

【作者】 张达志

【导师】 韩昇;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国古代史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文旨在探讨唐代后期藩镇与州的关系。在朝廷、藩镇与州之间,存在着虚实结合的三角关系,朝廷为制约藩镇,一直努力促进与州的直达,因此,唐代后期,州的实力、地位和独立性在不断增强。朝廷在对跋扈藩镇的武力平定以及对顺服藩镇的牢固控制基础之上,采取一系列措施,弱化藩镇,尤其是在宪宗朝,通过归还刺史军权的改革和两税三分制的改革,使属州在军事和经济上逐渐摆脱藩镇的压制,自主性不断增强;而藩镇所领兵力及所掌留使钱,局限于治州范围之内,权力大为削弱。此外,裂地分镇、治州迁移、观察升节度等措施的实行,客观上造成州在藩镇内的相对地位和重要性显著提高。北宋太宗时,天下诸州直属朝廷,不隶藩镇,期间变化从唐代后期即已开始,藩镇的不断碎化和州的不断强大,经由五代时期的重新整合,最终演变为北宋地方政治的崭新格局。本文第一章和第二章从制度层面探讨唐代后期藩镇与州的行政往还和军力强弱;第三章和第四章以专题形式考察州镇建置和赋税问题,即是对唐代后期藩镇与州关系演变的整体关照。第五章通过对六州刺史孙公义墓志的解读,将前四章的内容融会贯通,进行深入阐发。孙公义墓志内容涉及广泛,既能验证前四章的结论,又能为研究的进一步深入提供契机,是本文选题的最佳案例。

【Abstract】 This thesis aims at the relationship of military governors and prefectures during theLate Tang.There was a triangular relationship among royal government,militarygovernors and prefectures.To restrain military governors,the royal government wasalways trying to keep direct touch with prefectures.So the strength,status andindependence of the prefectures were increased.The royal government adopted aseries of measures to weaken military governors after putting down the rebellion andfirmly controlling the obedient.Especially in the Dynasty of XianZong,through thereturn of military power to the prefectural governors and the reform of the TrisectionFinancial System of Liangshui,the dependent prefectures gradually broke away frommilitary governors and maintained independence.Otherwise,military governors’power was weakened greatly because their military strength and financial resourceswere confined to capital prefectures.Besides,many policies were carried out,such asdivision of military governors,migration of capital prefectures,and upgrade ofdependent prefectures,so that the status and importance of prefectures rose notably.During the reign of TaiZong in Northern Song Dynasty,all prefectures directlysubordinated to the royal government instead of military governors.In fact thischange started from the Late Tang.The split of military governors and enhancementof prefectures,via the new conformity in Five Dynasty,developed into a new setup oflocal politics in Northern Song Dynasty.The structure of this theme is made of fivechapters.The first two chapters probe into the administrative relationship betweenmilitary governors and prefectures and military strength in the later period of TangDynasty from systems.The third chapter and the fourth study the evolution and taxesof prefectures and military governors.The fifth chapter achieves mastery through acomprehensive study of the preceding four chapters,and elucidates in depth throughthe analysis of inscription on the memorial tablet within the tomb of Sun Gongyi whowere the governor of six prefectures.The inscription within the tomb of Sun Gongyihad substantial content,not only able to verify the conclusion of the preceding fourchapters,but also,as a good example,able to offer a good aspect to further study.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期
  • 【分类号】K242
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1201