

Research on Some Key Techniques of Wireless Sensor Networks

【作者】 张彦波

【导师】 薛永祺; 郑正奇;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 无线电物理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 随着微机电系统、片上系统、数字电路技术、无线通信技术、电源技术等技术的深入研究和发展,部署由大规模传感器节点组成的无线传感器网络已经成为可能。而且无线传感器网络在军事、科研、商业等领域的广泛应用也促进了这些技术更为深入的研究,形成了一个良性的循环。由于传感器节点的电源供给大多采用电池供电的方式,而且很多应用场合下要对这些电池进行更换和充电很困难甚至是不能做到,因此就需要在设计无线传感器网络的协议的时候,既需要考虑到具体的应用目的的同时也需要兼顾考虑到系统的能量有效性的利用。本文的主要研究内容如下:1.通过对事件驱动型无线传感器网络的分析和研究,针对事件驱动型网络存在的冗余数据过多的现象以及协商机制产生的次生驱动现象,提出了一种基于元胞自动机协商机制的无线传感器网络路由协议-SPCAN协议(Sensor Protocolbased on CA Negotiation,SPCAN)。节点通过SPCAN协议能够充分利用周围的邻居节点以及自身的状态做出是否发送报文给基站的决定。由于协商的进程只是在被驱动节点之间进行,因此避免了同周围未被事件驱动的邻节点进行协商,也就减少了二次驱动现象。在仿真环境下,对Flooding协议和SPIN协议以及本文提出的协议机制进行了仿真分析。结果表明:本文提出的SPCAN协议能够有效提高发送有效报文率、减少延迟时间和系统的能量消耗。2.针对分簇协议中的负载不均衡所引发的“热点”现象提出了一种采用剪枝技术来均衡网络中负载的算法。该算法通过对节点的地理位置、担任簇头的次数、剩余能量三者进行加权和分析,并且每次按照当下的局部状态选定担任簇头节点的节点。按照具体的阈值和节点的具体情况,可以有一个或多个节点同时当选,然后按照权重值的大小依次轮流担任簇头节点。减少了每次选举只选出一个簇头节点而造成的选举耗能。仿真结果表明:该算法能够有效的均衡网络中的负载,通过减少选举耗能有效的延长了网络的使用寿命。3.结合无线传感器网络本身的低成本、无线通信、协作完成任务的特点提出了一种基于无线传感器网络的收视率调查系统的设计方案。该系统通过无线的方式收发信息报文,不占用被调查样本的资源而且不影响被调查样本的收看。当后台管理人员对某一时段的内容或者某些样本的收视情况需要临时的进行数据采集的时候,可以通过向传感器节点发送相应的指令来完成一次实时的收视率情况调查。就作者调查和查找的结果看来,目前国内尚无类似的系统的提出和生产。

【Abstract】 With the further developments of MEMS,SoC,DCT,WCT and PT,Wireless Sensor Network that consists of large scale sensor nodes is deployed in many fields. These potential applications in military,science and business fields accelerate the lucubration of MEMS,and so on.And that forms a benign circle.The sensor node’s power is mainly supplied by battery,but on the other hand,it is very difficult even impossible to replace or recharge batteries in many application environments.So it is necessary to consider energy-efficient and application environments when protocol is designed.In the proposed paper,some new strategies are presented as follows:1.After analyzing event-driven network,we propose a routing protocol based on CA negotiation to tackle the redundant nodes and related secondary disaster problem. Node can decide whether to send DATA packet to Base Station directly or not after negotiating with its neighbor nodes using the proposed mechanism.Because the negotiation processes are only executed among driven-nodes,the phenomena of secondary disaster are avoided.In simulation environment,we examine Flooding routing protocol,SPIN routing protocol and SPCAN routing protocol.Simulation results indicate that SPCAN protocol can enhance the effective sent packet ratio, reduce delay time and system energy dissipation.2.A load-balance algorithm based on pruning technology is proposed to tackle the hot spot phenomena.Hot spot phenomena are caused by unbalance load distribution in cluster algorithms.The proposed mechanism dynamically selects CH by computing weight value of location,residual energy and times as CH in current round.According to threshold and node’s state,at least one node is selected as CH.If more than one node in one round is selected as CHs,they will wake-up as CH in order of the weight value.In simulation environment,we analysis different node numbers in one cluster,ratios of different locations,times selected as CH,residual energy and the proposed load balance algorithm’s application.Results show that:the proposed algorithm can efficient balance the load in WSN.More energy is saved by reducing energy consumed during the processing of selection CH.3.A novel scheme of audient ratio inquire system(ARIS) is described.Currently, audient ratio inquires system may occupy informant’s resources and that will affect informants and make inquire result lost objectivity more or less,which can avoid informants inflected by using wireless communication to send data to manager and can make an inquired process when receive order from managers.So far as we know, there are no similar system in China is proposed or produced.

  • 【分类号】TP212.9;TN929.5
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】704
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