

【作者】 崔红花

【导师】 金基石;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本研究属于不同语言之间的词类对比研究。汉语的区别词、韩国语的冠形词、日语的连体词在各自的语言中所属的词类范畴相同,三者均为专职的体词修饰词类。三者都是从形容词独立出来的新兴词类,目前对它们的研究尚不够充分。为了进一步揭示三者的特点,本论文对三者进行对比分析。语言对比大多在两种语言之间进行,本论文以三种语言作为研究对象,通过多项对比的方法,多方面、多角度考察了这一类词。在揭示三者特点的同时,从方法论上尝试了三种语言之间的对比研究。全文共分六章:第一章绪论部分,主要概述汉韩日词类研究概况、汉韩日体词修饰词类研究概况及对比研究现状,介绍本论文的研究对象、目的、意义及研究方法。第二章,根据三者与相关词类之间的联系与差异,制定新的区别词、冠形词、连体词的鉴别标准,设定对比研究范围,对三者进行了下位分类。第三章,主要对三者充当的句法成分、搭配功能、共现时的次序及层次关系、可否省略中心语等进行对比分析,归纳三者的语法功能异同。第四章,采用共时和历时相结合的方法,对三者的每个成员逐一考察其来源及相关的结构特点。单纯词考察其来源形式的性质或词源;复合词考察其结构特点及语素之间的组合关系;派生词考察其结构特点、词缀来源及词缀性质;外来词/汉字词考察其来源形式和原语的性质。第五章,采用三向对比的方法,考察区别词与韩日两语的对应关系、冠形词与汉日两语的对应关系、连体词与汉韩两语的对应关系,同时考察三者之间的对应情况,并对所呈现出的对应关系进行了解释。第六章是结论部分,总结本论文的研究工作,对汉韩日体词修饰词类发展趋势进行预测,指出辞典标注中存在的问题,归纳本论文的创新点及不足之处。

【Abstract】 This dissertation is about contrasts and comparisions of parts of speech in different languages.Qubieci in Chinese,Gwanhyoungsa in Korean and Rentaisi inJapanese belong to the same categery of parts of speech,which are professional Tici modifie rs.They all are the new indepent parts of speech developed fromadjectives.Howev er,they haven’t got enough attentions from researchers.To explore the features of t hem further,this research has made some contrasts,comparisons and analyses about these three kinds of words.This paper takes three languages as its research objects,different from the tradition al type of research which focuses on the contrasts and comparisons between two la nguages.It studies these three kinds of words from various aspects and by various methods.It examines the features of these three kinds of words,meanwhile,it also attemps to accumulate some research methods in making contrasts and comparisons among three languages.This dissertation consists of six chapters:Chapter one is the introduction.It covers the literature review of the research of pa rts of speech in Chinese,Korean and Japanese as well as that of Ticimodifiers and that of contrasts and comparisons.It also deals with the research objects,the purp oses,the significances as well as the methodology of this research.Chapter two deals with how to set up the distinguishing standards of Qubieci,Gwa nhyoungsa and Rentaisi,according to the connections and differences among these t hree kinds of words.It also studies the scope of comparion and contrast,as well a s the classification of them.Chapter three attempts to generalize the similarities and differences in grammarfunct ions of these three kinds of words,by comparing and contrasting their distributive features,collocation functions,exisiting sequences,hierarchical relationship and the omission of subjects.Chapter four makes a research about the origins and the related structure characteris tics of every member of these three kinds of words,by the combinations of synchr onic and diachronic methods.For single-morpheme words,it examines their characte ristics of the origin forms as well as their etymology;for compound words,it studi es their structure features and syntagmatic relations of morphemes;for derived word s,it shows their structure features,affix origins and affix features;for loanwords a nd Chinese words,it discovers their origin forms and the characteristics of them in the source languages.Chapter five explores the corresponding relations between Qubieci and their counter parts in Korean and Japanese,between Gwanhyoungsa and their counterparts in Chi nese and Japanese,between Rentaisi and their counterparts in Chinese and Korean. It takes the method of making three-dimensional comparion and contrast.It also inv estigates the corresponding relations among these three kinds of words and explains why they have such relationships.Chapter six is the conclusion.It concludes the whole research,predicts the developi ng tendencies of Tici modifiers in Chinese,Korean and Japanese,points out the pr oblems in labels in dictionaries,sums up the break pionts of this project as well as the questions deserved further studies.

  • 【分类号】H146
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】669