力。为进一步探究学业失败后责任行为差异的原因,实验研究四启动不同学生的自主性调节和控制性调节,发现控制性调节学生在学业失败时状态自尊评价变化较自主性调节学生自尊变化大,并且自尊变化状况与失败责任的承担倾向相关。综上,通过“有意义的理由、对冲突感的承认和自主选择”可以促进学生的自主性调节并提高他们对责任的重要性评估、增进责任行为坚持;自主性调节学生更倾向于主动承担责任。自主性调节从多方面促进了学生责任心的形成。

【Abstract】 Firstly, we interviewed with children from 4th to 12th grade to know how they understood "responsibility" and "responsibility situation" they perceived in daily life. Then we reviewed the research of responsibility and self determination theory, Impressed by autonomous regulation in students and their possibily impacts to responsibility in interview and positive change in related researches, some experiments were designed to explore which factors facilitated autonomous regulation and how autonomous regulation affected responsibility taking, responsibility valuing and persistence in task.Study 1 and Study 2 were designed to explore whether the students with autonomous regulation facilitated by "meaningful rationale, acknowledging the participant’s feelings, and conveying choice" had internal motivation in both studies, and whether they valued more on the task in Study 1 and persist much longer in the boring task in Study 2. Study 3 revealed autonomous regulation positively related to responsibility-taking and guilt, achievement based pride and controlled regulation negatively to responsibility-taking significantly. Why did the students with controlled regulation not want to take the responsibility? What was the mechanism under this phenomenon, further exploration was implemented in Study 4. It was disclosed the student with controlled regulation primed by "scrambled sentence task" was influenced more by the score of so called "imagination test", that was, they had unstable state self-esteem in the test and take responsibility unwillingly when they failed. It hinted us the unwillingness to take responsibility was their self defensive reaction.

  • 【分类号】B844.2
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1261