

Writing for Traumatic Therapy

【作者】 张信勇

【导师】 徐光兴;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 应用心理学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 在心理学历史上,情感表露对个体健康所起的作用一直为心理学家们所重视。情感表露不仅限于口头表达,而且也可以通过书面进行。许多作家通过文学作品表露创伤的情感而达到自我治疗的功效,而在传统心理治疗中写作是作为一种辅助技术而被广泛运用。但是,对写作的治疗功效进行科学的实验研究却是最近二十年的事情。Pennebaker开创了写作的实验研究范式。这种写作被称之为表达性写作,它是指在一定时间内按照特定主题对个人情感和想法进行表达的写作。大量的表达性写作研究结果证实了写作创伤经历对身心健康的促进作用。但是,通过表达性写作治疗创伤的研究却很少,并且关于表达性写作对创伤后应激反应的影响与机制也不是很清楚。开展表达性写作与创伤后应激反应的相关研究,不仅可以推进表达性写作的理论研究,而且为创伤的写作治疗提供了理论依据和实践指导。论文在对相关文献进行综述的基础上,采用实验方法探讨了表达性写作对创伤后应激反应的影响及其机制,考察了人格变量的中介作用,并通过个案展现了表达性写作在创伤治疗中的应用。首先,通过两个实验探讨了表达性写作对创伤后应激反应的影响。研究一的结果发现,创伤经历写作能显著减少个体的创伤后应激症状和抑郁症状,这种影响不存在性别差异。研究二的结果发现,积极经历写作与创伤经历写作对个体创伤后应激症状的减少具有相同的作用,而重要经历写作(同时包括积极和消极经历的写作)对个体创伤后应激症状的减少要显著好于积极经历写作与创伤经历写作;而积极经历写作对个体抑郁、焦虑症状的减少要显著好于创伤经历写作和重要经历写作。接着,探讨了表达性写作对创伤后应激反应的影响机制。结果发现,写作中的情感表达是影响创伤后应激反应的必要条件,而在情感表达基础上的认知加工更为重要。然后,考察了人格变量(述情障碍、精神质、外向性、神经质)对表达性写作效果的中介作用。相关分析和回归分析的结果发现,述情障碍、外向性、神经质与表达性写作的效果呈显著负相关,情感表达困难和神经质是重要的中介变量。最后,通过个案研究对表达性写作在创伤治疗中的应用进行了初步尝试。结果表明,表达性写作可以有效治疗创伤,但是治疗效果与个体写作前的创伤症状水平、创伤表露水平和写作内容有关。

【Abstract】 In the history of psychology, psychologists have always attached great importance to the influence of the emotional expression upon individual health. The purpose of emotional expression can be achieved through both oral and written forms. Many writers expressed their traumatic feelings in their literal works so as to be self-healed, wheras writing is widely applied as a supplementary skill in the traditional psytherapy. Nevertheless, it is in the recent twenty years that the experimental study on the effect of writing has been conducted.The experimental study mode of writing or Expressive writing, initiated by Pennebaker, refers to the writing of personal emotions and thoughts on a certain theme within a certain amount of time. A great deal of research on expressive writing has proven the contribution of writing traumatic experience to the physical and mental health. However, there is little research on traumatic therapy through the expressive writing. Furthermore, ambiguity still remains in the effect and mechanism of the expressive writing on the posttraumatic stress responses. A relevant research on the relations between the expressive writing and the posttraumatic stress responses can not only promote the theoretical study on the expressive writing, but provide theoretical basis as well as guidance for practice to the traumatic therapy through writing.On the basis of relevant literature review, this dissertation adopted the experimental study to probe into the effect and mechanism of the expressive writing upon the posttraumatic stress responses, examine the medium effect of, and demonstrate the application of the expressive writing in the traumatic therapy through individual cases.To begin with, the dissertation discusses the influence of the expressive writing upon the posttraumatic stress responses based on two experiments. The research on the first experiment showed that traumatic experience writing could decrease individuals’ posttraumatic stress symptom and depression, in which there is no gender difference. The research on the second experiment indicated that the same effect on the decrease of individual’s posttraumatic stress responses existed in the positive and traumatic experience writing, while important experience writing, including both positive and negative ones, exerted a greater influence upon the decrease of individual’s posttraumatic stress responses than positive as well as traumatic experience writing; positive experience writing enjoyed a better effect than the traumatic and important experience writing on the decrease of individual depression and anxiety symptom. Then, this dissertation deals with the mechanism of the expressive writing upon posttraumatic stress responses. The research result has shown that the emotional expression in writing is the essential condition in affecting posttraumatic stress responses, while the cognitive process based on the emotional expression.Thirdly, this dissertation focuses on the medium effect of the personality upon the expressive writing. Relevant analysis and regression analysis have revealed that alexythimia, extroversion, neuroticism is significantly negative correlated to the effect of the expressive writing in which difficulty in expression feeling and neuroticism are the major indexes.Finally, this dissertation made an attempt in the application of the effect of the expressive writing upon the traumatic therapy on the basis of individual case study. The results indicated that the expressive writing could be applied in the traumatic therapy, but the actual effect has something to do with people’s traumatic symptom and traumatic disclosure before writing, and essay characteristics.

  • 【分类号】B849
  • 【被引频次】3
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