

Tongchen Style and the Raising of Xinxue

【作者】 吴微

【导师】 陈平原;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 古代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本论文的研究聚焦于桐城文章与新学兴起的内在关联之上。上篇以“桐城文章与外交实录”为中心,将洋务运动时期的具有“外交家”身份的桐城文人:郭嵩焘、薛福成、黎庶昌及吴汝纶所撰述的日记、游记、尺牍等桐城文章作为研究对象,考察桐城文章对输入西洋新知、引进西学、倡扬新学的贡献,并由此讨论桐城古文自身引发的新变。下篇以“桐城文章与文化教育转型”为中心,将辛亥前后具有“教育家”身份的桐城文人:马其昶、姚永朴、姚永概、严复、林纾、吴芝瑛、吴闿生等所编纂、翻译、撰著的翻译文章、讲义、教科书(选本、读本)作为研究对象,考察桐城文章如何适应并促进文化教育的转型,进而辨析在新学一统天下、新式文化教育体制形成之后,桐城派连同桐城文章难以从古典走向现代、不得不从中心退向边缘的种种历史现象,探讨桐城光焰自是而熸的内在缘由。

【Abstract】 This dissertation focuses on the inner relationship of Tongchen style and theraising of Xinxue.The first part of this dissertation studying on Tongchen style’s contributions andrevolution of importing and absorbing Xinxue through focusing on the Tongchen styleand diplomacy memoir by analyzing the diaries,travel stories and other kinds ofTongchen style articles of those Tongchen Literators who were also diplomats in thetime of Westernization Movement,such as:Guo Song-Tao,Xue Fu-Cheng,LiShu-Chang,and Wu Ru-Lun.The second part based on the thesis of“Tongchen style and the changing ofculture & education”,studying on how Tongchen style acclimatized and promoted thechanging of culture and education by analyzing the articles,teaching materials,andtextbooks which were compiled or translated or wrote by those Tongchen Literators,who were also educators around the time of Xinhai,such as:Ma Qi-Chang,YaoYong-Pu,Yao Yong-Gai,Yan Fu,Lin Shu.After that,the second part continuedifferentiating and analyzing phenomenon ofTongchen Pai and its Tongchen style hadto fade out of people’s concentration because of failed in changing from classicalismto adapt.to modernism,and the ultimate reason of the decline of Tongchen style at thetime of Xinxue while new culture and education system formed completely.

【关键词】 桐城文章新学兴起
【Key words】 Tongchen styleRaising of Xinxue
  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】633