

Retrospect and Reflection

【作者】 陈媛

【导师】 杜成宪;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育史, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 任何事物都有一个生成与演变的过程,近代中国大学教授群体也是如此。虽然人们对近代很多著名大学及著名教授的历史贡献已经耳熟能详,但是对于近代中国大学教授群体的形成和角色的整体认识,却往往比较模糊。既然大学教授群体、大学组织及社会发展之间存在必然的联系,研究大学教授群体就是一个很有意义的课题。本研究试图从多学科的角度,把近代中国教授群体作为近代中国社会、中国大学和知识分子系统结构中的一个中心要素,以近代中国大学教授群体与中国社会及大学之间的作用与反作用为研究主线,从教授群体的产生背景、形成机制、结构特征和角色作用几个方面,回答近代中国大学教授群体的形成过程、存在形态和社会影响等基本问题,在回望与沉思中获得对近代中国大学教授群体的整体认识,并从中得到一些有益的启示。“西学东渐”催生了近代中国大学,同时也促使大学教授成为一种新职业。近代中国大学教授群体的形成与科举废除后士人的身份转换以及留学生回归后的职业选择两个来源密切相关。可以说近代中国大学教授群体是教育制度转型和知识个体价值选择的共同产物。在不同的历史时期,社会政治经济文化的变革决定了近代中国大学教授群体形成和演变的历史轨迹和特点。聘任制度是为大学教授设计的一种学术职业的准入机制,同时聘任制度也为大学教授群体的质量标准提供了一个重要的制度参照。近代中国政府颁布法令统一规定大学教授的任职资格,而大学在实际聘任操作中所具有的自由度,使得近代中国大学教授群体表现出统一性与多样性并存的复杂样态。近代中国大学教授群体作为一个教育子系统,必然具有一定的结构特征,按照不同的标准可以划分为要素结构、能级结构和个性结构等多种结构形态,它是近代中国大学教授群体功能发挥和价值实现的基本载体。由于国家的内忧外患,近代中国大学教授群体承载着“科学”救国与“民主”启蒙的历史使命,同时他们扮演着学术角色、社会角色和政治角色等多重角色。正是教授们对自身角色的自觉与认同,才使得近代中国大学教授群体产生了巨大的社会影响,发挥了重要的历史作用。总而言之,特殊时空造就了极具影响力的中西合璧的自由独立的近代中国大学教授群体。回望历史,令人深思:传承近代中国大学教授群体的优秀基因,对造就新一代极具影响力的大学教授群体无疑具有重要的启迪。

【Abstract】 Everything experiences the process of generating and evolving, so do theuniversity professors in modern China. Though the history contributions of manyfamous universities and professors in modern China are well known to people,integral cognition on formation and roles of university professors in modern Chinaseem obscure. University professors group, university organizations and socialdevelopment are necessarily related to each other, therefore, studying universityprofessors is a very meaningful issue.In this paper, from view of multiple disciplines, university professors in modernChina was taken as a key factor in the systematic structure of modern Chinese society,Chinese universities and intellectuals; the actions and reactions between universityprofessors and modern Chinese society and modern Chinese universities were mainlydiscussed; the basic problems such as their formation and development, existingforms, role and effect, etc. were explained from following aspects: the generationbackground, formation mechanism, structural characteristics and social impact of theuniversity professors in modern China. Integral cognition on university professors inmodern China was obtained through the retrospect and reflection, and someenlightenments were gained in the process.“The introduction of Western learning to the East”gaves birth to modern Chineseuniversities, and meanwhile university professor becames a new occupation.. Theformation of the university professors in modern China was closely related to theidentity conversion of scholars after the abolition of imperial examination and careeroptions of the returned Chinese overseas students. It could be said that the universityprofessors in modern China are the co-product of transition of Chinese educationsystem and individual value choice of intellectuals in that time. In different historicalperiods, the historical progressive trail and feature of the university professors inmodern China were determined by social political and economical and culturalreforms.The employment system was a mechanism of permitting the entrance designed forthe academic profession of university professors; it also offered an important referentsystem for the quality standard of university professors. Modern Chinese government promulgated decrees to standardize the qualifications of university professors.However, universities have certain degrees of freedom in actual appointment process,which contributes to the complex situation of the combination of diversity and unitywithin the university professors in modern China.As a subsystem of education, the university professors in modern China has acertain structure characteristics, and according to different standards it could bedivided into different structures from its elements, energy-level and personality, whichis the basic carrier for the group to function and realize the value.University professors in modern China are burdened with historical mission of“saving the nation with science”and“enlightening democracy”, duing to Chineseinternal and external“troubles”,and they have been playing multiple roles, such asacademic role,social role and political role. It was the professors’s self-consciousnessand self-identity of their roles that realized their important influence and effect in bothuniversities and society.To sum up, the special environment created the very influential universityprofessors in modern China which has characters of blending the Chinese-WesternCultures and freedom and independence. Looking back on history, we have to ponderupon the problem:we have to inherit the excellent gene of the university professorsin modern China to bring up new influential generation of university professors.

  • 【分类号】G649.2
  • 【下载频次】665