

Study on Distribution of Interest and Development of Chinese Real Estate Industry Healthily in the Period of Economic Transition

【作者】 周建成

【导师】 张永岳;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 世界经济, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 改革开放30年来,我国经济实现了重大转型,与此同时,社会利益分配格局也发生了重大变化。伴随经济转型进程,我国房地产业经过30年,尤其是近20年的快速成长,已经发展成为我国的重要支柱产业。但是随着该产业的快速发展也积累了大量矛盾。从根本上说,这些矛盾归根结底都指向了经济转型条件下我国的社会利益分配关系。社会利益分配格局对我国房地产业发展的影响以及伴随我国房地产业发展带来的社会利益流向引起了社会的广泛关注。本论文旨在通过分析经济转型条件下我国社会利益分配关系的变迁,来对我国房地产业的发展进行系统而深入的研究。在实现对社会利益分配与房地产业发展关系系统和深入分析的基础之上,研究了在经济转型条件下如何构建和谐社会利益分配关系,来推动我国房地产业的健康发展。在现实经济生活中,社会利益的重新分配往往要通过生产要素配置方式的变迁来得以实现和体现。因此,通过研究经济转型过程中的生产要素配置方式转变和社会利益分配关系变迁来解释我国的房地产业发展是本论文选定的认识问题路径;而在经济转型条件下通过完善生产要素配置方式和构建和谐社会利益分配关系来促进我国房地产业的健康发展是本论文选定的解决问题路径。全文共分五章,第一章是全文的导论,首先介绍了本文的研究背景及研究主题的理论和现实意义,其次对本文的研究思路、结构安排和主要创新点作了概括,最后对相关文献进行了综述。第二章是对经济转型条件下我国的社会利益分配与房地产业发展关系的整体鸟瞰,首先从分析我国经济转型产生阶段性的原因入手,通过分析我国经济转型进程中具有标志性的转折点,对我国经济转型的历程进行了两阶段划分,即经济转型的启动与正式推进阶段和经济转型的深化和完善阶段,其次对经济转型、社会利益分配、生产要素配置和我国房地产业发展间的关系进行了鸟瞰式的总体阐述。第三章以我国经济转型的启动和正式推进阶段为研究对象,首先对经济转型之前我国的社会利益分配与房地产业发展间的关系进行了历史解读,然后从生产要素配置的分析视角出发,研究了经济转型条件下我国的社会利益分配关系变迁及其对房地产业发展的影响。第四章是本论文的核心部分,以我国经济转型的深化和完善阶段为研究对象,分别从劳动、资金和土地要素配置的分析视角出发,研究了经济转型条件下我国的社会利益分配关系变迁及其对房地产业发展的影响。最后,第五章给出了在经济转型条件下如何通过完善生产要素配置方式和构建和谐社会利益分配关系来促进我国房地产业健康发展的政策建议。

【Abstract】 Chinese real estate industry has been developing rapidly for almost 30 years;especially the latest 20years and already became the core industry during theeconomic transition period. It also has many questions and conflicts with the rapidlydevelopment. Basically speaking, it is mainly due to the social interest distributionsystem. The interest distribution structure affects Chinese real estate industry deeplyand arouses wide concerns with the rapidly development.In the real economy, to realize the redistribution of social interest needs to thechange of allocation of productive factors. Therefore, this thesis begins with theanalysis the allocation of productive factors and the transformation of interestdistribution to explore the development of Chinese real estate industry during theeconomic transition period. It gives suggestions on how to optimize the allocationmethods and harmonize the interest distribution to promote the Chinese real estateindustry develope healthily and steadilyThe existing studies on this topic mainly focused on operation and managingmechanism of real estate industry. Lacking of the studies on the topic the thesisconcentrate confused the whole industry in understanding and practice. Based on theanalysis of economic transition, interest distribution, productive factors allocation andreal estate industry development, the thesis pay more attention on their characters indifferent stage to understand the developing of Chinese real estate industrysystematically and deeply.The whole thesis divides into five chapters. The first chapter is introduction topresent the background, theoretic and practice meaning, study method, thesis structureand innovation, relating theories and literatures. The second chapter is the analysis ofthe stages of Chinese economic transition and the transformation of interestdistribution and the affects in real estate industry in the period of econommictransition from allocation of productive factors briefly. The third chapter begins withthe analysis of economic transition to explain the transformation of interestdistribution and the affects in real estate industry in the first stage of Chinese economic transition. The forth chapter begins with the analysis of economic transitionto explain the transformation of interest distribution and the affects in real estateindustry in the second stage of Chinese economic transition. Finally, the fifth chapteris to give suggestions on how to perfect the allocation method of productive factorsand harmonize the interest distribution to promote the developing of Chinese realestate industry healthily.
