

History Change of Traditional School Educational Ecosystem in China

【作者】 邓小泉

【导师】 杜成宪;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 基于生态学、生态学交叉学科和系统科学的方法,本文尝试提出教育生态系统的研究方法。根据教育生态系统的方法,中国教育是一个整体的系统,要把握这个整体系统的形成、演化历程与规律,关键是要把握系统的要素、结构以及要素与环境之间的相互联系与作用。教育生态系统的形成,以教育要素的出现与结构的形成为标志。教育生态系统的演化,则源于要素与结构的根本性改变。社会是一个大的生态系统,是教育生态系统的上一级系统和外部环境。不同的社会生态系统有不同的要素、结构与特征,也就有不同的教育生态系统。以社会成员在社会结构中的地位为标准,可以把中国社会分为初民社会、贵族社会、官僚社会和国民社会四个阶段。与四种社会形态相对应,中国教育生态系统先后经历了自然教育生态系统、古典学校教育生态系统、传统学校教育生态系统和现代学校教育生态系统四个阶段。一种教育生态系统向另一种教育生态系统的演化,是以社会生态系统的演化为基础,由教育要素与结构的改变所决定的。中国传统学校教育生态系统的形成与教育者、受教育者的制度化教育内容的确定化发展密切相关,而以太学的设立、儒学的独尊和察举制度的建立为重要标志。因为这三大措施既促进了中国传统学校教育生态系统要素的产生,又为中国传统学校教育生态系统结构的形成奠定了基础。中国传统学校教育生态系统于汉代形成以后,在不断的自我调节过程中发育进化,最终于宋代进入成熟状态。中国传统学校教育与经济、政治、文化、科技等都是中国传统社会生态系统的亚系统。传统经济、政治、文化和科技同时又是影响中国传统学校教育生态系统发展的生态因子,它们的波动会对中国传统学校教育生态系统产生影响。但由于中国传统经济、政治、文化与科技的结构长期保持稳定,使中国传统社会保持长期的延续性,进而为中国传统学校教育生态系统的长期稳定提供了良好的外部环境。中国传统学校教育生态系统作为一个大系统,其内部也有许多亚系统,如教育层次生态系统、教育类别生态系统、教育区域生态系统等。各亚系统的形成与发展经历了一个较长的历史过程,总体上反映了中国传统学校教育生态系统内部由简单到复杂、由无序到有序的走向。鸦片战争以后,西方的强力冲击破坏了中国传统社会生态系统,改变了中国传统学校教育生态系统的外部环境,进而使其退化,逐步演化为现代学校教育生态系统。

【Abstract】 On the base of ecology, interdisciplinary of ecology and system science, thedissertation tries to put forward a research method of educational ecosystem.According to the educational ecosystem, the education of China is a whole system. Tomaster the course and the rule of its formation and succession, it is essential to masterthe elements, structure, and the interrelation and interaction between the elements andenvironment. The appearance and structure formation of the educational elements arethe signs of the formation of educational ecosystem. And the succession of the systemoriginates from the fundamental changes of elements and structure.Society is a large ecosystem, which is the higher system and outer environmentof educational ecosystem. Educational ecosystems are different in different societyecosystem because of the difference of elements, structure and characteristics of thesociety ecosystem. By the standard of the social members’ position in the socialstructure, Chinese society can be divided into four periods, which are primitivesociety, noble society, bureaucratic society and civil society. Corresponding to thefour periods, the educational ecosystem has gone through four generations of naturalschool educational ecosystem, classic school educational ecosystem, traditionalschool educational ecosystem and modern school educational ecosystem. Thesuccession of educational ecosystem is based on the succession of society ecosystem,and is determined by the changes of educational elements and structure.The formation of the traditional school educational ecosystem was closely boundup with the development of the systematized educational content of the educator andthe educated, and was marked by the establishment of Taixue and Chaju System, theConfucianism Reverence, which promote the emergence of the elements of traditionalschool educational ecosystem and laid the foundation for the formation of structure.The traditional school educational ecosystem arose in Han Dynasty, and with theevolution during the process of continuously self-regulation, it matured in SongDynasty.Economy, politics, culture, science and the traditional school educational ecosystem were the ecological subsystem of the Chinese Traditional societyecosystem. At the same time, the traditional economy, politics, culture and scienceinfluenced the traditional school educational ecosystem. However, the Chinesetraditional society kept long-term continuity because of the long-term structurestability of the economy, politics, culture and science, and then offered a better outerenvironment of traditional school educational ecosystem.As the large system, traditional school educational ecosystem has a lot ofecological subsystem, such as educational level ecosystem, educational categoryecosystem and educational region ecosystem, etc. the formation and development ofthe ecological subsystem experienced a long history, which reflected the internaltendency from simple and disorder to complex and order of traditional schooleducational ecosystem.After the Opium War, the strong impact from west world destroyed the Chinesetraditional society ecosystem, so changed the outer environment of the traditionalschool educational ecosystem, which caused the degeneration of the traditional schooleducational ecosystem and the succession of the modern school educationalecosystem.

【关键词】 传统教育生态系统历史变迁
【Key words】 traditional educationecosystemhistorical change
  • 【分类号】G521
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1605