

Reflection on the Problem of Elite-role-training of School Education

【作者】 杨光海

【导师】 陆有铨;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 学校教育角色化是指学校教育以培养未来社会精英角色为主要甚至是唯一追求目标的实践活动,其实质是学校教育选拔功能对育人功能的僭越,基于升学主义的应试教育行动是其实践表征。学校教育角色化窄化了学校教育的社会化功能、异化了学校教育的角色学习功能和放逐了学校教育的个性化功能,导致学校教育的育人功能式微。学校教育角色化问题有其直接的教育场域根源,更有着广泛和深刻的社会场域根源,其教育场域根源乃是教育场域的客观结构与场域中行动者据此客观结构而生成的生存心态;其社会场域根源则是社会场域的客观结构和社会场域中的行动者的生存心态。学校教育角色化问题的教育场域根源是教育场域的客观结构与教育场域中的诸行动者的生存心态。其中层级化等级化的学校系统是学校教育角色化问题的静态教育结构根源,而考试制度与技术选择的竞争性资本获取机制则是学校教育角色化的动态教育结构根源;而教育场域中国家、教育行政部门、学校和教师对资本搏取与利益追求的欲求是导致学校教育角色化问题的生存心态根源。基于教育场域客观结构的利益安排和相关行动者追求利益的生存心态是导致学校教育角色化问题的实践逻辑。学校教育角色化问题更有着其深刻的社会场域根源。首先,追求体面而有尊严的“好生活”的社会价值取向和搏取为实现这种价值取向所需的以“高学历、高文凭”教育资格为标志的兑换价值较高的优质文化资本而争夺优质教育资源是普遍存在的社会生存心态。其次,社会场域的客观结构——生产方式的变革及其影响、经济体制的改革及其影响、分化的职业体系与不断扩大的行业收入差距、以职业分化与资源占有为标准的社会阶层分化和从“身份”标准到“成就”标准的职业获得与流动机制的变革则是导致学校教育角色化问题的深层社会客观结构根源。学校教育角色化是一个普遍存在的问题。从当下社会与教育发展现实与趋势来看,学校教育角色化问题存在进一步加剧的可能。学校教育角色化问题的消解则有赖于包括教育场域在内的社会场域的客观结构根本性改革的整体推进、与之相适应的社会生存心态的调适和继之而来的行动改变,这无疑将是一个长期的渐进的过程。消解学校教育角色化问题亟需从以下四个方面着手:首先,学校应回归教育诸功能之本然关系,恪守育人功能的首要地位;其次教育行政部门应实现政绩观的调整与角色的转换;再次,政府应加快加大教育投入促进区域教育均衡发展;最后,国家应着力加快推进社会用人制度与薪酬制度的变革。

【Abstract】 The elite-role-training of school education means the kind of practice thatschool takes possible measures to mold elite roles for the future society as the maineven the only aim.The Problem of elite-role-training of school education means thatthe function of selection of school education has arrogated its function of fostering,and its practical expression is the education action only for exams based on the ideaof entering higher schools.The elite-role-training of school education has narrowedits function of socialization,alienated its function of roles studying,and expatriatedits function ofindividuation,which has led its function of fostering to waning.The problem of elite-role-training of school education has not only its directcauses of education field,but also its far-ranging and severe roots of society field.Thedirect causes of education field are the external structures and the actors’ habituswhich has been constructed according to the external structures of the field,and itsroots of society field are the external structures and the actors’ habitus of the field.The direct causes of education field of education field are the external structuresand the actors’ habitus in the field,in which the interspatial and tiered school systemis its static education structure cause,and the mechanism of the competitive capitalobtaining with the eleven-plus system as its technical selection is its dynamiceducation structure cause.The habitus of the State,the habitus of the educationadministration service,the habitus of the school,and the habitus of teachers are thecauses of the habitus of the problem of elite-role-training of school education.Theinterests’ arrangement based on the external structures of the education field and thehabitus of interrelated actors’ pursuing interests are the logic of practice causing theproblem of elite-role-training of school education.The problem of elite-role-training of school education has its deeper roots of thesociety field.Firstly,people have the value tropism of hankering honorable andrespective“good life”,which needs fine cultural capital with a high value of exchangeand a famous diploma title.In order to get the famous diploma title,people have tocontest in getting the fine educational resources.That is the far-ranging habitusamong the actors in our society field.Secondly,the external structures of the society field,which means the changed production manners with the effect,the changedeconomy system with the effect,the differentiated occupation system with thecontinuous enlarged income disparities,the differentiation of social classes with thedifferentiated occupations and resources possessing,and the changed mechanism ofoccupation obtaining and social flowage with a criterion change from“status”to“achievement”are the deeper external society-structural roots causing the problem ofelite-role-training of education.The elite-role-training of school education is a far-ranging problem.According tothe realities and tendencies,the problem of elite-role-training will become moresevere.It needs us to change the external structures of the society field including theeducation field,to redress the actors’ habitus suited with the structures,and tochange the actors’ action,which doubtless will be a long-range gradual process toabate even to eliminate the problem of elite-role-training of school education.In orderto solve the problem,Measures should be taken from the following four aspects:firstly,school should insist the fontal relationships among the functions of educationand scrupulously abide by the principal status of the function of fostering;Secondly,the education administration service should turn its role and adjust its ideas ofachievements in its post;thirdly,the government should quickly enlarge investment ineducation to accelerate balanced development of regional education;and finally,thestate should change the system of employment and laborage.

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