

A New Study on Zhang Taiyan’s Philosophy

【作者】 蔡志栋

【导师】 高瑞泉;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国哲学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 在20世纪30年代中国哲学进入现代体系性创造之前,章太炎被认为是中国近代最有深度的哲学家。但是由于各种原因,对章太炎的哲学尤其是他的后期哲学的研究却相对欠缺。本篇论文着重研究章太炎后期(1906年以后)的哲学思想,即探讨章太炎如何从其所构建的真如哲学思想出发,通过对中国现代主体性内在包含的诸环节的建构、批判和反省,如何证成、消解以及某种形式地超越了主体性,即现代性的根本原则,既对章太炎那曾经被称为“夭折了的哲学革命”做出新的理解,也试图以此为个案,一定程度展示中国现代性的复杂面相,探讨现代性观念的哲学根基。1906年之后的章太炎建立了以“依自不依他”为根本原则的真如本体论。它确立了主体性原则,此原则内在地包括了“进步”、“竞争”、“科学”、“民主”、“平等”、“自我”和乌托邦理想等一系列现代观念,它们构成了主体性结构的诸多环节,同时又是中国的现代性的某种展开。真如本体论主要融合了唯识学、中国佛学、包括康德哲学在内的西方哲学以及包括庄子哲学在内的诸子学,具有高扬主体性、真如的普遍内在性、相对主义的理论特征,以及由于思想来源未经充分整合而内涵的紧张和唯我论的理论偏向。这些特色贯穿于章氏对主体性的各个观念环节的审思中,使之在充满洞见的同时又包含了冲突和自我瓦解的因素,最终导致了主体性原则的落空。在进步、竞争(实践)、科学、民主、平等、自我人格和乌托邦世界等诸观念环节中,进步是主体性展开的世界观和历史观框架。章氏从真如哲学出发,对进步所预设的必然性维度和目的论成分作了全而的解构,批判了其中所蕴含的机械决定论思想。然而,由于章氏对康德哲学的误解以及将中印两种佛学系统的混淆,他的必然性批判和目的论批判并非如通常所认为的那样无懈可击。试图替代进步哲学的是章氏独创的“不齐而齐”之齐物哲学。它肯定了每一个个体、文明的价值,是一种新型的历史哲学。和对进步的批判一样,齐物哲学的实质是拯救主体性。然而,唯我论等问题也困扰着齐物哲学。竞争不仅是主体性原则展开的动力,而且是主体能动性的实现和表现。真如哲学一方面为竞争作了辩护,另方面,它的相对主义倾向又消解了竞争的合法性。科学指向主体性原则展开的认识论、方法论维度。真如哲学在借鉴康德思想对科学的必然性持肯定意见的同时,又否定了认识对象的客观性以及规律的存在。民主、平等是主体性原则展开的政治哲学、伦理学维度。真如哲学强烈的证成了直接民主制以及万物平等,但是,它的唯我论倾向又束缚了民主,并导致了对平等的消解。主体性原则必然涉及主体和客体。真如哲学确立了自我和现代人格,对华严宗“无尽缘起”说的肯定又包含了突破唯我论的因素。但由此也导致了真如哲学中包含着向个人主义发展和向恶性集体主义发展两重倾向。同时,真如哲学对客体世界的“去魅”高扬了主体性。但鉴于主体性的恶性发展,章氏主张无生主义作为新的乌托邦模式。这种模式在根本上消弭主体的同时,又残留了主体性思维(同一性思维)的痕迹。真如哲学最终难以成为现代主体性原则的有效辩护,一方面似乎透露出现代性的悖论,另一方面也预示了时代需要新的哲学。

【Abstract】 Before Chinese philosophy has its own modern systematical creation in 1930s, Zhang Taiyan is thought to be the deepest philosopher.However,for various reasons, studies on Zhang’s philosophy,especially his later philosophy,are insufficient.This article stresses on later Zhang’s philosophy(after the year of 1906).It aims to show how Zhang Taiyan proves,damages and exceeds the fundamental principle of modernity,say subjectivity principle,from his Thusness-philosophy by constructing, criticizing and rethinking the items in construction of Chinese modernity,in order to show the complexity of Chinese modernity in one hand,to discuss the philosophical basis of modernity with Zhang as an example from another hand.After 1906 Zhang Taiyan establishes the Thuessness-philosophy with "Yi Zi Bu Yi Ta"(depending on oneself,not on others)(依自不依他) as the basic principle.It establishes principle of subjectivity,which includes a series of modern ideas,such as "progress","competition","science","democracy","equality","self’ & utopia ideal. They both are items of subjective construction and some kind of deployment of Chinese modernity.The Thusness-philosophy basically absorbs Yogocara,Chinese Buddhism,western philosophy,including Kantian philosophy,and Zhuangzi philosophy etc..Such philosophy has the characteristics of strong subjectivity,the Thusness-substance’s universality & inherency,and relativism,as well as the deflection of the intensity within the thought,because of integrity of the thought sources,and solipsism.These traits run through the Zhang’s reflection of modern ideas items in subjectivity.They give Zhang’s reflection insight and inner intensity, and bring the failure of subjectivity principles.In the modern ideas items,"progress" is the world view and history outlook background in which subjectivity deploys itself.Zhang,from Thusness-philosophy, destructs the inevitability dimension and teleology elements which progress presupposes and criticizes determinism in it.However,his critical isn’t without any problem just as we think usually,because Zhang misunderstands Kantian philosophy and confuses Chinese Buddhism and Indian Buddhism.It is Qi Wu(齐物) philosophy that wants to displace the philosophy of progress.It affirms the value of everybody and every civilization.Qi Wu(齐物) philosophy is a new type of historical philosophy and its essence is to saving subjectivity,just like the critical to progress.But problems such as solipsism still puzzles Qi Wu(齐物) philosophy.Not only is "competition" the motivation of subjective principle,but also the realization and representation of subjective initiative.On the one hand the Thusness-philosophy argues for competition,on the other hand its relativism trait denies its validity. "Science" points to epistemological and methodological dimension of the deployment of subjective principle.The Thusness-philosophy argues for the inevitability of science by absorbing Kantian philosophy.At the same time it denies the objectivity of body and the existence of rules."Democracy" and "equality" are political and moral dimension of the deployment of subjective principle.The Thusness-philosophy argues for direct democracy and the equality of everything.However,its trend of solipsism constricts democracy and destroys equality.The subjective principle must include subject and object.The Thusness-philosophy establishes "self" and modern personality.And it supports the Wu Jin Yuan Qi theory(all depending all theory)(“无尽缘起”说) of Huayen Philosophy(华严宗),which includes elements beyond solipsism.So the Thusness-philosophy has two controversial trends,one is individualism,the other is bad collectivism.Because of the bad development of subjectivity,Zhang uses Wu Sheng theory(lifeless theory)(无生主义) as the new type of "utopia".Such type remains subjective thinking,that is to say,identity thinking,while it denies subject absolutely.The Thusness-philosophy couldn’t argue for modern subjective principle at last, which seems to disclose the paradox in modernity on the one hand,and to foretell that time needs new philosophy.

【关键词】 章太炎主体性真如唯我论
【Key words】 Zhang TaiyansubjectivityThusnesssolipsism
  • 【分类号】B25
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